- Rowohlt edition
| Bertelsmann
editionDavid Irving's famous
in Ungarn: die
Tragödie eines Volkes is now available
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inside Budapest story on David Irving's
Book Hungarian
edition, publ. 2003: free download (2
MB) Mr
Irving's book-launch tour Oct
2003 | Draft
dustjacket text (1979) We are indebted
to Linda Nelson of Chicago for preparing the PDF
editions of the English, Magyar, and German
See too: Miklos
Vasarhelyi obituary | A
Radical's Diary | draft
dustjacket (1979) | German
edition dustjacket text
Hungarian uprising of 1956 was a spontaneous
rebellion by a nation against the rule from
Moscow - against the faceless, indifferent,
incompetent functionaries (the 'funkies'
David Irving calls them, adapting the
Hungarian word funkcionáriusók)
who in little more than a decade had turned
their country into a pit of Marxist misery. But
this fluttering of a national spirit was brief:
the Soviet Union crushed the uprising with a
brutality that shocked the western world.The full story has never
before been told. David Irving's search for
material and documents took him to the great
cities of the northern hemisphere. He questioned
survivors in Moscow, Munich, Geneva, Paris,
London, New York, Verona, Rome and Madrid - he
obtained clearance of previously un-obtainable
records in Washington relating to the role of
the CIA, Radio Free Europe, and United States
diplomacy. In Kansas he worked through the
records of Eisenhower, American president
at the time. In Toronto he found and interviewed
Budapest's police chief, who had been recently
amnestied from life imprisonment by the
Hungarians. Irving was officially
permitted to visit Budapest several times. He
traced and talked with eye-witnesses and
survivors there and obtained new documents and
photographs from them. He questioned the men who
had been kidnapped, exiled, imprisoned and put
on trial with the Prime Minister, Imre Nagy, who
was sentenced to death, as well as members of
Nagy's family.It is Irving's assessment of
Imre Nagy that will, perhaps, raise
eyebrows, as well as his discovery among
official records of evidence that anti-Semitism
was one of the motors of the popular discontent.
He has made use of hundreds of interrogation
reports prepared at the time by American
agencies, and supports this material with the
diaries of diplomats and western journalists who
went into Hungary. The result is a compelling
autopsy of a failed rebellion. Irving offers
views from inside the council chambers of the
powerful as well as from street level. The
rebels are given names, personalities and
profiles thanks to the detailed records of the
American psychiatrists who saw them. It is a
book with a cast of ten million, a study that
counterpoints concrete examples with humour as
David Irving shows just how a rebellious urge
could erupt from within a nation. |
. . a forthright journalistic profile of the
1956 anti-Russian Hungarian
revolt. . . A vivid but lurid,
exclamatory book that will further enrage
professional historians. -- The Sunday
The book's ... achievement: the piecing together
of an astoundingly detailed account, almost
shot-by-shot, of the street fighting in central
Budapest from the first phase on 23 October to
the final Soviet counter-offensive in the early
hours of 4 November. . . A work which must have
taken years to write and research. -- The
The result is a narrative which is
extraordinarily powerful, indeed compelling. Its
first merit is that it makes the street fighting
clear . . . the radio station, the headquarters
of the secret police, the Kilián barracks
. . . . The great merit of Irving's book is that
it has a sense of perspective. --- New
David Irving . . . is a marvellous example of
that new breed of right-wing
propagandist-cum-historian . . . Respectable
historians such as A.J.P. Taylor have praised
Irving as a 'patient researcher of unrivalled
industry and success.' Irving is obviously
envied by his colleagues for his ability to win
the confidence of retired Nazi officials who
provided him with the diaries and other Hitler
memorabilia necessary for his revisionist
scoops. Irving is, after all, the first Western
historian chosen by the Budapest regime to be
given access to material on the 1956 revolution.
-- New Statesman |
Klappentext [written by Albrecht Knaus Verlag,
Bertelsmann-Gruppe] oben:
Toronto, März 1979: David Irving
(links) mit Sándor Kopácsi, dem
Polizeipräsidenten von Budapest in der Zeit
des Aufstandes.unten:
Moskau, April 1978: David Irving bei
Generaloberst Batow, dem ehemaligen
Oberbefehlshaber der russischen Truppen, die den
Aufstand in Budapest niederschlugen.
Vor 30 Jahren - zwischen dem 23. Oktober und
dem 4. November 1956 - standen die verzweifelten
Ungarn gegen ihre kommunistischen Machhaber auf:
die Tragödie eines Volkes nahm ihren
Lauf Zwölf Jahre vor ihrem Einmarsch in
Afghanistan rückten russische Truppen in
Prag ein; zwölf Jahre zuvor schlugen sie in
Ungarn den Freiheitskampf nieder. Was geschah
damals wirklich? Nicht nur in Budapest und der
Provinz, sondern gleichzeitig in Moskau, Paris
und London, in Washington, in New York und
daneben in Jerusalem und Kairo? David Irving, einer der
meistbeachteten und zugleich meistdiskutierten
Zeithistoriker, hat sechs Jahre an dieser ersten
umfassenden Darstellung der ungarischen
Tragödie gearbeitet. So entstand ein brillantes, zwingendes Buch
voll dramatischer Details: ein
außerordentliches Zeitdokument, das heute,
30 Jahre nach der Tragödie, aktueller denn
je ist.