The International Campaign for Real History

Posted Saturday, December 4, 2004

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David Irving comments:

SOMEBODY SENT ME this item; when I get the source I will add it. I have no desire to impugn the heroism of Jewish soldiers in any recent wars. I think it unlikely that anti-Semitism played any part in lack of recognition. Eisenhower certainly would never have stood for it.
   There were many tall stories told during WW2. One that aroused my curiosity was the RAF bomber crewman, Norman Jackson, who climbed out onto the wing of his stricken Lancaster with a fire extinguisher, and put out the blaze in one engine, before climbing back inside unscathed by the 200 mile per hour slipstream whipping past him.
   He was awarded the VC. I questioned a couple of his fellow crew members in 1961 or 1962, and they privately confirmed that nobody had witnessed this singular act of bravery -- though two had been required to testify otherwise in writing, as required to qualify Jackson for his medal.
   I also interviewed several airmen who took part in the Dams raid of May 1943. Their heroism was unquestionable, but they received nothing like the awards they deserved.
   And then there was the airman with whom I spoke, who had tumbled out of his crashing Lancaster without a parachute, fervently uttered his final prayers -- and landed in snow covered trees and survived, to face the ordeal of explaining to the German authorities how he had got there. He got no medal either.

Friday, December 3, 2004

[Interesting statistics on whether Jews did their bit or were adequately represented in the US armed forces]

Jews Demand 'Medals of Honor'

REP. Robert Wexler wants 138 Jews to receive the Medal of Honor, the country's highest award for bravery. He's reviewed the records.

Among the millions of Americans who fought in the Civil War, Indian Wars, Spanish American War, Philippine American War, Boxer Rebellion, Mexican War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and Mogadishu, just 3,440 received the Medal of Honor. 13 have been identified as Jews or half-Jews. (Note - According to the Army Chief of Chaplains Office, there are currently 1,488 active duty personel who identify as Jewish; that's out of a US population of around 5.5 million Jews.)

In may of 2001, the Israelites opened a new exhibit called "Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Recipients of the Medal of Honor" at the Orwellian "National Museum of American Jewish Military History" in Washington, D.C. Each year, countless busloads of gentile schoolchildren are made to tour the facility, often combined with a brainwashing visit to the luxurious "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum," for maximum impact.

After extensive research, museum curator Pamela Feltus announced, "There are 13 confirmed Jews." Unsatisfied with the number, the office of Rep. Robert Wexler, a Democrat, issued this statement: "It is impossible to know how many Jewish soldiers were denied the Medal of Honor due to prejudice." Josh Rogin of Wexler's office reminded reporters that a law was passed in 1996 on behalf of Asian veterans who were victims of "racism." Following a review of their records, 21 Asians received the Medal of Honor -- from President Bill Clinton.

Wexler and his fellow Jews decided to do the same -- review the records, and were able to identify 138 veterans who, they believe, were gypped out of their Medals of Honor due to "anti-Semitism." Wexler was particularly upset by the fact that no Jews were among the 136 recipients of that award in the Korean Conflict. "Those figures are peculiar. They seem to indicate a discrepancy. There has been discrimination," he squawked.

Wexler began by forcing an official review of Leonard Kravitz's war record. Kravitz received a Distinguished Service Cross, posthumously, after his best friend and fellow Jew, Mitchel Libman, offered eyewitness testimony concerning Kravitz's alleged heroism in the Korean War. The two had grown up together in Brooklyn.

According to Libman, on March 7, 1951, Kravitz's platoon was attacked by a large number of Chinese soldiers. The machine gunner was killed and Kravitz took his place. The unit was ordered to retreat, but Kravitz refused to leave his machine gun, providing cover for his fellow soldiers and drawing Chinese fire down on him, instead of his retreating comrades. When the hill was retaken, Kravitz was [according to Libman] found dead on his machine gun, surrounded by dead Chinese troops.

The Pentagon reviewed Libman's eyewitness testimony, and refused to upgrade Kravitz's decoration to the Medal of Honor. The decision did not please Wexler, who responded by creating something called "The Leonard Kravitz Jewish War Veterans Act of 2001." The quickly-passed law required the Pentagon to "review the records" of 138 Jewish war veterans, identified by organized Jewry as deserving of the Medal of Honor. (Kravitz's records must now be re-reviewed.)

In May of 2002, Jew Benjamin Salomon became the first beneficiary of the Israel lobby's new law, posthumously. He was killed in combat during WW2. Although there were no witnesses, imaginative experts were able to piece together what happened. And it is quite amazing. The following is a synopsis of the official tale.

Bennie Salomon was a 29-year-old dentist with the 27th Infantry Division who was on Saipan in July 1944. Somehow his dental tent was erected just 30 yards behind the front lines.

5,000 Japanese soldiers hit the Regiment's 2,000 strong 1st and 2d Battalions. It was one of the largest attacks attempted in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Although both units fought furiously, the enemy soon penetrated the Battalions' combined perimeter and inflicted hundreds of casualties.

30 wounded soldiers walked and crawled into Captain Salomon's tent. As the perimeter began to be overrun, it became increasingly difficult for Captain Salomon to work on the wounded.

When Japanese began bayoneting wounded soldiers outside his dental station, Salomon went into battle mode. Crouching behind his dental chair he shoots the first Jap. Next he sees two Japs crawling under the tent - he draws his 45 and plugs them. Four more attack and Salomon rushes them. He kicks the knife out of the hand of one, shots another, and bayonets a third. He head butts the fourth Jap who is then shot by his dental orderly.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Salomon ordered the battalion and the wounded to retreat while he attempted to hold off the enemy until they were clear.

Salomon took a rifle from a wounded soldier and rushed out of the tent. After four men were killed while manning a machine gun, Salomon took control of it.

The next day, finger still on the machine gun trigger, Salomon was found dead, surrounded by 98 dead Japanese soldiers. Salomon had killed so many men that he had been forced to move the gun four different times in order to get a clear field of fire. There were seventy-six bullet holes in his body. A doctor was called over to examine him, and announced that twenty-four of the wounds had been suffered before he died.

There were no witnesses, but it wasn't hard to put the story together. One could easily visualize Salomon, wounded and bleeding, trying to drag that gun a few more feet so that he would have a new field of fire. The blood was on the ground, and the marks plainly indicated how hard it must have been for him, especially in that last move.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense declined Salomon's Medal of Honor recommendation, stating that it was based on circumstantial information. According to Wexler, the real reason is "anti-Semitism."

With the passing of "The Leonard Kravitz Jewish War Veterans Act of 2001," and the signing into law of the FY 2002 Defense Authorization Act, the Israel lobby's campaign for Benjamin Salomon to receive his "long overdue recognition" finally ended. On 1 May 2002, President George W. Bush presented the Medal of Honor to the USC School of Dentistry. The medal itself will go on display at the Army Dental Corps headquarters in San Antonio. A replica will be "enshrined" at the USC Dental School.

The "Hall of Heroes" exhibit has added Salomon's name to the list. That's 14 and counting.
Our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitismn

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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