Independent London, UK, Thursday, March 3, 2005 
denier faces jail in Germany
By Tony Paterson in
Berlin GERMAN state prosecutors have
charged one of the world's most notorious
deniers with inciting racial
hatred, ending a 10-year battle by the country's
legal authorities to bring him to
justice. Ernst Zündel, who once described
Adolf Hitler as a "decent and peaceful man",
was extradited from Canada and bundled on to a
flight to Frankfurt on Tuesday [March 1,
2005] after a decade on
the run from the German authorities.
Yesterday, state prosecutors in Mainz charged the
65-year-old German citizen with inciting racial
hatred and denying the Holocaust, a crime in
Germany punishable by a maximum five-year prison
term.  David
Irving comments: THIS article is a
schoolroom example of journalistic spite
without factual analysis. After
serving two years in solitary confinement
in a Canadian jail, and being found to be
a "security risk" under the new post
9/11"anti-terror" laws, Zündel is
air-freighted out of the country he has
lived in without having once been
convicted of any charge. Instead of giving him a
choice of destination, Canada turns him
over to Germany, which had not at that
time issued any charge against him to back
its extradition demand. No UK magistrate
would have allowed such a procedure. In Canada the judiciary
is heavily polluted with the traditional
enemies of Free Speech. Zündel's
"crime" is to have said things which these
folks did not want people to hear. It was Zündel
after all who sent Fred Leuchter to
Auschwitz with his bucket and spade: and
that Parsifal-like character returned with
48 ("illegal") samples hacked out of the
brickwork from the "gas chambers"; and a
highly reputable New England forensic
laboratory found that there were no
significant traces of cyanide residue in
the homicidal chambers where half a
million men had allegedly been gassed. Zündel had to be
made to pay for this effrontery, nay act
of blasphemy.
WHAT are his crimes? What are the facts:
It is said here that he called Hitler a
peaceful man. A lot of people have
believed that and history may well agree.
But Zündel also wrote a book called
The Hitler We Loved And Why. Real
Spike Milligan stuff that, and hardly
calling for a five-year jail sentence. The Canadian judge
Pierre Blais, a real modern-day
Roland Freisler, ruled however that
his activities were a threat to the
"international community of nations". Many
might say that President George W Bush's
activities are just such a
threat. MY friend Ernst
Zündel has borne the extraordinary
stings inflicted on him by these puny
enemies with great and marvellous
fortitude. Only yesterday I found a
two-page pencilled letter from him -- a
blunt pencil was all he that he was
allowed in his Canadian prison cell --
waiting amongst the months-old mail that
has finally caught up with me on my
journey across the USA.. "A friend of the British
historian David Irving." Yes, I have many friends
who hold to views which do not conform,
and I am proud to call this brave man one
of them.  | Mr Zündel made no comment as the charges were
read out in closed court. He will remain in custody
until his trial this year, a court spokesman said.
The white supremacist, a friend of the British
historian and Holocaust denier David Irving
who is banned from entering Germany, emigrated to
Canada in 1958. In the 1970s, he set up Samisdat
Publishing, one of the world's main
distributors of Nazi
propaganda.In 1995, his firm developed a website dedicated
to Holocaust denial. Mr Zündel's publications
include a book entitled The Hitler We Loved And
Why and countless leaflets and internet files
with titles such as The Auschwitz Lie and
Did Six Million Really Die? When German authorities tried to extradite him,
he claimed immunity because of his Canadian
residency. Then in 2003, prosecutors obtained a
warrant for his arrest after judges ruled that
because his website could be read in Germany, he
could be brought to trial there. In Canada, his activities became the subject of
a legal wrangle which ended only last week. In
1988, a Canadian judge convicted Mr Zündel of
"knowingly publishing false news" but the supreme
court overturned the ruling four years later,
decreeing that it violated freedom of
expression. Canada declared in 2000 that Mr Zündel's
overtly racist website was in breach of the
country's constitution, so he fled to the United
States. He was sent back to Canada in 2003 for
being in breach of US immigration law. Last week a
Canadian court ruled his activities a threat to the
"international community of nations" and agreed to
his extradition. 
dossier on the Ernst Zündel
case -
Links about deportation of
Zündel: -
Online: Canada expels Holocaust denier

Sun-Times: Canada deports immigrant who denies
News: Zündel turned over to German
authorities  -
Kvelling loudly,
the traditional enemies tonight: Canada judge
rules Ernst Zündel security risk; German
jail now awaits
Decision rendered on February 24, 2005,
CERTIFICATE signed pursuant to subsection
77(1) of the IRPA and Ernst Zündel- Web site for followers of Zündel:
Text of ruling:
Court in Canada Rules Against
intercepted Zündel's mail, ex-agent
says | Closing
arguments begin in Zündel deportation case:
Zündel defence based on age draws scorn
| Defence
closing: Zündel's followers bookish
seniors, not violent skinheads, lawyer says
| Closing
arguments begin in Zündel deportation case:
Judge accused of 'misguided approach' in
Zündel case
Zündel is entitled to a hearing to
challenge his deportation to Canada, a federal
appeals court says
is Ernst Zündel and Why Is He in
Good News in the Zündel Case