cloud-cuckoo-land in which New Zealand politicians
live: If
Mr Irving forced his way on [to the Qantas
flight], it might be the job of the biggest
stewardess we can find to stop
him. --Deputy
Prime Minister Dr Cullen

New Zealand, Wednesday, September 15,
2004 Holocaust denier
ready to fight to enter country By Sophie Neville and NZPA HOLOCAUST denier David
Irving is preparing for "the mother of all
legal battles" if he is banned from entering New
Zealand this week. Mr Irving said yesterday he was
booked on a Qantas flight from Los Angeles due to
arrive in Auckland on
Saturday.  David
Irving comments: THERE WAS of course no
"conviction" for any offence in
Canada. The only
"conviction" there is to my name was for
allegedly offending against Germany's laws
for the suppression of free speech, in
1990, i.e., fourteen years ago. Despite a $30,000 fine,
it was never
even listed in Germany's criminal
records register [Straf-
register], and it has meanwhile
been expunged by the usual time
period. That "conviction" was
also used by my enemies as the initial
basis for the Canada ban, although there
is no such law in Canada (or New
Zealand). The expulsion from
Canada resulted from an alleged technical
immigration offence, which never in fact
occurred. Leave to appeal was refused
after many months by Mr Justice
Rothstein, without giving any reasons.
(We can guess). AS for the wretched journalist
Neville who wrote this article, I
have written her today: "I was very sorry to see
that you described me as Holocaust
denier in the first words of your
published story. This is a needless smear,
as anybody who has read my works fully
knows. You clearly did not investigate in
any depth. Please advise your
editor that I am accordingly not willing
to speak further with you as this story
develops, and if The Dominion
wishes to follow through I shall speak
only with a different
journalist."  |
Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen (left)
said New Zealand's borders were still closed to the
controversial historian, and he would be stopped
from boarding the plane. If Mr Irving forced his
way on, it might be the job of "the biggest
stewardess we can find" to stop him.
Mr Irving has hired Auckland lawyer Colin
Amery, who has taken previous high- profile
immigration cases, and said nothing would be spared
in a legal battle if he was banned. Mr Irving wants
to come to New Zealand to speak about his
controversial views and use the national archives
to research a biography on Winston Churchill. He is scheduled to speak at the National Press
Club in Wellington on September 27. However, Mr
Irving is not entitled to a visa automatically as a
British citizen because he has been deported from
another country [Canada]
after a conviction for
an immigration offence. Mr Amery said he had been approached about three
weeks ago by Mr Irving, who was at school with him
in England in the 1950s. He was surprised to hear
from him -- they were not friends -- and
representing him was "not an easy decision . . . I
hold diametrically opposite views". Mr Amery said
he was interested to know how far Dr Cullen's
"extra-territorial jurisdiction" extended in terms
of stopping Irving from boarding a plane in Los
Angeles. He had contacted immigration officials and found
there were possible options for getting Mr Irving
into New Zealand. One was applying for a special
permit from the New Zealand Government, and another
was obtaining the permit from "a source outside of
New Zealand". "It has been suggested that an
individual outside New Zealand could assist us. But
I can't say more about that because of the delicate
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David
Irving's 2004 visit FAQ:
Answers to frequently asked questions about Mr
Irving's visit