[All images added
by this website, and are copyright of this
website] The
Independent London, Friday, February 13, 2004  Victims
were cremated on huge funeral pyres for days after
the 1945 British raid. Journalist David "Ratface"
Cesarani: Dresdeners had it coming to
them.  David
Irving comments: SO HERE we have David "Ratface"
Cesarani -- who like the armed Israeli
ambassador was a frequent gloating visitor
in the public gallery during the Lipstadt
Trial -- becoming the first of a new wave
of conformist historians trying to justify
the Churchill government's air raid on
Dresden, which burned alive over one
hundred thousand people, mostly civilians,
in the space of two hours on February 13,
1945 fifty-nine years ago tonight.
Cesarani's thesis: They had it coming
to them. If anybody were to
suggest the same of the Jews at the hands
of the Nazis, he would now be hauled off
to jail. But here we have Cesarani
criticizing my book, written forty-five
years ago, on the basis of a book written
years after the event by a leftwing
British author, who has made not a little
use of my own 1960s records and research,
while giving me scant credit. One detail should
suffice to show who was correct: Cesarani
scoffs at the "obscene" notion that the
British government's aim was to teach the
Russians a lesson on the strength of the
RAF bomber hordes In his
seminal history of RAF Bomber Command,
author Max Hastings used a
document, a two volume British internal
monograph, Review of the Work of Int
I, which had eluded even my researches
-- and this quoted verbatim the briefing
notes sent by teleprinter to every
squadron of RAF Bomber Command taking part
that night. To quote my book
1945: the Destruction of Dresden:
Command head- quarters had issued by
teleprinter identical briefing
instructions to every bomber airfield. The
wording, which has survived, makes odd
reading now. The seven thousand British
airmen were to be told that afternoon that
they were about to attack Dresden, 'far
the largest unbombed built-up area the
enemy has got.' 'The intentions of the
attack are to hit the enemy where he will
feel it most,' the telex said; it then
added words pregnant with other
implications: 'And incidentally to show
the Russians when they arrive what Bomber
Command can do.'
The sporting phrase
which occurs to me right now is, I think,
Game, set and match. INCIDENTALLY, Henry
Stimson reveals in his diary that
one useful purpose of the Hiroshima
bombing would be to show the Russians the
strength of this new weapon. Here is a
passage from vol.iii of Churchill's
War (as yet unpublished, of
course): "It
was Stimson who formally suggested
employing the Bomb. The body-count would
be Japanese, but it was the effect on the
Russians that counted on him and other
statesmen now. As early as May 14, 1945,
after talking over this 'hot potato' with
General Marshall, he had dictated into his
files an opinion that the way to deal with
Russia now was to 'let our actions speak
for words.' The Russians, he felt, would
understand actions better than anything
else. 'We (Americans) have got to regain
the lead and perhaps do it in a pretty
rough and realistic way.' This time, he
had reminded Marshall, Washington held all
the cards -- 'a royal straight flush,' was
how he put it. 'We mustn't fool about the
way we play it,' he had said. 'We have
coming into action a weapon which will be
order to drop the A-bomb
Dresden, 1945: a
legitimate target By David Cesarani Southampton University, UK Excerpt
from whole
EVEN before the war was over, a legend grew up
around the bombing of Dresden -- largely thanks to
Goebbels and his Propaganda Ministry. Nazi
propaganda described Dresden as a city of no
military value, crammed with refugees from the
The "Florence on the Elbe" was allegedly
obliterated in a senseless act of barbarism. Later
accretions to the myth included the obscene
suggestion that Dresden was targeted by the Western
Allies as an object lesson for the Russians. Taylor (below) exposes each one of these
legends. Dresden was hardly "an innocent city". It
was a Nazified city in which opponents of the
regime and Czech nationalists had been incarcerated
and executed en masse. The
Jewish population, which included the remarkable
diarist Viktor Klemperer, had been reduced
by deportations from 6,000 to a few hundred.
During the 1950s, a succession of Communist
officials supplemented their
incomes by churning out stories of the raids
that uncritically used casualty figures doctored by
the SS. These tracts were explicitly intended to
blacken the Western Allies' reputation, but this
did not prevent the right-wing Nazi apologist
David Irving from happily recycling the
fantastic computations in his bestselling 1963
book, The
Destruction of Dresden. As if the fate of Dresdeners was not bad enough,
their memory is still traduced for crude political
reasons. In laying to rest the legends, Taylor's
authoritative and moving account provides a truer,
more fitting memorial. 
dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism
dossier on Operation
on Air War Statistics and Max Hastings'
history -
- Items
on Cesarani ("Little Caesar"):
David Cesarani: Britain
was wary on refugees
David Irving: A
Radical's Diary
History and Ian Kershaws Hitler: David Irvings
diary on Kershaw
David Cesarani is interviewed in Die Zeit about
the Lipstadt Trial Judgment
battle may be over - but the war goes on: Neal
Ascherson explains why a disgraced David Irving
has surprising sympathy from serious historians
groups hail judges damning High Court verdict
against right-wing author
New Statesman: Best
efforts of a smear-monger
on Deborah Lipstadt's application for an
Injunction against David Irving Website, Jan 26,
Telegraph broke the story of the Nazi gas
chambers to a disbelieving world on June 25,
1942, with the stark headline
the thousands of soldiers of Jewish parentage
who served in Hitlers army during the Second
World War were two generals, eight lieutenant
generals, five major generals, and 23 colonels.
barrister Jonathan Goldberg draws wan
conclusions from the Lipstadt trial
Irving won the case, it would give a license to
all those who are Holocaust deniers," said
libel action brought by David Irving against
Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt: Wrestling
with the past New debates over old horrors: the
Holocaust and the writing of history
Deborah Lipstadt and Irving will spend much of
the next three months in a detailed battle for
the soul of the Holocaust, a battle which
British Jewish historian Prof. David Cesarani
described as one most gripping
2oo1, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Real
History and the Lipstadt Trial
David Irving writes letters about Dr Cesarani to
Jewish Chronicle, Jan 1997 | The
Guardian, Feb 1997-
