International Campaign for Real History since 1991

 2MB. Photo by Paul Hennessy, Orlando

10% off!

Bookstore: Use promo code APRF at checkout, and get 10% off book orders over $100 until May 31!

David Irving speaks

September 2017: Mr Irving’s annual week-long Real History tour of Hitler's HQ and the historic SS sites in Latvia and Poland – Riga, Belzec, Sobibór and Treblinka.


September 16, 2017

Check out the new David Irving bookstore at

David Irving has relocated to southern England from Scotland, where he has been writing Himmler. He is currently visiting friends in the south-eastern United States

The Night they Burst the Dams

DAMBUSTERS. Now also in Polish bookstores: The Night the Dams Burst | and in English

Focal Point reprint
of a classic, with 27 pages of unknown photos
[Click here to see jacket]

This year's tour, Sept 2017: including Riga and the Wolf's Lair, all four grim "Reinhardt" sites and three massive bunker-ruin sites

BANGED UP: The full story of how the Austrian secret police ambushed and imprisoned Mr Irving 2005-6 — for a lecture he gave sixteen years earlier

enlarge. Video DVD: THEY DON'T HANG WAR CRIMINALS ANY MORE - DO THEY? Talk at Alvin, Texas: "Hitler, Churchill, and Iraq - war crimes of the modern world." $25

A controversial biography,
752 pages
plus 40 pages of photos

DVD: The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler. enlarge

A talk at Niagara Falls in 2012. Drawing on data from Moscow and other archives, he talks about Himmler's mysterious death in 1945, his achievements, and how much he actually told Hitler of what he was doing. $25. Special to this website's readers, $20.

Video DVD: Now available. THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH IN HISTORY • After billionaire oligarchs bribed the Canberra Government to ban him from Australia, he entered another way - on 10,000 videos! $25| enlarge

Ich komme wieder

Video DVD: A message to the Germans: $30: click for details
(will not be shipped to Germany)

- a thrilling war story of British genius and heroism.


David Irving DVD talk on Winston Churchill

Video DVD: DAVID IRVING talking about Churchill's War






Our daily news-watch on History and Human Rights                      






How Deborah Lipstadt first lied to an audience in Nov 1994 | another: Liar Lipstadt’s Deceptions, on YouTube

Read this, how the real haters, lie: "Our View: Dining on Hate"– [Fact: David Irving is not a "Holocust denier". The article's anonymous author calls for physical reprisals against a restaurant owner]. – Further fake news: Georgia waitress furious after man hands her back menu with swastika drawn on it | Black waitress handed menu with hand-drawn swastika while working at event hosted by David Irving


Antifa is labelled a terrorist organization with New Jersey’s state office of Homeland Security and Prepardness | Australia's prime minister agrees: “List them as a terrorist organisation”: Malcolm Turnbull urged

Prof. Jonathan Sarna –now he’s a real historian – warns of anti-Semitic backlash in US if Kushner indicted. ‘It’s good for Jews to worry,’ says Sarna

The German Jews who helped the U.S. Army defeat Hitler: How a top secret team of refugees interrogated “Nazi” POWs but were shunned after the war because of their “enemy” accents

The Forward: U.S. Holocaust Museum Curator collects Holocaust artefacts for a living

Newsmax: Rising Anti-Semitism, ultra-nationalism in Ukraine raises concerns

left: a part of Professor Evans’s valuable research team working for the Lipstadt defence case

Small beginnings: Regius Professor Richard J Evans bares his small brain to the Financial Times on threats to western democracy

N.Y. Daily News: Brooklyn rabbi charged with teen sex assault gets 60 days in jail; Negro DA is criticised for plea deal

Yawn: Anne Frank Center: President Trump an anti-Semite, Holocaust denier | Where and when does the hunt end? Bristol University (UK) investigates claims of anti-Semitism, after lecturer claims that Jews should stop “privileging” the Holocaust



* ASSHOL: Association of Spurious Survivors of the Holocaust and Other Liars

* AWPOW: Are we powerful or what!



Quick navigation 

> contacting David Irving  
> a two-minute cascade  
> photos of David Irving
> latest copyright-free photo of David Irving (1.2MB)

Facebook for David Irving fans 

David Irving thanks his friends for their support. From our special appeal we thank DB of St Louis for $100; LL for $300; NS of Virginia for $500; CS of Feesburg for $15; JE of Cedar Rapids, $20; RH gives $100; LS of Miami, FL., gives $100; CB of Ringgold $50; CL send $200; SC of Vorhees, NJ, for $100; and PE of Bedford Corners, Pa., for $100. PM and JD of Canada, $500 each, and TB, $25; and from the USA, JH $50, JB $250, DW $25 and RJ of New York, $40; and then GR of S Carolina for $200, SD of Mississauga, for $200, TK of NY for $20, WP of NY for $100, DSP of Ga. for $50, DrJS of Oregon for $10, OH of Calif. for $50, CB of Brighton, Mass.,for $100 and MB of Baton Rouge for $250, and PD of Tenn., $50. DF of Wolverhampton gives $25; CC of Chickamauga, Ga., $100; GK of Rhoon, Holland, gives $25. MB from Lake Wilson, Minnesta, $50; IT of Levin, New Zealand $20; MK of Bournemouth, UK, $100, and AN of Amagansett, NY, $300. We also thank our readers for the regular monthly anonymous donations.

donate to this website

“GOEBBELS” IS NOW BACK IN PRINT: “Well, I finished GOEBBELS and it was positively enthralling,” writes J. Reilly. “There are no words of praise sufficient to describe this book.” — “Book arrived today, says customer DH of Wales, carefully wrapped, very good service. It’s a book that will be treasured and handed on after my days.”

We offer for a limited time free downloads in French of history-making books by David Irving
All these works are copyright © David Irving. We are now looking for original copies of these French books by David Irving to share free with our French readers:
  • - La destruction des villes allemandes (France-Empire, 1965).
    - A bout portant sur Londres (Laffont, 1967).
    - La maison des virus (Laffont,
    - Romme1968).l. La trace du renard (Alta, 1979).
    - La guerre entre les généraux (Belfond, 1981).
    - Budapest. Insurrection 1956 (Albin Michel, 1981).

Customer feedback from David B in Decatur, Georgia:  " A while ago, I ordered "Hitler's War", and to my surprise, you signed it. Thanks!."


News from

Available now, the new edition of David Irving’s “Goebbels.”

David Irving's books about World War II are very interesting. We discuss them in the history lessons. Write more!" - Leszek Sz., History Teacher, Danzig, Poland, June 2011

THE SECRET DIARIES OF HITLER'S DOCTOR is available from our bookstore in hard cover, for $34.90.


or donate to this website now


David Irving's 1967 pioneeering account of Hitler's atomic bomb project

First published in 1967, and serialised by The Sunday Telegraph, Der Spiegel, and newspapers around the world. Said Nobel prize winner Professor Werner Heisenberg: "Irving's book is very good - it gives all the facts."


Remember the writers and historians jailed in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere in the New Europe and even banned from visiting many countries in the British Commonwealth and "free world"


David Irving's classic history of the infighting between the top Allied generals during the 1944 invasion of Normandy, based on their unknown private letters and diaries.






Click image below and watch the author's 6 minute video

[also in Hungarian]


- See the CIA website's great review of this book   







© Focal Point 2017 F Irving write to David Irving