asks me to post it here with a message of
thanks to all those who stood by her and
her during my
Michael Whine's friends were not among

1, 2007 (Thursday) London
(England) THINGS get more interesting. At 6:40 pm, Ian B.
writes to me: "I am in the process of obtaining
seven reels of microfilm of Rudolf
Höss's (picture below right)
trial in 1946 - 1947, which also contains
investigation material, evidence and court
documents during the commandant's trial in
Kraków. If you are interested, would you
like a copy at some-point." I reply: "I would be
extremely interested. . . How can we arrange this?
It seems vital
for my Himmler biography. I am visiting all the
Reinhardt sites privately in a few weeks. Where are
you getting the Höss trial stuff from? While
in prison I read and analysed the whole
Aumeier file, very interesting indeed (he
was Höss's deputy)." Alan H. says: "I will meet you in Krakow or
somewhere easier to find." I reply at 10:04 pm: "Let me decide how when I
see the car that is on offer in Budapest. . . He is
not talking about video, I assume it is the
documentation of the trial. That could be very
interesting, and perhaps a major online
TODAY's Daily Telegraph again refers to me,
no doubt accidentally, as "the historian"; that
makes a change from forty years ago, when they
circulated secret instructions in their house-style
book that "David Irving in the Rolf
Hochhuth scandal is never to be referred to
as a historian, but only as a writer."
Their managing editor Maurice Green had
only just assured me in an indignant letter that I
was being equal treatment with my critics; but
Private Eye confirmed the existence of the
secret ukase. I therefore wrote back to Green that
for all I cared they could call me a garbage
collector; and he made a very clever reply the
details of which I have however forgotten. While I download the rest of my website to a
secure back-up disc, I browse through The
Evening Standard until midnight. I don't like
its new typography. I don't like any change at all
in fact. Page 16 reports "HATE ATTACKS ON
JEWS RISE TO A RECORD HIGH", citing a survey
by the Community
Security Trust. This
vigilante body of two thousand -- in my view wholly
illegal -- paramilitary thugs was set up by the
odious Michael "Whinger" Whine of the
Board of
Deputies of British Jews (right). When Deborah Lipstadt visited England in
March 1995, a year before I sued her for libel, she
sent a timorous fax to the British Chief Rabbi: "I
assume Irving will show up at one of my talks. I
don't think he will come to the Book Fair because
it will really be 'enemy' territory. But who knows
how his convoluted brain works. If you have any
strategic suggestions on how best to handle him I
would appreciate it. (I generally simply say, 'I
have nothing to say to you.')" The Institute of Jewish Affairs replied
reassuring her: "Regarding David Irving, at our meeting
in London security arrangements will be handled
by the Community Security organisation. They
will recognise him and either not let him in or
throw him out. Please fax the details of your
meetings in Manchester, Leeds, and Oxford to the
Community Security organisation and they will
try to provide security there as well." So the CST thugs would be policing Lipstadt's
meetings to ensure that I did not ask awkward
questions. So much for her recently discovered love
of Free Speech. The Brownshirts used to handle the same problem
in Nazi Germany. Perhaps Whine should look closer
to home for the reason why, he says, the "hate
attacks" are increasing. Instead the Board of
Deputies of British Jews blames the "huge rise" on
"a number of factors ranging from Israel's invasion
of Lebanon to the jailing of the historian David
Irving in Austria." (Of course, it was the Board's
chief busybody Neville Nagler who
secretly wrote to Austria in 1992 demanding that I
be arrested next time I was in the
country.) So one way and another it's mostly my fault
(apart from that little war of theirs and the
thousands that they slaughtered). No end to their
inventiveness, when examining the origins of
anti-Semitism. Like looking down a telescope the
wrong way; or using that thing called the
Seebackrascope that used to be advertised in
newspapers in the 1950s.[*] Two
hours' break earlier this afternoon for tea and
scones with B. in Sloane Street. She is looking
beautiful as ever, despite her illness. She has
taken a photo with Jessica, who is shooting up and
almost as tall as she is; B. asks me to post it
here with a message of thanks to all those who
stood by her and helped her during my index.
Michael Whine's friends were not among them.
1, 2007 (Thursday) London
(England) AT ten a.m. my writing is agreeably disturbed by
a visit from Rex Bloomstein, a film producer
from North London; he comes by appointment, probing
whether I will be willing to assist in a
documentary he is producing. We have a thoroughly
enjoyable two hours. He asks puzzled if I have many
Jewish friends: among others, yes, but they get no
special treatment. He made a famous BBC series on Strangeways
prison, and a documentary on Auschwitz
too -- no assistance there from Claude
Lanzmann, whom he loathes -- and is now
investigating, he says, the decline of free
speech. We speak -- freely -- for over two hours in the
hotel lobby, and I think I detect him reeling
slightly as he leaves: my well-founded theories on
and the Holocaust have seemingly taken him aback.
He mentions in passing that Deborah
Lipstadt is currently in London. I wish I had known that earlier; I have reasons
of my own, but this will have to wait until next
time now. I am off back to Europe shortly, as we
English refer to that part of the rest of the
world, and I have too much on my plate before
then: - one writ about to be issued against The
Daily Telegraph this weekend,
- another against the partners in a major law
firm for professional negligence in 2002 --
oddly enough, the partner concerned is listed in
law journals as being a specialist in
professional negligence: well, so he should be,
having gained hands-on experience of his own in
2002. And of course
- my ongoing action against the Trustees to
recover my archives and library, illegally
looted by them in 2002.
I shall soon post the usual dossier
on these legal actions on my website. *
CORRESPONDENTS reading the above inform me that
other versions of this same Board of Deputies of
British press release
are published in the Feb
2 Yorkshire
and other newspapers. These versions says that,
in five of the alleged "hate" incidents, mention
was made by the perpetrator of our arrest and
index in Austria. Just as we suspected: It was
our fault all along! Paranoia is evident: "In
one case teenager Jasmine Kranat was robbed and
beaten after passengers on a bus asked her if
she was Jewish" - i.e., if she had denied it,
they would left her mobile phone and cash
untouched? [Previous
Radical's Diary] Donate
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Irving arrest in Vienna (dossier)