Auckland, October 17,
1987 | DAVID
October1987 David Irving's
Churchills War, vol. i
became a best-seller when published in
Australia. It aroused fierce debate. The
Sydney Morning Herald and New Zealand Herald
invited him to submit a response, which was
published] ADOLF
HITLER SAID to his doctor [Erwin
Giesing] in the summer of 1944 that the
first man to write a fair biography of him would
have to be an Englishman who spoke German and
knew the archives. "But," he added, "he will
have to be an Englishman of the next generation.
The present generation can not and will not
write objectively about us." I
found those words in the doctor's diary when I
was researching my ultimately highly
controversial biography Hitler's
That job took ten years, until 1974; and when I
then embarked on a ten-year biography of
Britain's wartime prime minister,
I found that the same held true -- there are
generation gaps between those born before,
during, and after Churchill's War. For
an Englishman like me who watched as a youngster
from Southsea beach and waved as the Allied
troopships sailed for Normandy on D-day
[June 1944], the image of Mr Churchill
has always wavered between legend and
reality. For
those born ten years before me he is sacrosanct,
and it has taken my revelation that several of
his most famous wartime broadcasts had to be
delivered for him by a B.B.C. Children's Hour
actor, Norman Shelley ("Larry the Lamb"),
to shake them out of their
complacency. For
those Englishmen ten or twenty years younger
than me, Churchill is a figure of history as
remote as Bismarck or Napoleon. Unable to see
the permanent damage that he did to Britain's
world position from 1940 to 1945, they are
incapable of being outraged -- unless by the
fact that I am trying once more to revise a
major chunk of recent history. My
methods, as a professional historian, are
different from those of the
academics. Writing
"Hitler's War" I spent much of those ten years
gaining the confidence of the Führer's
bruised and intimidated former staff -- from his
personal secretaries upwards -- and persuading
them to open up to me.
| With
my new book "Churchill's War" I have relied on
the same kind of primary sources, and the same
kind of fuss has resulted [from vol. i]:
the academics refuse to agree with what the book
says, although its sources are infinitely better
than theirs . Churchill's
bodyguard, the late Commander "Tommy"
Thompson, purloined the prime minister's
diaries from his desk. His godson still has
them, and I persuaded him to "rent" them
exclusively to me for a year. I trawled through
archives like those in Canberra, Ottawa, Berlin,
Paris, and Washington and horse-traded with
authorities in Moscow and Israel to lay hands on
key documents like the records kept by the
Soviet ambassador in London and Zionist leader
Chaim Weizmann on their furtive pre-war
meetings with Churchill, when he was still out
of office and manoeuvring for power. I
believe that these new documents allow
completely new interpretations of our late
Empire's history and the rôle played in
its decline by Mr Churchill. Just as in the
wartime Hitler I found a weak, irresolute
Führer, far more concerned with military
strategy than with "minding the shop" within his
Reich (I offered
£1,000 for anybody who could produce one
war-time document proving explicitly that he
even knew about Auschwitz),
so my research suggests that the fashionable
picture of Churchill will have to be
recast. By
the time that he finally reached supreme office
on May 10, 1940 Churchill -- the man whom
American president Franklin D. Roosevelt
would on that very day describe sneeringly as "a
drunken bum" was determined not to leave office
until he had reversed his personal catalogue of
misfortunes -- an epic, lifelong series of
disasters that had begun with Gallipoli and the
Dardanelles (where my father fought too, as a
and would culminate with the fiascos of Narvik,
Dunkirk, North Africa, Dakar, Greece and
Crete. The
problem for the unsuspecting biographer is
that successive British Governments, with
their notorious obsession with concealment,
have "sanitised" the British archives so much
where Churchill is concerned that little is
left of the true flavour of 1940. The
researcher in London is freely shown Churchill's
file on Dunkirk -- but in photocopy only, with
white pages replacing key documents removed
despite Britain's Thirty Year Rule. (I located
duplicates of some of the missing items in the
Paris archives, however, in the papers of
France's 1940 prime minister Paul
Reynaud). More
sinisterly, vital paragraphs of Churchill's 1940
War Cabinet meetings -- also freely available,
but only in photocopy -- have been
unobstrusively blanked out. In this case a
glance at the private diaries of Cabinet members
like Lord Halifax shows however that
these were the extraordinary days when even
Churchill seemed half-inclined to accept "Mr
Hitler's peace offer" in June 1940. | He
wantonly destroyed all hope of such a peace by
deliberately launching the R.A.F.'s bombing war
into the heart of Germany, attacking Berlin as
soon as the nights were long enough in August
1940 with the avowed intention of goading the
Luftwaffe into bombing London -- which Hitler
had embargoed from attack (as Churchill knew
from codebreaking). The
Blitz on London began on September 7, 1940.
Seven thousand Londoners died before the
month was out. There were no more mutterings
about accepting peace offers in Britain after
that. The
war went on. With each fresh reverse,
paradoxically, Churchill's prestige soared. By
October 1940 Gallup showed his rating topping
89% -- something even Mrs Thatcher has
never equalled (though Hitler could boast of a
genuine 99.5% poll victory in April
1938). My
findings don't just change nuances, they enforce
a radical revision of existing interpretations
of modern history. Why have the others got it
wrong? I believe the answer lies in the
reluctance of the academics to set foot in
foreign archives -- to do the field work that
costs so much in time and money: they buy
books, and write book number x
+ 1.
They quote each other, and have the satisfaction
of being quoted in return. A historian who is
not widely quoted in his fellows' footnotes does
not exist -- it is a kind of philosophical
concept. But
I think that every biographer ought to work from
the original paper documents, and not their
printed text, as far as possible. Only by
looking at the original, yellowing paper can he
spot the typescript page that is mysteriously a
few lines shorter than its neighbours -- because
a minister has later ordered a damaging diary
entry item '' sanitized" and retyped by a
different secretary: or find that a British
Official Historian* in quoting an Admiralty
officer's diary ("Winston came, half tight") has
softened the quotation to read, "Winston came,
very tired." Or, notice that the U.S.
Government's official publication of Sumner
Welles' famous report on his March 1940
visit to Churchill has deleted all the
references to the drunken behaviour of the First
Lord of the Admiralty. When
my critics have done the original research that
I have into Churchill's years of absolute power,
then I shall heed their objections; but they
haven't, so I won't.  ©
1987 David Irving
The reference is to Captain Stephen Roskill, now
dead, but alive at the time this was written:
compare his printed text with the original
diary, however! -- D I, 29.xii.98 | Volume
i is available. Among its many reviews was a
manuscript by Churchill's private secretary Sir
Anthony Montague-Browne. | Churchill
Index |