"No Criminal Record in
Germany" December 9, 1996

SEPTEMBER 2, 1990, David Irving delivered a lecture on war
history to a large middle-class German audience in Weinheim,
south-western Germany. The meeting was chaired by
schoolteacher and politician Günter Deckert, a local
councillor and national chief of the (legal) German NPD
party. Police officials were, as has become customary in
modern democratic Germany, present throughout and took
notes. For
six years, that was that. When the persecution of Messrs.
Irving and Deckert began, these ancient lectures were
exhumed from the police archives, and prosecutions were
initiated. The court in Weinheim routinely applied to the
Central Criminal Records Office in Berlin for David Irving's
criminal record, and were chagrined to receive the
certificate reproduced in facsimile here: it formally
Keine Eintragung
-- no entry. This
has not prevented Australian prime minister John Howard and
his minister Philipp Ruddock from broadcasting to the world
that David Irving has a "criminal record" in Germany, as the
ground for preventing his entry to Australia. This
Website's conclusion: the German government recognises that
the so-called "offence" was purely political, not
Generalbundesanwalt beim
Bundesgerichtshof 10900
Berlin Amtsgericht Weinheim Bgm.-Ehret-Str.
11 69469
Weinheim |
| Berlin,
den 09.12.1996 Dienstgebäude:
Neuenburger Str. 15 Telefon: (030) 25388
8 Aktenzeichen: U9999 091296-150650-TR-ARL/-
- -/- (bei Rückfragen
bitte angeben) | Amtsgericht Eing.
12. DEZ. 1996 Weinheim/Bergstr. |
Auskunft aus dem
Zentralregister und dem
Erziehungsregister über David
Irving Geschäftsnummer
: 5 Ls 1/96 - AK 1/96 Verwendungszweck:
Strafverfolgung Angaben zu
Person Geburtsname Familienname Vornamen Geburtsdatum Geburtsort Staatsangehörigkeit Anschrift | :
Irving :
./. :
David :
24.03.1938 :
London :
britisch :
GB-London 81
Duke Street | Bitte prüfen Sie
die Angaben zur Person um Verwechslungen
zu vermeiden! |
Diese Auskunft wurde mit Hilfe
automatischer Einrichtungen erteilt und nicht
unterschrieben. | |