London, Sunday, January 4, 2004 How
Winston Churchill fought Inland Revenue on
wartime 'second front'
By Chris Hastings
and Gary Anderson WINSTON Churchill waged
a lifelong battle with the taxman that
continued even at the height of the Second
World War, according to government
documents published for the first time
last week. Inland Revenue files reveal that the
nation's wartime prime minister and his
financial advisers went to extraordinary
lengths to minimise the liabilities on his
earnings from his work as an author and
journalist.  David
Irving comments: Once again, when journalist
Chris Hastings needs a
Churchill biographer to quote, he
turns to that a**hole Andrew
Roberts. I write to him:
"Surely it is safe to pay
reference to me again, now that
your boss Conrad Black,
the corrupt owner of Hollinger
International, has been unmasked?" I have been
working since 1970 on my
Churchill biography, the
and final volume will come
out next year. That is
thirty-five years. In the
volume (1986) I went into
considerable detail about his
attempts to mitigate or avoid
income tax, which I researched in
1976 in the files of his literary
agent (in the University of
Oregon at Eugene) and in 1977 in
the papers of Daniel
Longwell, publisher of
Life magazine, in the
Butler Library at Columbia
University, New York. Journalist
Hastings might ask his
"expert" Andrew R next time
whether he bothered to travel to
those two archives. I somehow ...
doubt it. When I first published
these somewhat unsavoury facts in
the Evening Standard's
Londoner's Diary in the 1970s --
wait till Hastings reach the
postwar years and WSC's tax
problems! -- Winston
Churchill Jr publicly called
me a lunatic. I'm still standing.
Gradually the Real History of the
period emerges however -- no
thanks to the conformist
historians. Incidentally, Adolf Hitler
had similar tax problems: see the
Introduction to the new edition
of my "Hitler's
War" (Millennium Edition,
2002).. | The papers, which cover a 20-year period,
refer to Churchill's "latest attempt to
minimise liability" and indicate that he
used every lawful opportunity to avoid
tax.At one stage he even considered setting
up an overseas company to ensure that his
lucrative extra-parliamentary earnings
would be exempt from income tax. Even the outbreak of the Second World
War, and his role in masterminding
Britain's defence, failed to distract him
from his efforts to reduce his tax
bill. In October 1942, at the height of the
conflict, the Inland Revenue documents
disclose that he managed to find time to
fight a successful appeal against a tax
demand for more than £6,000 (the
equivalent to about £175,000
now). Tax inspectors claimed that he owed the
money because of the substantial amount he
had earned from two different newspaper
serialisations of his earlier
writings. The documents, which have been released
for public inspection by the National
Archive in Kew, indicate that he first
argued that the money was paid in random
instalments and could not be classed as
regular income. When that tactic failed, he
successfully appealed to the tax
commissioners, claiming that the money
should be classed as a capital payment
rather than income, thereby cutting his
tax liability. In a concession to his wartime role,
Churchill was allowed to submit written
evidence to the appeal, rather than appear
in person. The Inland Revenue's inspectors
later registered their disappointment with
the decision reached by the
commissioners. In October 1942 Britain and its allies
had begun to turn the tide of war against
Germany, with the Russians inflicting
heavy losses on the Germans at Stalingrad
and the British Army achieving its first
significant victory against Rommel at El
Alamein in north Africa. The prime
minister said at the time: "This is not
the end. It is not even the beginning of
the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of
the beginning."
THE files also indicate that Churchill was
conscious that his tax affairs might one
day be public. In correspondence with his
advisers, he refers to himself in the
third person as "AB".
Other documents show that Churchill's
battles with the taxman began as early as
1931, when the then backbencher cancelled
a lecture tour of the United States after
advisers warned him that his earnings from
the tour would increase his overall
liability for tax. In a letter to his financial advisers,
he bemoans the treatment of "AB", whom he
regards as a man of outstanding abilities
and jokes about the idea of a legal
challenge. He wrote: "In the circumstances I think
AB would be ill advised to undertake
the lectures owing to the fact that his
receipts would raise the rate of tax on
the rest of his income and he would
receive little more than two fifths
himself."A lecture tour is a physical and
psychic exertion of which most literary
men or journalists would be incapable.
A certain standard of quality being
essential." He concludes: "Poor AB! If however he
decided to run the risk he might become
involved in a cause celebre against the
Crown." Another file headed "trouble in high
places", dated 1947, deals with
information passed on to the Inland
Revenue by a member of the public who had
suspicions about a book deal that
Churchill was about to sign. The correspondent wrote the letter
after overhearing claims that the
London-based publishing company Cassell
& Co was about to pay Churchill
£250,000 (worth about £6 million
now) for his memoirs of the Second World
War. He was alarmed to hear that the money
was to be handed over "for services to the
nation", as a means of minimising the tax
demand. The Inland Revenue seems to have
decided, after an initial investigation,
that the complaint was without foundation.
Inspectors, however, remained convinced
that "some curious work was going on in
this connection". Officials believed that a family trust
had been set up specifically to handle the
money so that it could be classed as
capital rather than income. Andrew Roberts, a historian who
has written extensively about Churchill,
said: "I do not think these disclosures
will make people think any less of
Churchill. I think if people had to choose
between the Inland Revenue and
the man who saved
Western civilisation they would opt
for the latter." He added: "He was always short of
money, at least until he published A
History of the English-Speaking
Peoples in the 1950s. His
determination to live like an 18th-century
grandee meant that his expenditure often
exceeded his income. People assumed that
because he was the grandson of a duke he
was very wealthy, but that was not the
case." ©
Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited
2004  ...
on this website:
Our new website
dossier on Churchill
Street Journal's opinion on this
article (and Mr Irving) | Abe
Foxman (ADL) is outraged
Irving: "Churchill's War", free
- Website
note: Churchill's monthly desk
calendars for the war years
September 1939-1945 are available as
a service to historians on CD Rom in
pdf format for $50 from
Point Publications, 36 Hertford St,
London W1J 7SE