10, 2004 (Tuesday) THE Danish press carries articles about my forthcoming visit to speak in Copenhagen. My local friends inform me these have caused quite an uproar. "Some people want to have you arrested as soon as you arrive, the left wing Anti Nazi league want to have a confrontation at any price." I post some of the articles on the Internet, pursuant to my policy of revealing even the nastiest things the enemy says. Some of their blatherings are quite stupid: There I am again, the self-confessed "mild fascist", I have of course never used the phrase -- but it is trotted out repeatedly by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and their accomplices overseas from their secret smear dossier on me, based on a yellowing press clipping from the Daily Mail, published on May 1, 1959 -- forty-five years ago! Needless to say these spineless journalists never reveal that their source is not much younger than the Sphinx. May their noses shortly crumble too. David Irving [writes one journalist, another Lea] is not allowed to visit Austria, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. And if he sets foot in Germany again, he'll have to pay a fine equivalent to 120,00 Danish Kroner [$20,000] -- a fine he was given in Germany. The fact is, I have repeatedly visited Austria. There is no arrest warrant against me in Germany. The ridiculous fine for contravening their laws for the Suppression of Free Speech has time-expired, and the old indictment was over twelve years old and the German government announced two years ago that they had abandoned the case. I am not banned from New Zealand. Otherwise, pretty accurate.
"Your letter to Mr Charles Spornick at Emory University of January 23, 2004 was referred to this office. We are in the process of looking into the concerns you raise,. Please send any further communications directly to me." A swift check of the offending website reveals that it is still up and running, unamended. The longer it does, the greater is Lipstadt's contempt (in the legal sense). I work on CHURCHILL until 1:20 a.m. again.
11, 2004 (Wednesday) I send this response to a rude email from Dietrich H., who complains he got a brush-off response from me last week: "You wrote to me about a 'Weapons Dealer Schreiber residing in Toronto.' Why would this be of importance to me -- that is the question? I really do get over 300 emails a day. It is 10:37 am at this moment, and have just opened the emails and find 183 waiting for me. That is why I cannot devote much time to answering letters about 'Weapons Dealer Schreiber residing in Toronto.' -- It is not rudeness, I am just puzzled that you included me on the email list for that topic. I am fighting major global battles against the people you are familiar with and really must keep a clear head and a clear desk." Debt collectors in Northampton again write a threatening letter. Benté has repeatedly checked this with Westminster Council, who have assured them there is no debt. I therefore write them a tough letter: "You people are bonkers. We have several times contacted Westminster City Council who have assured us that there is no outstanding debt referred to. We have written to you several times to this effect. If you nevertheless place our name on a Register of Debtors, take notice herewith that we shall take action against yourselves for libel which will lead to an award of damages and costs against yourselves. The message therefore is, in polite terms: back off." AN AUTHOR Frederick Taylor sends me a copy of his book Dresden, Tuesday 13 February 1945 which Bloomsbury Publishing (who have made their millions from Harry Potter) are to publish shortly, with a slightly sneering letter which says, "We disagree about many aspects of Dresden's story, as you will see, and I'm sure our politics don't have much in common either." Of course politics should not come anywhere into the
writing of Real History. I riffle through the book's pages,
and write him: Re: Dresden, Tuesday 13 February 1945 The book's photographs are poorly laid out and badly reproduced.
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