Sunday, January 10, 2010 
Churchill confers with Admiral Sir Bertram
Ramsay Index on Winston S Churchill, the British
wartime leader - Churchill
enlisted an astrologer, Louis de Wohl: the problem then
was, how to get rid of him?
- Churchill's
secret correspondence 1937-1951 with Zionist leader Chaim
Weizmann, first president of the State of Israel, from
Israeli archives: a complete dossier, 104 pages of
facsimiles, from David Irving's research files for
Churchill's War (pdf, 7.5MB) | Chaim
Weizmann's letter to Mr Churchill, September 10,
1941: Jewish leader promises that US Jews can drag
USA into WW2 just as they did in WW1
- Glenn Frankel
reviews Martin Gilbert's book on Churchill and the
Jews: with comments by David Irving
- Mark
M. Rufo of New Hampshire, asks about Ian Kershaw's new
work on Hitler's peace offer and how Churchill
(foolishly) rejected it
- On
February 8, 1920, the Illustrated Sunday Herald in
London published Churchill's extraordinary article:
"Zionism versus Bolshevism"
- A
glimpse at pages from Churchill's War, vol. ii about the
mounting WW.II anti-Semitism in the U.K
- Churchill's
1937 warnings about 'Hebrew bloodsuckers': "the Jew
is 'different'. He looks different. He thinks
differently" | "... they are inviting persecution ...
partly responsible" for their sufferings | Breitbart
comments |
Does It
Matter? Churchill's anti-Semitism is exonerated by Rafael
Medoff | British
politicians denied Jews special treatment - and
'antisemitic' Churchill claims rebuffed | Churchill
was accused of being 'too fond of the Jews' says Martin
Gilbert | David Irving's biography explains why Churchill
became fond of the Jews (a large sum of money having
changed hands) - Giles
Lauren asks if the rumours about Churchill's mother's
being a Jewess are true |
researched Blog re-examines argument that Churchill's
mother had Jewish blood
- 1944
handwritten diary of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, naval
commander in Overlord, largely
transcribed for the first time by David Irving: 50 pages,
PDF file, 1.5 MB [Regrettably,
Mr David and Major General Charles Ramsay, sons of the
late admiral, have insisted that this important and human
file be deleted from the website, Tuesday, May 27,
- Nov 1944: Attempts
by German traitors in Rome to do a deal with the British
enemy: Von Kessel, Weizsäcker
- Sept 1944: Churchill
and Roosevelt sign an agreement authorizing Lynch Law for
100 top Nazis | Eden
submitted a Cabinet paper in Apr 1944 on this
- Arthur Krock
notes, dec 1943: Lord Halifax is disturbed by rift
between Churchill and Stalin growing out of the Teheran
- Selected extracts from
Claude R Wickard diaries, in the Roosevelt Library, Hyde
- Archives
reveal that in Feb 1940 one Englishman in three wanted
peace with Hitler but the band
played on . . .
- Andrew Roberts
reviews Dr David Reynolds' expose of Mr Churchill's
manner of writing history (to his own advantage)
- 1940: Why Churchill
considered negotiating with Germany in 1940 | Mr Irving's
- 1943:
Churchill agreed to Jewish plot to bribe King Saud
against the Arabs
- Churchill files
were offered to nation for a song: how Churchill lobby
sold the taxpaper papers they already owned
urges FDR and Stalin to agree to the summary execution of
"50-100" captured enemy leaders; Sept 17, 1944 |
on the fall of Mussolini by Churchill, Jul 27,
1943- Did
Churchill and Mussolini exchange secret letters during
World War II?
- Papers of Bernard M
Baruch relating to Winston Churchill
- Ailing
Churchill Biographer* Says He Can't Finish Trilogy
(*William Manchester, that is) | finds
ghost writer to assist third volume
- Eisenhower
Library: re US publication of the Yalta Papers over
British objections
- General H H "Hap" Arnold
papers, diaries, extracts
- History Diaries
of General 'Hap' Arnold, 1945: Germany, and Potsdam
Conference, July 1945
- New dossier: Hiroshima
Irving: "Release when Ready" - Japan's attempts to end
the war, and the dropping of the Bomb | Documents
on Japan's attempts to surrender, July 1945 |
-- The Strange Myth of Half a Million American Lives
- Ron
Kurtz reveals Goebbels as Churchill's unlikely source for
the historic phrase 'Iron Curtain' | Churchill's
historic phrase 'Iron Curtain': goes back to
Signal, 1943, says Alex Zöller
- Chaim
Weizmann's meetings with Churchill, Dec 1944 |
meeting with King Farouk, King Ibn Saud and President
Kuwatli of Syria on Feb 17, 1945
- General
Eisenhower's 1945 wartime letters to his wife Mamie
- Diane Mehta
of Indonesia asks What is the truth about Churchill and
the 1940 raid on Coventry? | Coventry
dossier | Churchill's
Nov 1940 desk diary
- The foul-mouthed parrot
at Winston Churchill's side during World War II is still
alive and cursing Adolf Hitler | Mr
Irving doubts it
- Stefan
de Batselier reports on Churchill, a black cat, and The
Savoy Hotel
- Sverker
Odesjo tells of how Mr Churchill came to win his Nobel
Prize in 1953
- Evading taxes: How
Winston Churchill fought Inland Revenue on wartime
'second front' | Wall
Street Journal editorial | Abe
Foxman (ADL) is outraged | Charles
Eade diary extract, Aug 29, 1945
- Private
account dated July 18, 1945 by Lt.-General Sir Noel Mason
Macfarlane, Governor of Gibraltar, of the night Sikorski
was killed
- David
Irving's three volume biography, "Churchill's War" (free
- Did
the Jews buy Winston Churchill before the War?
- Germans
at last dare to call Churchill a "war criminal" for
bombing war
- Letters
reveal Churchill's anger with Edward over abdication
| Queen
Mum wanted peace with Hitler
- Pages
of Churchill's War, vol. ii relating to the Cabinet's
concern about the growth of Black population of
- Finest
hour for Norman Shelley, actor who was Churchill's radio
voice in 1940 broadcast speeches
- Churchill
asked Catholic peer to lobby Vatican to dump
- In
1989 David Irving wrote an essay on How Wars Begin, and
the responsible warmongers, as a postscript to a book by
Paul Rassinier
- David
Irving summarises arguments of Churchill's War,
vol. i for the Sydney Morning Herald and New Zealand
Herald, October 1987 (article)
- A
review of Churchill's War, vol. i by Churchill's
private secretary Sir Anthony Montague-Browne
- Auschwitz,
and the Typhus Plague in Poland. More preview pages from
David Irving's new biography, Churchill's War,
vol. ii
- Churchill
prepares wartime Britain for bacteriological warfare
against German cities
- Churchill's
preparations for poison-gas and anthrax warfare against
German cities. And the later controversies over
- Australian
newspaper, Oct 14, 2001: UK planned to wipe out Germany
with anthrax: Allies World War Two shame
- Where
was Mr Churchill when Coventry was being bombed in
November 1940 (reader's letter)
- On
February 8, 1920, the Illustrated Sunday Herald in
London published Churchill's extraordinary article:
"Zionism versus Bolshevism" | A
biblographer confirms the authenticity of this
- Ruth,
the girl whose job was to shut Churchill up
- Report
on meeting between Premier Mikolajczyk and Prime Minister
Churchill in the presence of J.H. Retinger, 21st July
1943, 3pm
- Churchill
urges FDR and Stalin to agree to the summary execution of
"50-100" captured enemy leaders; Sept 17, 1944
- Items on Churchill and
- Broadcasts by
Winbston Churchill 1945
Churchill in Moscow, Oct 1944: Extracts
from Anthony Eden's pencilled diary | Stalin's
conversations with Allied leaders October 14 - 17,
1944 | Stalin's
conversations with Eden and others, Oct 15, 1944 |
conversation with Averell Harriman and others, Oct 17,
of Admiral Andrew B Cunningham
Papers of
newspaper editor Cecil King-
note: Churchill's monthly desk calendars for the war years
September 1939-1945 are available as a service to historians
on CD Rom in pdf format for $50 from Focal
Point Publications |