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New Release

Hitler's War

A new, fully-updated Millennium Edition (2001) has now been printed and simultaneously uploaded to the Internet. This fully-indexed book has over 1,000 pages, including 60 in-text illustrations and 40 pages of rare b/w and colour photos. First published in 1977.
Go to download page

The original 1977 edition is also available online

The War Path (1978) | Spanish

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Hitler's War

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• Complete list of David Irving’s books, in chronological order
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Churchill’s War
Vol. II: Triumph in Adversity
The second volume
of this three-volume series.
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Nuremberg, the Last Battle

The cover shows Justice Robert H. Jackson delivering his opening speech at Nuremberg in November 1945. This 1.4-Mbyte PDF file can be read by Adobe Acrobat reader version 3.01 or later.
Go to download page

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Hitler's War

Complete Series Of

Smoke And The Heart

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This Dark Road to Mercy
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Liar Of Dreams
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Before The Devil Breaks You
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Now You See Me
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