Holocaust deniers breach the laws and are
convicted, tack on an additional sentence -- 1,000
hours community service as a tour guide at Dachau,
Treblinka, Buchenwald, Auschwitz or
Ottawa, Canada, Sunday, March 27, 2005
The anatomy of
horror By Pat MacAdam For the Ottawa
Sun I was in the Mulroney residence
in Westmount last September as a guest at Mila's
surprise party for Brian [Mulroney
former Canadian prime minister] on the
occasion of the 20th anniversary of his landslide
1984 victory.  David
Irving comments: WE MAY raise our
eyebrows at the spectacle of a Canadian
judge discussing a case over which he is
presiding with third parties at a
convivial social gathering. But overlooking
that for a moment, this article is riddled
with popular myths and ignorant
misconceptions (and I am not even talking
about The Holocaust). The jocular tone of the
judge suggests that his mind was already
fixed, regardless of the evidence; it
reminds us of the British Judge Sir
Norman Birkett, who at Nuremberg in
1946 passed caustic and witty poems about
former foreign minister Joachim von
Ribbentrop to the prosecution bench
during the war crimes trial, according to
the private papers of US prosecutor
Robert H Jackson which I researched
for my book, "Nuremberg,
the Last Battle". Such folks bring the
entire judiciary into disrespect. The
words "Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
should stand over their courtroom, cast in
the same iron as the words "Arbeit Macht
frei" hoisted over the gates at
Auschwitz. The writer dwells
briefly on the scandalous events during
the American liberation of the camp at
The facts are these: In the last days of
World War II American troops lined up
against a wall some 500 German regular
troops (not SS) who had taken over duties
at the wretched camp. It was filled with
dying typhus victims. The troops, mostly
youngsters, had formally surrendered. The
Americans machine gunned them to death
while cameras rolled. Unlike The
Holocaust, there are vivid photos of the
crime, and even a 16mm colour film, taken
by the Americans themselves. It ill
behooved Dwight D Eisenhower to boast of
the crime later; the US Seventh Army
recognized it as a war crime and conducted
a lengthy secret investigation of the
events that day. I WOULD willingly serve a thousand
hours as a tour guide at any of the camps
this ignorant Schmierfink
journalist mentions, but I think I would
soon be yanked off the job for the Real
History that I would find myself obliged
to convey. In fact I am banned
since 1998 from setting foot in
Auschwitz to consult its archives and
scrutinize its remains, just as the maths
experts and other tricksters are turfed
out of Bellaggio's in Las Vegas. Tourist money-spinners
like Auschwitz and the big casinos just
want the gullible and the losers to
come. Dachau: I believe I am right in
saying that 27,000 of the 35,000 recorded
in this article died in the camp
after it was liberated and came
into American hands. The murderous typhus
epidemic raged on out of control. Perhaps
it would not have started if the German
pharmaceutical factories and
transportation system had not been
carpet-bombed out of existence. But that
is another story. | One of the 100 invited quests was Federal Court
Judge Pierre Blais, a former justice
minister in the Mulroney government. At the time,
Pierre was presiding over the lengthy Ernst
Zündel hearing.A couple of us were chatting with Pierre and we
were all very circumspect about discussing a matter
that was sub judice with a judge. - Either Charlie Mayer or Bill
McKnight asked Pierre:
- "Does Zündel appear in court every
- His answer was: "Every day!"
- "Does he wear his yellow construction hard
- Pierre rocked back and answered: "Not in my
- Good answer!
I thought, at the time that, by not emulating
Pierre Blais' common sense approach, Canada's
electronic and print media created a monster. Had
the media ignored Zündel from Day 1, he would
have been perceived as just another nutbar who just
happened to own a soapbox and a yellow construction
helmet. Right to be
ignoredHolocaust naysayers
such as Zündel and David Irving have
earned the right to be ignored.
[Website: So why keep
yattering on about them?] Sometimes I have flashes of brilliance. The
hamster isn't always asleep in the wheel. My advice
to judges everywhere: If
deniers and purveyors of
hate literature breach the laws of any country
and are convicted, tack on an additional
sentence -- 1,000 hours community service as a
tour guide at Dachau, Treblinka, Buchenwald,
Auschwitz or Belzek. The word "holocaust" goes back to the time of
Ptolemy. The Greeks defined it as "an offering
consumed by fire." In Hebrew, it means "burnt
offering." If there was no Holocaust, where did 6 million
Jews disappear to during World War II? To Billy
Butlin's summer camps in England? What happened to 700,000 Jews who entered
Treblinka, near Warsaw, and never came out alive?
The 600,000 Jews in Belzek, Poland? The hundreds of
thousands of Jews who were gassed and burned in the
satellite camps of Auschwitz? Are the captured records of the
Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing units,
fiction or forgeries? They document the murder of
34,000 Jews and political prisoners in two days in
Kiev. No
Holocaust?Go to Dachau
as I did in 1980 with members of Parliament
Gordon Towers, Ron Stewart and Charlie
Mayer. We saw concrete slabs laid out in neat
Teutonic symmetry. Once, there were wooden huts
atop the slabs. [Website:
The Americans didn't start building "concentration
camps" -- that's what their records called them --
for the Japanese-Americans, in Minnesota and
elsewhere, already in May 1941?] We saw the row of furnaces -- doors agape --
still displaying some ashes of the 35,000 who died
in Dachau. In other camps, the furnaces couldn't
handle the volume. So, prisoners were shot in the
back of the head and bulldozed into mass
graves. I don't have the most vivid of imaginations but
when I was a few feet away from a furnace I swear I
could still smell the unmistakable odour of burnt
flesh. Marguerite Higgins, a war correspondent with the
New York Herald Tribune, was the first to
report on Dachau. She wrote that a German guard, in
dress uniform, "came forward to surrender" to the
Americans. He gave the Nazi salute and barked,
"Heil Hitler." Shot rang
outShe continued: "An American officer looked down
and around at mounds of rotting corpses, at
thousands of prisoners, shrouded in their own
filth. He hesitated only a moment, then spat in the
Nazi's face, snapping 'Schweinhund' before ordering
him taken away. Moments later a shot rang out and
the American officer was informed that there was no
further need for (surrender) protocol." General Dwight Eisenhower's laconic report
read: "Approximately 32,000 prisoners were
liberated; 300 SS camp guards were quickly
neutralized." Many of the guards were summarily executed along
with their guard dogs. In Berlin, our German hosts, the Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung and Helmut Kohl's CDU Party, rolled
out the red carpet for us. The mayor of Berlin hosted a sumptuous luncheon.
We stood in the West German Reichstag (Parliament)
and looked down on "The Wall" and the killer
no-man's strip dividing east and west. One of our stops was at Plötzenzee in
central Berlin. We were led into a one-story, red
brick building that looked like an abandoned mill
in New Hampshire. Plötzenzee was deceptive
from outside. Inside were a guillotine, gallows
with meat hooks and piano wire and conventional
gallows with rope nooses.
[Website: The Americans
don't still execute? Canada didn't?] Plotters
executedIt was there that the plotters against Hitler
and important political prisoners were
executed. Outside Plötzenzee was one of the most
incongruous sights I have ever seen. It was a huge
amphora -- an urn. We were told that the urn
contained ashes of Jews from every known death
camp. Later that night, the Canadian ambassador had us
at his residence for drinks. He was Pierre
Trudeau's none-too-subtle jab at Germans. He
was a Jew but also an
extremely qualified and gifted diplomat
[Website: Oops. "But"?
Surely you mean "and"?]. MP Bob Coates, the ambassador and I were
chatting outside on the patio when two Prussian
type juniors from the Foreign Office, handkerchiefs
up their sleeves, clicked their heels and joined
us. When I had my fill of their smarmy propaganda
about Germany's rich history, I asked: "Tell me,
what do your history books tell your school
children about the Holocaust and the death
camps." It was like the day the cake of Ivory soap sank
at the factory. The ambassador tried very hard not
to laugh. Bob Coates almost split his ribs trying
to suppress his laughter. He said later: "J.P., you
have a way with words. Your question went over like
a fart in a space suit." The German diplomats blanched,
clicked their heels
and walked away. No, they didn't goose step. I thought my first foray in international
diplomacy went fairly well. 
dossier on the Ernst Zündel
Zündel ("a friend of David Irving") in jail
in Germany
| and commentary by Mr Irving -
about deportation of Zündel:-
Online: Canada expels Holocaust denier
Kvelling loudly,
the traditional enemies tonight: Canada judge
rules Ernst Zündel security risk; German
jail now awaits
Decision rendered on February 24, 2005,
CERTIFICATE signed pursuant to subsection
77(1) of the IRPA and Ernst Zündel- Web site for followers of Zündel:
Text of ruling: www.fct-cf.gc.ca/bulletins