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[signed] Winston Churchill [initials] 6.7.44 Source: photographic copy of original 4 page memo, in Guenther W. Gellermann, "Der Krieg, der nicht stattfand", Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1986, pp. 249-251 | |
Subsequently, Robert Harris published this Reader's Letter in The Daily Telegraph, June 2, 1981:- 'Appalling potentiality' of anthrax bombs SIR - Mr Winston Churchill (May 29) [grandson of the wartime prime minister] appears to have completely misread my letter of May 21. It was not a "grudging retraction" of the points made in my "Newsnight" report on biological warfare. I stand by what I said, and refer him again to the documentary evidence contained in that letter. In the summer of 1944, Churchill called for a report on the advisability of using poison gas or any other method of warfare" hitherto not used against Germany. His military advisors gave him the report he wanted: the first part dealt with poison gas, the second - echoing Churchill's own instruction - was headed "Other Forms of Warfare" and dealt solely with biological weapons. "Newsnight's" interpretation of what Churchill meant was, therefore, based upon that of his own Vice-Chiefs of Staff. The decision to consider using anthrax fits in perfectly with his own stated intention (of July 6, 1944) that he would be "prepared to do anything hat would hit the enemy in a murderous place ", and that he would use poison gas not just as a weapon of reprisal for the V-weapon attacks, but if "it could be shown . . . that it would shorten the war by a year." Given that shortening the war was one of the Prime Minister's principal aims it is not surprising that his thoughts should have turned from conventional chemical weapons to anthrax (estimated to be 300,000 times as powerful as poison gas); he had, after all, personally authorised the purchase of half-a-million anthrax bombs from the United States on March 8, 1944, and had been told by Lord Cherwell that anthrax was a weapon of such "appalling potentiality" that it rivalled the atomic bomb. The report's conclusions on the advisability of using poison gas and anthrax against Germany are well known. The Joint Planning Staff advised against the former on the grounds that, far from shortening the war, it would slow up the Allied advance. On anthrax (code-named N) they reported that it would indeed have a "decisive influence on the outcome of the war" but that it would not be ready in sufficient quantities until mid-1945. What, therefore, was "Newsnight's" conclusion? Not very different from that of the historian Roger Parkinson: "For one brief moment, Britain contemplated the use of these terrible weapons, which the Government had repeatedly declared she would never employ unless the enemy did so first. And the possibility exists that the J P S report . . . might have reached a different conclusion if Britain's development of the mysterious 'N' had been a year further advanced." (A Day's March Nearer Home, p.342) - Churchill's response to what he described as this "negative" report was to minute that he was "not at all convinced." In your columns on May 25, Mr J. M. Lewis continued his tortuous attempts to explain this away as referring only to the part of the report that deals with poison gas. His sole piece of evidence for this is a reference in the minutes of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, noting Churchill's comments on "their report on military considerations affecting the initiation of chemical warfare." This, as Mr Lewis knows, is merely a routine acknowledgement; yet to suit his own case he loads it with enormous significance. The failure by the secretary of the C o S committee to mention the report's full title ("Military Considerations Affecting the Initiation of Chemical and Other Special Forms of Warfare") could be anything from a security precaution to a simple desire for brevity: it certainly doesn't prove which part of the report Churchill was referring to when he criticised it as "negative." In short, I submit that the "Newsnight" film was not a "grotesque exercise in character assassination," but was founded on a substantial body of historical evidence. ROBERT HARRIS, "Newsnight," British Broadcasting | |
January 3, 1997 Churchill wanted to use gas on enemies By Ben Fenton WINSTON Churchill championed the use of chemical weapons against what he called "uncivilised tribes", according to papers released yesterday at the Public Record Office. Despite the horrors of the First World War, he called opposition to the use of gas "squeamishness". Churchill was Secretary of State for the Royal Air Force in 1919 when his staff were advocating that gas should be retained as a potential weapon and that Britain should oppose any international ban on its use. In a report drawn up in late 1919 as part of Britain's contribution to discussions about the establishment of the League of Nations, an Air Ministry official wrote: "Chemical warfare cannot now be ruled out of war. Had the war continued, gas would have been almost our most formidable weapon. One shell in every four would have been a gas shell and tanks would have been using it freely." The air staff talked of gas shells as if the substances they contained would cause only temporary disability rather than the choking death suffered by thousands of servicemen of both nations on the Western Front. The official wrote that if gas were to be banned on humanitarian grounds, so too should conventional explosives because they were ''far more terrible weapons which remove limbs, shatter bones, produce 'nerves' and cause madness'". He added: "The elimination of this very powerful weapon from the future of war without the most careful consideration is to be deprecated." A memo by Churchill, written about the same time and signed "WSC", said: "I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. "It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell and then to boggle at making his eyes water by means of a lachrymatory gas. "I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes" where it could "spread a lively terror", he added. The Air Ministry agreed that it was most useful to be
able to use gas on less sophisticated enemies who would have
no idea from where the danger they faced came. The use of
gas was banned by the 1925 Geneva protocol. | |
The papers say that a Cabinet committee chaired by the Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, in 1946 agreed to stockpile Tabun nerve gas captured from the Germans im secret Army storage facilities in North Wales. |