[Written for Justice
magazine, December 2001][original
as pdf] [images
added by this website]
Appeal Judgement in the case of David
Irving -v-Professor Deborah Lipstadt and
Penguin Books By Jonathan Goldberg QC, Barrister,
London IT will be recalled that in Issue
Number 24 of Justice for Summer 2000, I
described the epic judgement
of Mr Justice Gray in the Queens
Bench Division of the English High Court
of Justice, in which he concluded that the
defendants Professor Deborah
Lipstadt and her publishers Penguin
Books were justified in having branded the
famous historian David Irving a
racist, a Holocaust denier, an
anti-Semite, an apologist for
Hitler, and most damningly, a
deliberate perverter and distorter of
historical evidence. This was the
culmination of a sensational libel trial
which had lasted many months in London in
early 2000. The case and the judgement
attracted enormous publicity around the
world. By contrast the judgement
of the Court of Appeal which was
handed down recently in late July 2001 has
attracted almost no attention whatever.
Yet it too merits consideration. In a
written judgement of 34 pages the court
refused David Irving permission to appeal.
The appeal judges concluded that he had
not demonstrated any real prospect of an
appeal succeeding. The court reached this
decision after a hearing of some 3 working
days, at which Irving was represented by
counsel, unlike at the original trial
where he had represented himself against a
distinguished legal team fielded by
Professor Lipstadt and her publishers, The
3 judges of the full court echoed and
approved the written
reasons of the single appeal judge,
Lord Justice Sedley, who had
earlier refused Irving permission to
appeal also, after considering the written
papers only. The written reasons of Lord
Justice Sedley also deserve consideration,
and will be mentioned hereafter. The full
court of 3 appeal judges consisted of
Lord Justice Pill, Lord Justice
Mantell, and Lord Justice
Buxton. Ironically all the judgements in this
case from first to last can be found most
conveniently set out on Irving's own
website, www.fpp.co.uk.
Under the title of "International Campaign
For Real History" Irving's website is
indeed fascinating stuff. It features a
wide range of articles
and publications from all over the world
concerning this present litigation,
together with details of Irving's busy
future public speaking
schedule especially in the United
States, together with articles of
historical interest on a wide range of
subjects connected especially with the
Nazis and the Second World War. But
controversies such as the Jonathan
Pollard case are also featured
with a strong bias towards him never being
released, alongside articles with such
titles as "Wiesenthal
Centre- The Latest Lies " and
"Dossier on
Disgraced Israeli PM Sharon"
and various pro-Palestinian pieces. It seems extraordinary that the author
of this website should have invested such
vast reserves of energy and money (and one
must question whether the money funding
this most beautifully presented and
hightec of websites is his own!) in
bringing his failed libel action, in order
to seek to prove that he is not racist or
anti-Semitic. Photos
of ultra orthodox Jews with black hats
and spectacles and ringlets adorn the
website at places of no clear relevance
whatever, yet their intent is crystal
clear. Quotations appear such as
-- David Irving still needs your help to
defend his career and reputation against
the mudslide triggered by Professor
Deborah Lipstadt and her Israeli
Paymasters at Yad Vashem".
The well known historian Professor
David Cesarani, the Jewish head of
the Wiener Library, is described as Dr.
David "Ratface" Cesarani, and extreme
right wing views abound generally. The
reader is even invited to attend a
forthcoming historical convention
in Cincinnati where Irving will be
speaking, in order to discover whether
Professor Lipstadt tried to kill him (and
one assumes he means more than in the
legal sense !). Nor has Irving accepted
for one moment his defeats in the English
courts, the latest of which it should be
said, realistically marks the end of the
road for this particular litigation. The
website itself indulges in a kind of legal
revisionism of its own, and the
conclusions of the various English courts
are attacked from every conceivable angle.
Once again writings appear which purport
to demonstrate that no large numbers of
Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.
In summary if one wants to see just how
sophisticated and malevolent the
contemporary faces of race hatred and
anti-Semitism and historical revisionism
really are, this website I suggest is an
absolute "must". To return however to the English
courts, it is sad but perhaps necessary to
have to record here that none of the
Judges involved was of Jewish origin. Lord Justice Sedley in his written
reasons said he bore well in mind that for
a professional historian to be branded a
bigot and a falsifier placed a heavy
burden on the defendants who sought to
justify it. He pointed out that there was
much about which two historians could
legitimately differ, and differ angrily,
without either of them meriting such a
description. But he found no reason to
differ from the trial judge in his finding
that the applicant's very own character as
it had emerged in the evidence was "the
cement between the bricks". What might in
another historian have been casual
misreadings of the historical evidence,
emerged in the applicant's case as
"sedulous misinterpretations all going in
the direction of his racial and
ideological leanings". He pointed out that
there is no law in England against
Holocaust denial and that it is a
fundamental liberty not only to be
contentious but also to be wrong. He bore
in mind also that anti-Zionism and
anti-Semitism are not necessarily the same
thing. Here however the applicant had
himself invoked the law by suing his
antagonists. He had issued a challenge
which the Defendants had met. His denial
that Auschwitz was a place of mass
extermination was central to the case
against Irving and he had been betrayed by
his very own historical methods, notably
his reliance on the discredited Leuchter
report. It will be recalled that Leuchter is an
American, and a so-called "consultant on
executions", who had advised several
American prisons on their judicial
execution procedures. He has no formal
professional qualifications whatever. He
had visited Auschwitz in 1988 to conduct
certain quasi-scientific tests of his own,
and had afterwards given "his best
engineering opinion" that none of the
facilities there were utilised for the
execution of human beings. The only
gassing which took place there with
cyanide was to fumigate lice from
clothing. In accepting Leuchter's bogus science
said Lord Justice Sedley, the applicant
had demonstrated once again his
willingness to sacrifice objectivity in
favour of anything which would support his
chosen form of Holocaust denial. Lord
Justice Sedley noted that Irving had
however succeeded in proving at trial that
a small number of the allegations made
against him by the defendants were untrue,
in particular when the Defendants had
claimed that he had a self portrait of
Hitler above his desk, that he had
once shared a platform with terrorists of
the Hamas and Hizbollah movements, and
that he had stolen certain valuable
microfiche documents from Russian archives
thus risking damage to them. Nonetheless the trial judge was right
to conclude as he did that these matters
were trivial only, when set against the
sea of more serious allegations which the
defendants had succeeded in proving
against Irving, and thus they could not
further damage his real reputation. Lord
Justice Sedley noted but dismissed
Irving's suggestions that the expert
witnesses ranged against him at trial by
the Defendants had
been paid excessive fees which
destroyed their impartiality, and that Mr
Justice Gray himself had been influenced
in his judgement by a fear of adverse
press comment. It
is worth stating in this connection that
Irving's website maintains to this day a
vicious campaign against the main expert
witness who was called against him at
trial, Professor
Richard Evans, who is a
distinguished Professor of Modern History
at Cambridge University and who is in
effect accused
of corruption in the historical
evidence about Hitler which he gave to the
In their single composite judgement in
the full Court of Appeal, the three judges
expressed fulsome admiration for the
"comprehensiveness and style"of the
judgement of Mr Justice Gray, which they
noted had itself now received the unusual
accolade of being published in book form
without any further commentary, by Penguin
Books. In that form it ran to 350 pages. They
did accept in theory the central argument
of Irving. This was that in order to win,
Professor Lipstadt and her publishers
would need to establish not merely that
the weight of the historical evidence was
against the views he had expressed, but
also that on the evidence available to him
at the time he was writing, his views were
wholly unreasonable and not ones which
could honestly have been held by any
rational historian with knowledge of the
Third Reich. It was further argued for Irving that
he had never denied that the Nazis and
their collaborators murdered millions of
Jews. He had never sought to justify such
conduct. He indeed accepted that after
June 1941 a policy of murdering all Jews
in occupied Europe had become State policy
but only "at Himmler's
level". Irving's central argument was that
Hitler had been kept wholly in the dark
about it however, by the insubordinate
Himmler and Goebbels. In order to
demonstrate his historical objectivity,
Irving relied on the fact he had himself
disclosed a conversation he himself held
long afterwards with Himmler's brother,
who had told Irving "that Heinrich was
such a coward that he would never have
done this without Hitler's orders". The court found nonetheless that the
trial judge had applied all the correct
tests. He was justified in his conclusions
that Irving had deliberately falsified and
misrepresented the historical evidence
time and again in his published works. As Mr Justice Gray had rightly
noted "The issue with which I am
concerned is Irving's treatment of the
available evidence. It is no part of my
function to attempt to make findings as
to what actually happened during the
Nazi regime. The distinction may be a
fine one but it is important to bear it
in mind". The trial judge had correctly assessed
the credibility and reliability of the
expert historians called by the
defendants. He was justified in his
findings that Irving's published and
spoken words directed against Jews, either
individually or collectively, were
hostile, critical, offensive and derisory
in their references to Semitic people,
their characteristics and their
appearances. He was entitled to conclude
that "the inference which is clearly to be
drawn from what Irving has said and
written is that he is anti-Semitic, and
that he has on many occasions spoken in
terms which are plainly racist" and
likewise that Irving had associated to a
significant extent with named individuals
who were all right wing extremists. Regarding Auschwitz, the appeal judges
approved the conclusion of Mr Justice Gray
(after his massive sifting of the
historical evidence) "that having
considered the various arguments advanced
by Irving to assail the effect of the
convergent evidence relied on by the
defendants, it is my conclusion that no
objective, fair minded historian would
have serious cause to doubt that there
were gas chambers at Auschwitz and that
they were operated on a substantial scale
to kill hundreds of thousands of
Jews". Regarding Kristallnacht (the events of
November 1938 during which Jewish property
throughout Germany was systematically
ransacked) the trial judge was fully
entitled to have concluded that Irving had
deliberately twisted his sources and
quoted them out of context in order to
portray Hitler as being
kept in the dark about these
events. He had done the same when writing about
the shooting
of the Jews of Riga in November
1941. He
had placed impossible weight on a minor
document by a minor functionary from the
German Foreign Ministry called the
Note of 1942, which attributed the
following hearsay remarks to Hitler: "The
Reichsminister informed me that the Fuhrer
had repeatedly declared to him that he
wants to hear that the solution to the
Jewish question has been postponed until
after the war is over".
Irving had referred to this at trial as
"a high level diamond document" proving
that Hitler was not party to the
extermination of the Jews carried on by
his underlings. But the judge had found
that no reputable historian could possibly
ignore the mass of contrary evidence, and
he was persuaded by Professor Richard
Evans that this note was just as likely to
have been concerned with the complex
problems thrown up at the time for the
Nazis in deciding how to treat half-Jews
(Mischlinge). It is not within the scope of this
short article to cite all the other
instances in which Irving had distorted
his historical sources, according to the
judges, but the following example may be
thought particularly telling. In 1943 there were some 750,000 Jews
living in Hungary. The Nazis pressured the
Hungarian Government to deport them to
camps but the Hungarians were reluctant to
comply. Hitler met with Admiral
Horthy, the Hungarian leader, on April
16th and again on April 17th 1943. (The
Hungarians still refused to hand over
their Jews thereafter of course and
Hungary was subsequently invaded and
occupied by the Germans). There was good
evidence that at the first meeting on
April 16th Hitler had sought to persuade
Horthy to agree to expel the Hungarian
Jews, but had however reassured him that
there would be no need to kill them. This
evidence consisted of the minutes taken by
officials of both sides at the meetings
and which were clearly reliable. The
following day on April 17th however, by
contrast, both Hitler and
Ribbentrop (left) according to
these minutes had spoken to Admiral Horthy
in uncompromising and unequivocal terms
about their genocidal intentions in regard
to the Hungarian Jews. In particular
Hitler himself was recorded in these
minutes as saying: "If the Jews in Poland
did not want to work they were shot. If
they could not work, they had to perish.
They had to be treated like tuberculosis
bacilli ... That was not cruel ... Why
should one bear the beasts who wanted to
bring us Bolshevism? Nations who did not
rid themselves of Jews perished ".
In his book "Hitler's
War" Irving had quoted the above
remarks of Hitler, but had immediately
followed them with the words: "But they can hardly be murdered or
otherwise eliminated," Horthy protested.
Hitler reassured him "there is no need for
that". In other words, Irving had transposed
remarks made by Horthy and Hitler in the
first April 16th meeting, and had
improperly added them to the account of
the second April 17th meeting, in order to
convey the false impression that Hitler
was reassuring Horthy on their final
meeting on April 17th that there was no
need to kill the Jews of Hungary. Irving's counsel had asked the appeal
court to consider afresh whether this
transposition might not have been merely
innocent. The trial judge had concluded
"Irving materially perverts the evidence
of what passed between the Nazis and
Horthy on 17th April" and the appeal
judges saw no reason to doubt that
conclusion. Numerous other examples of
selective misquotation were cited by them
from the judgement of Mr. Justice Gray in
this same context. In conclusion, Irving
had not persuaded the appeal court that
the general conclusions of the trial judge
were in any way unjustified. Indeed they
agreed with the trial judge.
THE present writer permits himself the
following despairing comments on this
whole sad saga of litigation. We live as
never before in an age of "spin". Reality
exists nowadays at two levels. One is what
actually happens. The other is the way it
is portrayed by the propaganda machines
and the media. We see examples of it every
day in big things and small. Our
politicians who should set an example are
usually the worst offenders.
The truth is massaged and manipulated
and distorted at every
level by expert propagandists feeding
the media whose appetite for stories is
insatiable and greedy. It happens for
example, each time a terrorist group
employs an eloquent spokesperson, often an
educated and moderate sounding woman, to
be the acceptable face of portraying some
such act as a bomb at a discotheque, as
allegedly being a brave act of resistance
in a war of liberation for occupied lands.
But it happens no less I suggest when
publicity hungry lawyers rush to give
press conferences on the steps of the
court outside court hearings, giving out
exaggerated and one-sided accounts of
their clients claims in a language and
style which the clients probably could not
even dream of. It is a mad roundabout upon
which we are all embarked today and which
nobody seems able to get off. "The medium
is the message" for all of us it
seems. In such a world unhappily, it may
matter little that five eminent English
judges have painstakingly sifted through a
mountain of legal and historical evidence
in order to reach balanced and fair
conclusions. Few will bother to read them,
and those who do are likely by definition
to be the sort of people who did not need
to have their eyes opened to these events
in any case. What remains in the subconscious
memories of the mass of people may more
likely be the graphic images
on Irving's website of gold-digging
Jews who purchased
expert testimony in order to
manipulate the judicial process, but who
will never (he proudly assures us in
effect) break the indomitable and free
spirit of this independent historian
dedicated to the pursuit of historical
truth, which for him includes an
appreciation of Hitler's good name. The
worldwide burst of publicity and
propaganda which he has achieved may best
why this sophisticated and dangerous man
(supposedly made bankrupt by the costs of
this brave fight for the truth) brought
his libel case in the first
place. Related
items on this website: Lipstadt
trial index | related
(right) is from Sat3 Austrian
Television channel: Spielberg's money
crushes Irving