I still wonder what did happen on Diego
Garcia on December 26? To put it bluntly:
Do the US armed forces still possess a B52
strategic bomber force or not?

12, 2005 (Saturday) Jackson
(Mississippi) -- Atlanta (Georgia) -- A Mike
Kilroy" writes: "I see that you are apparently
wrong in saying that Professor Lipstadt was
avoiding you in the trial. In her
words she wanted this very much and only
avoided taking the witness stand because her
lawyers advised her that it is not the tradition.
There was nothing she could add since her book
spoke for itself, with the help of a few lawyers
who did actually discuss it." He continues, Since it is unnatural for her to back
down from a direct discussion with you, perhaps
it's time you took the bull by the horns and
offered to discuss this with her publicly? Or
are you perhaps hesitant to tangle directly with
a professor with Lipstadt's international
reputation? I think she would probably jump at
the chance to discuss this with you on radio. I reply: "You are wrong. Lipstadt has always
stated since the 1990s that she would never debate
with Holocaust 'deniers'. That is one reason why I
forced her into court. There she adopted the same
stance. She could have overruled her lawyers at any
time, I was suing her, not them . They knew she
would lose the case for them the moment she opened
her ugly mouth." As I say later in the evening, in Atlanta, when
Lipstadt bleats that she would dearly have loved to
testify in person, if only her lawyers had not told
her not to, that is like my saying I was eager all
along to fight Mike Tyson, but my doctors advised
me against. Set out for Atlanta around 8 a.m., and drive
hard all morning and afternoon. Arrive at the Diner
at 4:10 pm, and set up; a large camera crew is
there setting up to film the evening for C-Span.
Eight men, two cameras. Around thirty or forty of
my guests show up, -- the people I identify in my
opening remarks as my Atlanta Support Group -- and
they fill the room nicely for dinner. I delivered a
reasonable talk on the Lipstadt Trial, which I have
been mulling over in my heard for the last 3,500
miles, i.e. the last ten days' driving. Sam has advised me not to describe her as a
simpleton; no great victories over those, let alone
defeats. He is polite about the talk afterwards. I
forget to ask the crew for a tape. Off again way after midnight, after reloading
the red Suburban. Arrived at Adairsville (Georgia)
at 2 a.m., after turning down numerous Asian-run
fleapit hotels on the way. March
12, 2005 (Saturday) Cincinnati
(Ohio) THE credit card given me last night in
Louisville by one Robert Wr. to charge for books,
etc., has been declined; that's a curse. $65 out of
pocket over that.  Interesting news reports from Germany that two
young German "scholars" have discovered that
manuscript written by two of Hitler's closest
staff, Otto
Günsche (with me, above, at right
in 1982) and Heinz Linge, for their KGB
interrogators. Amazing how often such things get
discovered, and rediscovered, and then rediscovered
all over again. The German publisher, Lübbe, is holding
a press conference on this sensational "find"
tomorrow. I put both German and British publishers
of this document on notice that I got there first,
as usual. To the British firm, John Murray Ltd., I
write: Kindly make plain in your publicity for
the new book on Stalin's Book on Hitler that it
was not "first discovered" by the two young
German authors, recently, but was used by me in
the 1960s in writing my famous Hitler biography
War" (latest edition, Millennium Edition,
2002); it was served up to me by a KGB
intelligence officer who had access to such
items.I checked its authenticity with both Heinz
Linge and my friend Otto Günsche, and I
donated a copy to the Institut
für Zeitgeschichte in Munich, where it
has been part of the Irving Collection since the
1980s. No doubt you have obtained permission to
use the copyright in the document from the
families of Linge and Günsche. The book has been referenced as a source
document used by me in every edition of the
Hitler biography since the first Hodder &
Stoughton edition in 1977 and the German edition
two years earlier. Unwitting people who read
your publicity may think I was lying, if you
persist in calling the two German authors the
first to discover and use the document. That
would be a very defamatory inference, which no
doubt you would wish to avoid making, now that
you have been put on notice as to the truth. I write much the same to Verlagsgruppe
Lübbe, the German publisher. They have sent
out invitations to journalists and Hitler experts
to attend their press conference on the book. No
doubt their invitation to me got lost in the
mail. Würden Sie bitte so nett sein und
in ihren Pressemitteilungen entweder die
Behauptung unterlassen, Ihr Autore (Die
Herausgeber Henrik Eberle und Matthias Uhl, zwei
junge Wissenschaftler aus Berlin bzw.
Halle/Saale") haben das Dokument entdeckt und
als erste veröffentlicht? Oder wenigstens
erwähnen, daß ich das Dokument schon
1970 für meine sehr bekannte, 1975 bei
Ullstein/Propyläen erschienenem Werk
Hitler und seine Feldherren und auch bei
sämtlichen späteren Editionen, etwa
Hitler's War" (Millennium Edition, 2002)
verwendete.Es wurde mir von sowjetischer Seite schon
damals, Ende der sechsziger Jahre, zugespielt.
Es steht auch ganz eindeutig in dem
Quellenapparat des Werkes. Ich habe auch
seinerzeit mit Heinz Linge und meinem Freund
Otto Günsche ausführlich über die
Echtheit und das Entstehen des Dokuments
korrespondiert, denn mir stand nur die russische
Übersetzung zur Verfügung; ich wollte
lieber den deutschen Originaltext verwenden. Die Entdeckung war wenigstens Herrn
Günsche schon damals nicht sehr genehm.
Wenn Ihr Verlag diese Lage nicht klarstellt,
wofür ich um eine Bestätigung bitte,
werde ich die Tatsache selber bekanntgeben.
Meine Fotokopie des Manuscripts liegt
übrigens schon seit Jahrzehnten beim
Institut für Zeitgeschichte in München
in der Sammlung Irving, mit dem erwähntem Linge und Günsche." 
ONE of my many overseas contacts and web monitors
sends me an interesting nugget about the Indian
Ocean island of Diego Garcia (right), about whose
fate in the tsunami there has been much Interrnet
speculation since Colin Powell dismissed a
reporter's query on the following day with the
remark: "I don't know." (Don't know?)
The reporter's question was justified, given
that the minimum swell generated by the tsunami,
which went on past D-G to devastate Ceylon, was
estimated at six feet at that point, and the
island's average height is only four feet above sea
level. When fully loaded with B2 bombers and B52s
and their lethal "assets," the island -- which is
one gigantic sea-level airfield, may of course sink
a millimeter or two lower. Anyway, I can now draw Mr Powell's attention to
this item tucked away on the Internet, entitled
of Defense News: Contracts for March 10, 2005,
which indicates that a small Illinois business,
Supply Core Inc., Rockford, Ill , has been awarded
a one hundred million dollar contract for
"maintenance, repair and operations" works to Diego
Garcia etc. Isn't that sum roughly the same as
President Bush, after some arm twisting, made
available as the US relief contribution to the
tsunami- devastated countries? So I still wonder what did happen on Diego
Garcia on December 26? To put it bluntly: Do the US
armed forces still possess a B52 strategic bomber
force or not? [Previous
Radical's Diary] 
Press reports: Stalin's
"Hitler Book"