New York, Thursday, January 8, 2004  David Irving
comments: WE might be baffled -- but
aren't -- that Foxman cites by name only the works
of Martin Gilbert; he too happens to be Jewish.
That's how "they" work. Networking, I mean. My own highly-praised
Churchill biography, which contains the material on
Winston's Inland Revenue problems, was published by
Avon Books (USA), Rowohlt Verlag (Germany),
Hutchinson's (UK), and many other publishers around
the world. It will be reprinted in a new
updated edition soon. Of course, if it were true that
"mainstream publishers have long since ceased
publishing Irving's books," we would know where to
look for the culprit: the underground blackmailing
and intimidation by the ADL
to this end is notorious, and I am not the only
author to have been their target. Viel Feind, viel Ehr'.
Perhaps one of his Yiddish friends will tell Mr
Foxman what that means. We know a thing or two about Mr
Foxman's revenue
situation too. And about his willingness to
accept bribes from (Jewish) billionaires in return
for putting pressure on presidents. (See links
at left: Marc Rich).  |
Letters to the Editor The Wall Street Journal To the Editor WE were baffled to read in your editorial
in praise of Winston Churchill's opposition to high
taxation [see below] that you chose to cite
David Irving -- a maverick historian who
characterized Churchill's tax-minimization efforts as
"unsavory" ("Taxing Winston" Jan. 8.) Irving is a Holocaust denier, a racist and an
anti-Semite, whose opinions on Churchill are thoroughly
informed by his high regard for Hitler. Mainstream
publishers have long since ceased publishing Irving's
books. It
is unfortunate that the Wall Street Journal should
grant him a place, however limited, in its editorial, when
the works of Churchill's official biographer, Sir Martin
Gilbert, left, and other noted historians, are so
readily available.
Sincerely, Abraham H. Foxman National Director 
THE editorial "Taxing Winston" in the Wall
Street Journal of January 8, 2004 stated in its
fourth paragraph, "Churchill biographer David Irving, who
famously lost a libel case because he couldn't
prove that he wasn't an apologist for Hitler,
calls Churchill's tax-minimization efforts
'unsavory'." Considering its strident pro-Israel stance, it
must have surprised Foxman that the WSJ omitted the
now obligatory smear "Holocaust Denier" and
identified Mr Irving as a "Churchill
biographer". |
Irving: "Churchill's War", vol. i: "Struggle for Power"
(free download)
Winston Churchill fought the Inland Revenue on WW2
'"second front" >>
Street Journal's opinion on this article (and Mr
... on Abraham
boss of crusade against anti-semitism confesses to press
that his organisation took huge bribe to influence US
President to pardon billionaire Jewish fraudster | --
"The guy who gives you $100 doesn't get as much attention
as the guy who gives you $10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before pushing pardon: sees
"no connection" | ADL's
Foxman grovels, March, 2001 |--New
York Daily News assails ADL, "Jewish Leaders'
Unpardonable Role" in Jan. 2001 Marc Rich corruption
scandal | Elie
Wiesel denies he Threw Weight into Campaign to Secure
Pardon for Mega-Fraudster Rich (but he did) |
Rich Linked To $9 Billion Russian Jewish mafia Money
Laundering Investigation | Walter
Reich and Charles Krauthammer on Bill Clinton's pardoning
of tax-fraudster Marc Rich
note: Abraham
Foxman, wealthy and controversial chief of
the Anti Defamation League, likes to refer to
himself as a "Holocaust survivor." As a
on this website shows, he was not even born when
Hitler invaded his native Poland, and he was
looked after by Polish Catholics throughout the
war; his parents also "survived".
Author, "Never Again?
The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism," foreword by
($24.95, 304 pages). | |