bj Documents on the International Campaign for Real History
First posted Tuesday, January 15, 2013
© Focal Point 2012
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Your reply smacks strongly of the old Nazi methods. You Germans still click your heels and salute, and only the armbands are missing.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAHUGO has telephoned the Pensions Service: "After asking me a few very simple questions like my date of birth and my post code, the, er, person of colour told me that I had failed the security test.
- 'What security test?' I asked.
- 'The questions I just asked you.' she said.
- 'How is that possible? I answered every question correctly.'
- 'I'm not allowed to say.'
- 'Well, read my answers back to me and I'll tell you where "we" went wrong.'
- 'I can't do that.'
- 'Well give me another security test'
- 'I am not allowed to do that either.'
- 'So what happens next? I need to sort this problem out.'
- 'There's nothing I can do because you failed the security test.'
- 'Well, give me somebody who can help me.'
- 'I can't do that because you failed the security test.'
- 'So what can I do?'
- 'I don't know but I can't help you because you failed the security test.'
- 'I'll telephone again and I hope that this time I will speak to someone who speaks English.'
"When I left Africa to come to England," says Hugo, "I thought I was entering a land of literacy and efficiency. Unfortunately Africa seems to have followed me."
I reply to Hugo:
- I rocked with laughter. What a lovely letter. You should be a writer. Lovely blondes will be all over you -- and then I can steer them into some paunchy Australian's arms to spite you.
I THANK the latest Minneapolis-riot researcher, who has sent me a list of links of photos, blogs, etc.
I write to Susan Kikuchi, one of the rioters (left):
As you know we have identified you and others, from high resolution photographs which were taken, among the people who invaded my lecture in the Graves 601 hotel, and we are preparing to turn the entire dossier over to the Minneapolis police. The police inform us that they also have CCTV coverage.Considerable criminal damage was done by one whom we have identified, which will be the object of a detailed criminal complaint. You are demonstrably all part of the group involved in a common felony, and as such face getting criminal convictions. Perhaps you do not care, but you should.
You may not have known that your comrades intended to committed the felony, but that is no defence in law. It may well be that you were unaware of the serious consequences. A criminal conviction will affect your job prospects, as all employers now search the Internet before hiring. In the public interest we have already identified you by name on our page, which employers will find.
More seriously, a criminal conviction is liable to result in your being banned from the European Union and other countries for at least ten years.
I return the car to Key West airport, and make an appointment for an eye check up. Last time they diagnosed macular degeneration, which may well become a serious worry. The North Roosevelt Blvd will be torn up for the next three years, which will kill a lot of the local businesses. Fortunately, for us bikers the sidewalk track is kept open. I have biked around a lot this afternoon, and my knees are bleating to each other.
Supper at Mangia Mangia: grilled salmon as usual.
7:28 p.m I send five photos to my German lawyer of me privately laying flowers at the Auschwitz execution wall in 2007 and 2011: "Anders als die deutsche Historikerschaft habe ich privat auf eigenen Kosten die in Polen befindlichen, weit verstreuten Vernichtungsstätten Auschwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek/Lublin, Sobibor, und Belzec besucht."
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Key West, Florida, USA
ARNE Qualey asks: "Will Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich see a second edition?"
9:30 a.m I answer: "We have all the files ready, with all the original colour photos, but I need around 8,000 pounds as capital to print 2,000 copies. We have a first class printer ready, and they have estimated. Lots of customers are waiting..."
12:13 p.m to Jessica: "I sent you a question yesterday about your birthday. Just off to the post office here on my bike. Fitness is important, and I hope you are attending to that. It will help you to concentrate. Mens sana in sano corpore. I am glad that the speaking tour here is over, it was getting a bit nerve wracking. Daddy."
Jessica replies from the west of England: "Hi! Sorry. I'm always hideously busy here. I'm glad your tour is over I felt very stressed out reading the talk of riots etc. I have been doing kickboxing and zumba weekly."
6:26 p.m I write to Mrs D., my bookstore manager: "United Storage in Indiana just phoned me. They have had a call from Little Angel in Australia, who is asking that the contract be changed to our name. Their nearest branch is in Miami, an eight-hour round trip from here.."
Friday, November 30, 2012
Key West, Florida, USADan M. writes from Leamington, Ontario:
You were brought to my attention through videos of the late great Christopher Hitchens (above). Since then, I've watched just about everything on youtube I could. I must say as a Canadian, I am ashamed that we have caused you so much trouble for just speaking the truth. I'm would very much like to see you in person, but I will not be able to because some elected officials feel that they needed to make laws to"protect' me from what you might say. . .I reply after breakfast at 8:42 a.m: "Hitchens was a good friend of mine, a brave Englishman (one who could not be bought or bought off, as I occasionally say about myself). I only wish he could have kicked the nicotine habit which finally carried him away. He hosted a fine dinner for me at Washington DC, the Cosmos Club, years before the Austrian secret police ambushed me and imprisoned me, and I occasionally called in to see him, while keeping at a distance in his own interest, if you know what I mean! There are Gestapos everywhere."
KARL H. phones from Germany for five minutes: ZDF, their second television channel, is planning a film on the Hitler Diaries Scandal to be broadcast on the thirtieth anniversary, April 2013, and will film me in London in January.
Nicola Gary / Erdpresser has had a change of heart: "Hello David, I've just had a look at your titles, but I'd prefer not to work on with this subject-matter, I'm sure you'll understand."
I had wondered how long it would take. I wonder now if she is Jewish? N'importe quoi.
I reply at once: "Ah! Seems you are less open-minded than I am. Never mind." -- It was she who approached me, for a job; not the other way around.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAJUSTIN B. writes: "I watched a program on the BBC recently regarding the code breaking: If Hitler really did have any knowledge or gave orders to liquidate Jews at any concentration camp -- surely this would provide proof as we were able to crack it. I'm sure if we had cracked any such message it would be revealed to us by now?"
I reply: "That is a good point, Justin. The only intercepts I have (so far) seen, and I have read about a million of them, show that knowledge of what was going on in this respect was at a much lower level, effectively Heydrich downwards."
Hugo likes the latest Radical's Diary:
I'm amazed that you had the stamina to undertake your speaking tour entirely on your own, driving hundreds of miles each day, lugging books into hotels, giving your talks, going into battle with various antifa zoo-escapees and dealing with your correspondence on top of all that. You must feel exhausted.Your observation of "Not a Black face to be seen in Montana ..." reminded me of the times I used to go climbing in the Alps. During the day the climbers are dotted about on the mountains but in the evening they converge onto the various mountain huts to eat, sleep and be merry (the dormitories are multi-sexual). However, you never - ever - see a Black face among them.
The climbers are Germans, Swiss, Austrians, Italians (who, though dressed and equipped for the part, sensibly ascend in cable cars and inform their friends on their mobile telephones which peaks they're speaking from) and a handful of English though interestingly most of the mountains were first"conquered' by Englishmen and it is also the English who designed the best mountaineering equipment. I need hardly say that it was Europeans that first climbed Africa's two highest mountains, Mt Kenya and Mt Kilimanjaro. Superstition, indolence and an innate lack of curiosity kept the indigenous population firmly in the plains.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI TELL Hugo: "I think upon reflection my birthday banquet will be in the Breidenbacher Hof, Düsseldorf, Germany."
I spend an hour reading the court file on the 1944 trial of Carl Langbehn (above) and Johannes Popitz, which I found in Allen Dulles' papers at Princeton; rather depressing, knowing what became of them.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAAN hour-long session with the optician. He pronounces my eyesight twenty-twenty as regards quantity, developing normal age problems, but no macular degeneration. He administers eye-drops to get a better look at the interior, and I cycle back to the apartment in a low drizzle with my eyesight totally blurred by the drops.
I cycle over to a Cuban greasy-spoon for supper but they are closed for maintenance; so in total darkness I cycle on to the Rusty Anchor, and have a fish and chips basket. Albert appears there with his weird carpenter friend, which protracts the evening, and it is nine-thirty before I get back.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAMRS D. has had an odd message from our Little Angel now Down Under. I suggest she answers: "David is full of the warmest memories of your three years together, and only very rarely adds any criticisms."
Hugo writes:
Thank you for the copy of the BAOR report on the death of Rudolf Hess in 1987. I saw the report at the time it was issued when I was working with the British Military Government in Berlin.I am not sure it contains everything. What is not mentioned is the fact that Hess hated one of the American guards ["No. 2," Jordan] because he was Black. He and the Black soldier did not disguise their contempt for one another and sometimes each gave the other"lip'. It was this particular soldier who was guarding Hess when he was in the garden house on the day he died.
Unlike the Russian guards who stared unblinkingly at him the whole time, the Western Allied guards tended to stand to one side to give him a bit of privacy, only looking into the garden house every ten minutes or so to check that he was alright. It was the Black US soldier who saw something was amiss and raised the alarm. The question which springs to mind is whether he hindered or helped Hess from this world into the next. He had the time and opportunity to do what he liked.
I think it unlikely that there was any foul play because, of course, there was the suicide note, even though it seems rather garbled. Of course, it could be that Hess chose to do the deed on that particular day in order to make trouble for soldier he disliked. We will never know.
A puzzling inquiry about my eldest daughter comes from writer Alex Kurtagic,:
I am currently working in a book-length biography of Jonathan Bowden, and Josephine Irving has surfaced in his early writings. It seems Jonathan knew an Anglo-Italian. . . The gentleman in question had a varied career and went through a phase of dressing up in Victorian garb. It seems J.B. knew him while he lived in London's East end, back in the early 1990s.I confirm that Josephine knew him: "Poor Josephine, God rest her soul, was seeing an Anglo-Italian in the 1980s. I saw the guy once or twice; he wore a floor length overcoat, and reminded me of the Artful Dodger. At the time the Lord took her in 1999, she was married to Spencer Tucker, who was disabled. . ." I add: " I lost my fourth daughter to Australia (Brisbane); she married a wonderful carpenter, but of course I am banned from Australia by the politicians and unable to visit her and her children. When I was imprisoned, she came to Vienna to visit me in jail, and was allowed to bring in one child (but not her husband!)"
At seven pm (midnight UK) I write to Jessica: "Hi Jessica, I want to be the first to say Happy Birthday to you! Hope you're still studying hard!"
RON G. fills me in on Jeremy Hammond who led the violent attack on our dinner in the Edelweiss restaurant in Chicago in 2009:
According to Wikipedia: "Lulz Security, commonly abbreviated as LulzSec, was a computer hacker group that claimed responsibility for several high profile attacks, including the compromise of user accounts from Sony Pictures in 2011. The group also claimed responsibility for taking the CIA website offline. . .
"Associates and former members. . . "Anarchaos -- Identified as Jeremy Hammond of Chicago, he was arrested on access device fraud and hacking charges. He was also charged with a hacking attack on the U.S. security company Stratfor in December 2011."
Despite his thuggish and criminal inclinations, I can't help feeling that Jeremy Hammond is a very clever man, of the order of Alan Turing, and that the authorities here may, or should, approach him with an offer to work for them in the coming cyber-war. It will be interesting to see, if one ever does in such cases, whether he accepts or prefers to stay in jail (if he ever is sentenced), for his principles.
SUPPER in the evening with Albert at Bobalou's. It is empty but for us and the waitresses. Albert asks about Susanna, of whom he still thinks very highly. I did also. I assume he is referring to Susanna Scott-Gall, "SSG", who was here with me when I was writing Hess in 1986. We drove down here -- it was our first time in the Keys -- not being satisfied with a then very run-down Miami Beach. I did not know Albert had met her. As I am telling him about her fling with a wealthy, paunchy Australian called Neil, and my sonnet beginning,
- Susanna's in love with a fellow called Neil.
- To me he seems a bit of a heel . . .
and her anxious wait for the Letter from Down Under which the aforesaid Neil had promised her, the bored café-owner wanders over and without a pause interrupts for a lengthy and inane gossip with Albert, who sees nothing odd in this boorish American behaviour.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI INFORM Kevin: "Famous Piranha is at this moment in Florida bearing down on Key West for two days with Ma and child in tow. Raining here, no sunshine today."
Never one to mince his words, he chokes:
I hope you will not be receiving the felonious bitch. And hide your credit cards . . . I would not let that thieving slag anywhere near your home.I reply just: Tinkle, tinkle.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Key West, Florida, USABBC news reports just now that London police have arrested Max Clifford in connection with the Jimmy Saville case, accused of sexual offences. How are the Mighty Falling! Pity they can't involve Lipstadt somehow too.
German schoolteacher Günter Deckert copies to me this letter sent by a Ministerialrat at the German embassy in Ottawa to an inquirer, a Mr Henderson. It is snooty and ignorant.
- It exceeds the capacity of this Embassy to find out exactly what the notorious neo-nazi Deckert did this time. To get an idea about this man you might want to check him out on Wikipedia:
- Just let me add that if you translate foreign documents to deny the Holocaust or to incite racial hatred you are punishable under German law.
- Kind regards,
- Georg Jürgens
- Minister-Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission
- Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
- E-mail:[email protected]
I put down my pen and send this immediate letter to Ministerialrat Jürgens:
I am astonished that in a reply to a Canadian inquiring about Germany's imprisonment of Günter Deckert, a school teacher, you have referred to Wikipedia's entry on him as an authority. Wikipedia!Are you not aware that certain of Wikipedia's entries are now strictly controlled, locked-down, by bodies of highly-motivated Marxists, and that any amendment of their smears is eliminated within seconds of insertion?
Your reply smacks strongly of the old Nazi methods. You Germans still click your heels and salute, and only the armbands are missing. Lediglich das Vorzeichen hat sich geändert.
He does not reply. Chastened, consumed by embarrassment, no doubt.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Key West, Florida, USA
TODAY is Pearl Harbor day. Last year The Christian Science Monitor quoted Hitler as saying when told the news:
"We can't lose the war at all. We now have an ally which has never been conquered in 3,000 years," a jubilant Hitler said, as recounted in Mr. Kershaw's authoritative biography of the German leader.I have never read his books, so I wonder where Ian Kershaw found it? I don't remember him being there when Walther Hewel's beautiful widow Blanda Benteler (right) exclusively handed me her late husband's diary in the 1960s, which I was the first then to quote, in Hitler's War (1977): reporting Hitler's reaction, I wrote:
To Walther Hewel he rejoiced: "Now it is impossible for us to lose the war: we now have an ally who has never been vanquished in three thousand years, and another ally," referring to the Italians, "who has constantly been vanquished but has always ended up on the right side."Kershaw also boasted to The New York Times that he was the first historian to use the Goebbels Diaries found in the KGB archives.
I wrote him a friendly letter -- I did not recall him sitting next to me in the Moscow KGB archives in June 1992, as I unknotted the string which had tied up those dusty boxes of Agfa glass plates ever since 1945.
Yes, it is the "authoritative" Mr Kershaw who gets the knighthood, while I get the slime. I wonder why?
I wonder whose books will stand the test of time.
I cycle out to the Rusty Anchor for supper; it is a balmy evening and little breeze either way, but it is moonless and pitch dark and there are many oncoming cyclists without lights.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAANOTHER heavy night, thanks to the crab cake. Dal McG replies from NZ: I had written him, "Hope you enjoy the DVD Dal. Seems like only yesterday I met you at the South Pacific Hotel in Auckland in 1987. Now I am banned from NZ -- thanks to Helen Clark and those who bankrolled her party."
Hello David
I am pleasantly surprised to read you remember me. I am about to order a couple of your books, Vol.ii on Churchill and the Nuremberg Trial. I have a very clear recall of our meeting. I had attempted to give you a copy of my just published book on the Afrikakorps, "Rommel's Army in Africa". You politely turned it down pointing out you already had enough baggage to take back to the UK. In our conversation following on I was massively embarrassed to be reminded by you I had forgotten the date was the anniversary of Rommel's death. You and I met in the guest lounge of the South Pacific Hotel on October 14, 1987.Since that night in 1987 I have every year written in my diary the dates of birth and death for people I have admiration and respect for. Yes, I include you, born March 24, 1938, still going strong.
Our next meeting was a couple of years later, on a night you were running from meeting place to meeting place staying ahead of those who were intent on disrupting you. I listened to you speak that night in a church hall in Ranfurly Road in Epsom [New Zealand]. The hall is still there and I think of that night every time I drive past it.
I join with other people around the world in saying"thanks" for your hard work and personal sacrifice. I am one of many who owe you my gratitude for everything you have done to promote the real and true history of WWII, going against the approved official versions.
I come clean - partly: At 7:49 a.m I reply, "Dear Dal,
I would like to boast of a good memory, but it wouldn't be entirely true. I know you are four years younger than I. I loved that NZ tour, and I am furious that Helen Clark did a volte face within seven days and banned my entry in Sept 2004.I had a lady working with me on that 1987 tour, Pat Donnelly, now married, who was totally zonked by the five overnight flights and when we finally got to Dunedin (NZ] she snatched my notes from my hands and shredded them; alas, it seems a common reaction among the ladies who have worked with me. I am the common denominator in these episodes, if not the lowest.
Did you pursue your 1987 idea of getting a job in Germany? I think you were better advised to stay where you are! I have three books left in me, but they are taking longer and longer to write. I blame computerisation.
SO far the attempt to get people to sign on again for monthly donations has been a failure.
Jessica phones from the west of England, she needs £622 cash tomorrow to put a rental deposit on a flat. If she does not get it by tomorrow her friends will lose their deposits also. No problem, I say, silently gulping, I will get the cash to her by Western Union (Grrr) today. The plus side: Jessica is becoming entrepreneurial and independent.
12:33 p.m a lengthy phone call from Western Union in New Jersey (a Hispanic female caller), checking on the bona fides of my transfer to Jessica. I call them crooks and thieves, and can I check on their bona fides first?
I bike out to the Rusty Anchor for supper, feeling fit. Broiled Yellowtail.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAMrs D. asks: "Are we selling Goebbels? I have never had a copy to sell so I don't know. Why don't you get it printed like all the other Rommels etc?
7:52 a.m I tell her, "I am hoping somebody will put up £8,000 capital to enable us to print it in colour like the original edition."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI BIKE over to the Rusty Anchor on Stock Island for prime rib and to read The New York Times; such a great newspaper now. It's about six miles each way. A great ride back again in pitch darkness. There has been no Moon at all for five days. I hope nothing has happened to it.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Key West, Florida, USATO Paloma: "Christmas Day luncheon in Shoreditch: I have taken the liberty of inviting Hugo."
Hugo writes to ask where Shoreditch is, then: "Oh, I know now. It's where Cockneys live, or used to live. I won't know for certain but I will keep you informed."
Friday, December 14, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAMUNICH seems to have thrown in the towel and paid the court costs for our victory. Hah!
As I cycle out to the Rusty Anchor for an early supper, I notice that the flags on public buildings are at half mast.
TIME will show whether she has made a foolish choice, says Hugo, dilating once more his favourite topic.
I say: "Men do not last long with her, as history has shown. Wealth is no substitute for character, I warned her a year ago. Once the ready wealth has gone, then. . ."
THERE HAS been a horrible shooting incident yesterday morning in Newtown, Connecticut, a typical peaceful New England community, and largely White to judge by the news pictures. Adam Lanza, 20, took some of his mother's five automatic handguns and assault rifles, shot her dead, and then drove to the Sandy Hook school where she taught, and shot dead twenty infants aged 5 to 10 and their head teacher and the school psychologist in an hour-long rampage from nine-thirty, as though he was walking around inside a violent video-game. All the guns were lawfully owned, it seems. In which case, it must follow, there is something fundamentally wrong with the country's laws.
He was a disturbed, i.e. schizophrenic, young man, as we learn from hints that are dropped during the day. In the evening I see President Obama manfully holding back tears, of the evidently real kind that one often looks for in vain in mothers on TV news programmes begging "the killer of their child" to come forward (when they have done it in fact themselves).
In fact Obama is as guilty as every predecessor and leading politician in this country, who has failed to address the gun-control issue. Even now they are still tiptoeing around the central problem: gun proliferation.
In Britain after the Dunblane massacre handguns were outlawed overnight.
The mighty USA which still wantonly kills other nations' children by the tens of thousand, now using unmanned drones as well, is powerless to control a situation where a single sluttish mum feels at home owning five guns of her own. Meanwhile, the multi-millions of the mighty Gun Lobby wash around the gunwales of the Capitol building in Washington DC.
Guns don't kill people, they say --; but in this case they did, along with the lobbyists, the single mums, and their wretched mindless children.
It will take a really tough president, oblivious to the yelping of the gun industry, to get a handle on this one. Not in my lifetime, probably.
Outlawing all the corrupt cash lobbies in Washington would be a good start. Perhaps systematically stigmatising the tightlipped National Rifle Association would be another good idea. Call the late gun-owner the "NRA-member Mrs Lanza," if she was, rather as my first names in the media seem (grâce à Wikipedia) to be "Holocaust denier". Until then, hecatombs of children as well as their elders and stupiders will have to die.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI POST last night's thoughts on my front page. The Gun Lobby has battened down the hatches, and the hate-mail begins at once. Throughout the day I am inundated with mail from gun owners, some of it evidently orchestrated.
Most are anonymous. The first reads:
I am more than saddened by your pro-gun control op ed. I first met you at a GUN SHOW in 2000 where you were selling your books after being Blacklisted by the publishing industry. Gun owners gave you a forum when few other people would. I later attended many of your lectures and bought many of your books.Now you stab gun owners in the back, after coming to our country and seeking the protection of our Constitution which would not exist but for the unyielding American farmers who used their privately owned guns to achieve independence from the British Empire.
I suggest you leave the USA immediately and seek refuge in France or Germany to sell your books and give your lectures in countries whose gun control laws are more to your liking.
After years of supporting you, attending your lectures, buying your books and sending you donations when I could, I have never felt so betrayed. I have never felt like such a fool!
I hope you ROT.
A check shows no record of him. He has never contributed..
I reply: "Have you ever had a daughter dead? I have. Thank you for writing to me. However as a matter of courtesy I do not as a rule reply to anonymous emails. That should be obvious, and I always surprised when some people disregard it. In short: You know who I am, but I do not know who you are."
I comment to Jessica and Hugo, forwarding it to them: "What a sick nation."
I FINISH transcribing the 1939 diary of Heinrich Himmler -- it has been a week's work, on and off -- and post it on my front page as a small Christmas gift to our historian readers: so sauber wird bei uns gearbeitet.
Klimm sends me the file he received from the Munich courts. I post it on the front page with a provocative hint:
German authorities have been ordered to pay full costs of our successful court appeal against ban. David Irving is now planning details of his re-entry to Germany and Austria under the historic motto, beginning with Dresden: "Nun Sturm brich' los"Another gun-fanatic writes. I tell him: "I know what those parents are going through; this is a sick country, unable to heal itself."
And yet another, Michael Hardesty, who demands: "Take me off your mailing list." Done. I reply: "Mike, I have removed your name. David Irving."
And so it goes on all day, including this from a Robert Wilkins:
- I found your latest utterances regarding gun control odious in the extreme. Really, I'd expect to hear such things from a Stalinist but not from you. Poor show. Poor show.
I ask Erik Z. to tell his lovely young Polish correspondent Martyna that I have mailed a disc to her this morning, as requested, with all the photos of our spring tour. "I am currently digging myself out . . . I have been inundated with slime by gun-worshippers. I am sure you will wish to add a few shovelfuls!"
Frank Edwin Stone joins in the cacophony with a lengthy Second Amendment diatribe: I comment,
You talk about people's constitutional right to bear arms. I am wondering what "well regulated Militia" [the mass child-murderer] Adam Lanza or his mother belonged to which constitutionally entitled them to that staggering collection of guns? Did Adam L. feel threatened by all those unarmed six-year-olds? Perhaps you can enlighten me?I think there is an organised reply to me (vide: use of the word "rant"). And another, Kurt Bechle, who unlike the others did occasionally donate, ten years ago.
David, You just blew any chance of further support from me with your uninformed rant against gun owners. You perpetuate the myth that the NRA buys politicians with money. [and so on]I reply to him:
That's okay, Kurt, I have removed your name from my list. You say there's no financial lobby, but just look: your first reaction is to threaten me with financial loss if I take a different view to yours. Go figure.I could do with armed men all around me, lots of them, in my fight against the traditional enemy, but I have survived so far without them.
Robert Mountford tells me that the gravesite of Adolf Hitler's parents in Leonding has been further demolished, desecrated by the local parson: the tree that shaded it has also been uprooted, as it marked the spot.
Talk about root and branch! Well, I also didn't realise that the small plaque was designed by their son [Adolf Hitler] as well. Though where it now resides is a mystery.
I thought you might like to see the sketch I stumbled upon from a site called The Hitler Pages. The sketches are in the local Stadt Museum, on show in 2009 in the town.
The tree removal is positively despicable and reflects the paranoia of a single militant Red!
DISCONCERTING, the naked and seemingly organised hostility which my OpEd on the American gun-sickness has aroused. The evening television news brings further heartbreaking pictures of the killings, and of the infants Adam Lanza killed.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAMICHAEL Hardesty persists, replying at vast length, an email fifty lines long.
I reply: "Gosh, you have a lot of time on your hands. I would like to see you parroting your Constitutional verbiage to the fathers of the little girls killed by the gunman you appear to admire. I am sure that in a face to face meeting they would find some way to get you to Amend your views."
Albert chats with me on the balcony for a while, and says that is a cheap argument.
Kevin writes, surprisingly, with praise for the Obama broadcast:
I did not think highly of him, but have always thought he was probably a decent person in himself. But he rose in my esteem yesterday. That was a speech no President ever wants to make.Kevin: "I hope after some reflection something good will come out of the tragedy, which is that it may catalyse a mature and reasoned debate . . ."
I tell him: "Don't hold your breath. It is a grave sickness in this society here."
I gather that the hate-mail wave will not ebb any time soon. One reader inquires, "Purely out of curiosity, are you getting lots of mail vehemently disagreeing with the views you expressed in that piece? Given your fan base (mid- to far-right, I would say) I would assume you are."
I reply:
Yes Colin. . . The Americans and British are different animals in this dogfight, and I am guessing that it makes a difference whether folks have been a father of little daughters (as I have, five of them), or are childless. Europe does not understand this maniac American obsession with guns.
Down to Higgs Beach for an hour's walk in the warm sun. It is where I taught Jessica to walk in 1995; she has not been back since. I bike back to the apartment, and fall asleep for an hour on the sofa.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Key West, Florida, USA
CATCHING up with mail, I reply to A.H.'s letter which has lain on my desk the last two weeks:
There are two matters raised in it. I apologise for the delay replying.2. As you know, in consequence of the Lipstadt trial I was bankrupted in May 2002 and all my assets seized. . .
3. Our Tallahassee meeting, August 2008: You were the last person seen to handle the self-portrait of Adolf Hitler which was given to me personally by his secretary. It went missing that same evening. . . I have turned the results of my investigation over to the police authorities in Tallahassee. The item is of zero value to the thief, as a nationwide watch is kept for it ever since. Perhaps one day it will be anonymously returned to me in the mails, and then we can resume our discussions.
It is of course cautiously worded, but I believe he was the thief. [He does not reply].
Somebody sends me an enemy pamphlet Rewriting History as a pdf file:
I thank him: "I have glanced at it and it is riddled with errors." It even gets my birthdate wrong, but I am not going to bother to correct them. Compared with this artefact, even Wikipedia looks holier than the Scriptures.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI BIKE down to Higgs Beach in the sunshine, and walk along the pier. I should do this every afternoon. The sand is littered with nubile females and their menfolk, all very fit and slim. As I stroll past they are inevitably talking in Russian or Polish. Once when I was down here in the 1980s it was Germans, then the Swiss. Now the Eastern Europeans are the main ingredient. The labour shortage here is so acute, and accommodation for them so costly.
I could use the pool at the house, but the main attraction is now gone. Good writing today, final draft again at last: untangling the 1935-1937 mêlée.
It is complicated by Hugo still not letting me see the archive research he has done for me -- not even the urgently-awaited Darré diary extracts.
I am a craftsman. Nothing is worse than trying to slot new bricks into a finished wall, no matter how carefully you measure the gaps. It takes far longer, and the result is the loss of the smooth finish and overview.
Hugo the hod-carrier. He is to blame for this delay. (Hod-carrying: one of the few jobs I never did, but the girls always admired the hod-carriers as they swung up the ladders balancing on one shoulder the hod with the ingredients for each wall and roof. Now it is all done on pallets, by Liebherr tower-cranes: to be the driver of which, was one job I was offered by John Laing Ltd., in 1960; I turned them down for Phoenix-Rheinrohr AG and their Werk Thyssen and the Siemens-Martin furnaces of the steel furnace-stage, which was the first true parting of the ways).
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAI ask Jessica, "What are you doing about reviving your driving lessons? That is an awful lot of money going to waste. You need to learn to drive!"
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Key West, Florida, USAJessica replies: "I have one [driving lesson] tomorrow morning! Do not fear. have also been studying my theory book."
I answer: "Excellent, good news. You always know what to say."
Time to leave for England. I put the bike away for the next month and cover it, but then as Albert has forgotten our seven pm appointment to drive me round to the airport I have to uncover it and cycle round there in pitch darkness to rent a car.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
-- Heathrow - Eton, UK.PLANE lands on time at 10:05 a.m and D. shortly appears, to drive me to Eton. The Pigmobile is happy to see me, and starts okay. Rainwater everywhere, and drizzling.
I pick up Jessica at six pm from Chiswick, for supper. Spaghetti, not bad, but the staff are all eastern Europeans and not agreeable. Brief chat with Jessica. I remind her gently that she is building up a sizeable student loan debt which she must eventually pay off. I mention that Jae, having obtained a degree at much cost, is now married and settling into motherhood, for none of which her costly degree is much use.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Eton, UK.THE fraught mail about the gun massacre in Connecticut continues. I reply to one correspondent that this is not a controversy I want to get involved in. In Europe we view things through a very different lens.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Eton, UK.INTO Eton High Street by Pigmobile to get emails and change the remaining dollars. I have this morning bought a new fountain pen. From Charles M. in Ireland comes a mildly irritating message:
I have purchased your book "Hitler's War" from Amazon as the postage is a lot less than from the US. I hope you still get the same benefit.I reply bluntly:
I get zero benefit. The books being sold on Amazon were stolen from the warehouse [in Illinois, by Lance Frickensmith]. If you had emailed me direct I would have mailed the book to you, autographed, direct, as I am in the UK for this month.Jessica has not responded to my text inquiring if she got the seven am plane to Denmark this morning okay. So I presume she did.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Eton, UK."J Storm" reports: "I am changing my email address. Please change your records . . .."
I have never heard of him. I reply: "I have 12,000 email addresses on file, and have not changed either of mine in fourteen years. I cannot change email addresses on my database because friends arbitrarily decide to change theirs. I'd get no writing done. Goodbye."
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Eton - Stansted - Eton, UK.D. WAS not able to get away to Whitby as all trains into London are cancelled today. Disappointing, and disrupting.
I drive to Stansted;. What a rip-off airport, a £3 charge even for dropping off or collecting passengers, a parking minimum of £10 for an hour, etc. So much for "cheap flights". Plus a 140-mile round trip from here to there. Jessica emerges on time from her flight back from Århus and we chat for most of the two-hour drive back into town.
She has picked up more Danish, but was getting bored after only four days. Her Danish grandparents did not want to come to the UK, she explains, because they disapprove of me, with my well-blackened public reputation in Denmark, and they did not forgive Bente for being with me.
I said that the reputation issue will be clarified when Himmler appears. A cold bleak day, and no writing work whatever done.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Eton, UK.D. HAS a heart of Gold. Not a word of anger from her about British Rail's cancellation of her rail journey into Paddington, which has wrecked her vacation in Whitby. She looks after five cats at present, including one three-legged one, which is seventeen years old. Bente asked yesterday how many cats there are here, and I said: "Five -- with nineteen legs between them."
Four pm at the Cadogan, for two pleasant hours with her. She tells me of a gent who splashed out £250 on a bottle of champagne of which she drank less than one glass, etc.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Eton, UK.Up after a lengthy final dream that I am visiting my fourth daughter Beatrice in Australia and being feted by large crowds of White Australians, and I am barefoot for some reason.
An American university has specified Dresden as a reading matter. I tell Mrs D.: "Frankly, I don't mind what price that university pays for the books. It is a valuable foot in the door."
Monday, December 31, 2012
Eton, UK.I thank the manager of my bookstore in Atlanta for her fine year's work: "That's fine Mrs D. I am shivering in London. Solid rain downpours for seven days. No sunshine, heavy dark cloud. Got a head-cold and cough. Aaaargh." Thus ends another year.
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