oouDocuments on the International Campaign for Real History
Posted Sunday, November 22, 2009
© Focal Point 2009
No matter how much we weed them out, they worm their way in: they have always been clever infiltrators, as Hitler himself remarked: . . . Always the same. No wonder the CIA and FBI mistrust them. The opposite of semper fidelis. Semper infidelis. Always disloyal.
November 2, 2009 (Monday)
Key West - Clearwater Beach (Florida)NINE thousand miles into Phase II of my U.S. speaking tour now. Up at seven a.m. after a pretty sleepless night on the sofa; legs aching badly now.
We set out at ten-thirty a.m. for Clearwater in central Florida, an eight-hour drive. Several guests already there an hour ago. Last minute callers apply, and I approve all as they appear genuine, and we have no problems. The room is full, with thirty chairs brought in. Unfortunately, when the interval arrives, there is no sign of Jae She has not heard the applause, it seems. I see her outside the hotel, in the parking lot, chatting on her cell phone. "Gotta go," she murmurs into the phone as she sees me, and snaps it shut.
It's Gabriela all over again. Hey ho: I drive five hundred miles, load and unload, push heavy baggage carts, speak two or three hours, and she: chats on the phone and forgets. It is nearly eleven before we finish packaging. It takes half an hour to get the room key to work, and I drop into bed at once, quite stressed and tired by it all. The room soon freezes over as the air conditioning runs at full blast, but I am asleep.
November 3, 2009 (Tuesday)
Clearwater (Florida) - Charleston (South Carolina)Agonising muscle pain around seven a.m., as my right leg twists and locks when I prepare to get up. A reader writes:
I was just looking up some materials relating to Oswald Mosley and I recalled you made a comment about him in the talk you gave. I think it was along the lines of he and Enoch Powell being aristocrats speaking above their audiences or something similar. Do you recall if this was what you said?I reply: "I said Enoch Powell was too clever by half for his target audience; and Mosley should have used his own aristocratic wealth for his party, not gone cap in hand to Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, as he did, for funding."
November 4, 2009 (Wednesday)
Charleston (South Carolina)I send out this final notification to those coming to hear me tonight.
Apologies. We were on the road eleven hours yesterday, coming up from Clearwater, and then found our original choice of location (Embassy Suites in downtown Charleston) quite unsatisfactory and found a new site at one a.m. These things happen. Looking forward to seeing you; we have coffee and snacks ready for you, we are a small, intimate discussion group, and it is a fascinating topic.I repeat to K. in London: "We drove eleven hours yesterday from Clearwater to here and eight hours the day before from Key West. Getting stiff from sitting, and my right leg is now really hellish sometimes. We are starting a Sonderaktion (special operation) for major donors, trying to line up a small bunch of wealthier friends to contribute a thousand dollars a month for a year, to enable me to finish books. Much of the pallet I shipped from the UK in September has failed to catch up with me. I could spit."
He replies: "Sonderaktion overdue -- Himmler will be very popular. K." He must mean the book, rather than the man.
David Frischkorn has posted my entire Houston talk on YouTube as a video. He spells my name David Ivering or Eviring, and pronounces it the same. I write him annoyed:
I have reviewed your film in parts and it seems interesting BUT. . .. for God's sake take it down and spell my name right. And then pronounce it right too. It makes me look ridiculous otherwise.His reply is just: "LOL." [Laugh out loud]. I reply: "It is not funny, it is very insulting." Frischkorn: "I am changing it, to change the pronunciation I would have to reload the video." Not good enough, I retort:
Then please do so. You were granted a special favor to permit you to film my talk, which nobody else ever receives, and I am not at all pleased at these elementary errors. If you cannot correct the spelling and false pronunciation, please take the videos right off YouTube.
November 5, 2009 (Thursday)
Charleston - Columbia (South Carolina)DISCUSSION is flickering in newspapers in Germany on whether Adolf Hitler was aware of the Holocaust.
We leave Charleston around one-thirty p.m.. At Columbia by 5:05 p.m. I start phoning tonight's guests to redirect them. I realise that we inadvertently sent the two notifications to one Marlene Roth, and I belatedly ask Jae to work her magic on such an obviously suspect name. Aaaargh: Miss Roth turns out to be named Sugarman; Jae seems unaware that that is probably a Jewish name -- she has a lot to learn. Worse: Roth/Sugarman is also a leading member of Hadassah, an unlovely Zionist women's organisation, and was even praised by the ADL with a dinner in her honour. Fortunately she has given a fake email address which bounces back each time to me. I leave a message on her phone to call, but she does not. It would have been another "Ira Bleiweiss" case.
Our new security measures weasel most of these moles out; she had to use her own credit card to register. No refunds will be made this time.
R. has emailed:
I would like to thank you for the opportunity for my daughter and me to attend your lecture in Clearwater. Your lecture was very informative and most of all satisfying to learn you have discovered documentation that releases Hitler from a concerted effort to annihilate the Jews. It is my belief that your life's work will serve to save Western Society. This is something I have pondered for many years - how do you get the truth out there? Once again thank you for your persistence and life's dedication. It was an honor to have met you, see you next year.
November 6, 2009 (Friday)
Columbia (South Carolina) - Charlotte (North Carolina)I tell K: "Barely covers costs. Depression here is . . . depressing (and worrying)." We get to our Charlotte location at 3:45 p.m.. Not bad going. Jae drove the whole way. I am very sleepy these days.
November 7, 2009 (Saturday)
Charlotte - Raleigh (North Carolina)THIS is going to be one of those days. Jae complains: [. . .] I comment: She will have a very tough time in life if she leaps onto her high horse every time she is corrected by her elders and betters.
She does now belatedly find a Washington DC location. I congratulate her: "(conditional) well done!" Looks like a very nice place. They will put together a group menu for us and get that to us by Monday morning.
We reach Raleigh at two-fifty p.m.., and the first guests are already there. Jae's goofy friend Jeff is there, a heavy-set smoker. He stinks of tobacco. God knows why she befriended him. Another Internet acquaintance. On the Net you can't smell the tobacco, I suppose. Hey ho. She goes off shooting with him in the evening, and I have a crab cake for supper.
Jae sits in the lobby at opposite ends of a sofa, from nine to ten, with her fat and stolid friend.
November 8, 2009 (Sunday)
Raleigh (North Carolina) - Richmond (Virginia)I email to [daughter] Paloma, staying briefly at my home in Windsor: "Hope you are enjoying the house. Driving around three hundred miles onward today, and most days. But the Depression is biting. Remember to switch things off, leave the key where you found it, and get home [Madrid] safely."
I tell a Baltimore applicant: "I will visit Baltimore in a year's time." (God willing).
November 9, 2009 (Monday)
Richmond - Falls Church (Virginia)UP at eight a.m. Hertz at O'Hare phones and says we must clear it up today or they will report the car as stolen. I say we have been trying for four weeks to "clear it up". They won't accept a US check, or a debit card on a handwritten signature. We must go to an airport location.
We take the car to the nearest rental office at Tyson's Corner. After many phone calls to the operating manager at O'Hare and others, the bill is redrawn to a monthly rate, and then disaster comes; O'Hare declares that at 19,581 miles is well beyond its mileage cap, and they will have to withdraw it at once and replace it with another. Their fault of course, for not telling us. Jae has already taken it away, making for tonight's function. Threats and cajoling have no effect on me, I say we will return it to Dulles tomorrow. They snarl that the car will now be reported as stolen. I say again: tomorrow we will bring it, cannot do so today, traffic jams etc. Hey ho.
Jae signals from the restaurant: problems with the management, and I fear that they have come under the usual attack, but it seems a nosey staff member is to blame.
A good function at the very up-market Willow Restaurant in Fairfax Dr. The management have said merely they are "uncomfortable" with our presence; don't like that. A stranger comes in, a sandy-haired man of about thirty-five and wearing a anorak, and pads past all the tables looking at the books. I collar him, and ask who he is; friendly, in case he is a late guest. He turns out not to be a guest, claims to be just an interested passer by in the (very high-class) restaurant (wearing an anorak?), and offers no name. I ask his origins, and he says Polish. "Dzien dobry" I say, and he looks blank. He does not know who General Sikorski was, or how he died. I smile and firmly steer him back out of the room again. Is this a private meeting, just freemasons or something, he asks. I suspect he is something else.
November 10, 2009 (Tuesday)
Falls Church (Virginia)From ten until noon at Dulles airport changing the car; Hertz there can only give us a red Chevy Suburban, 22,500 miles, which is a very unsatisfactory vehicle, as it turns out.
November 11, 2009 (Wednesday)
Falls Church (Virginia)The temperature is rising. Somebody sends me a link to Infoshop News with planning of ugly events in New York City this weekend: headed, "Who's Gonna Run This (Nazi Out Of) Town?!?" and timed shortly before midnight yesterday:
Contributed by: NYC. Antifa
New Yorkers Against David Irving call for resistance to the speaking engagements of pseudo-historian David Irving's east coast tour, including his November 14th date in New York City.
David Irving is a notorious pro-Nazi history writer. He has made repeated anti-Semitic, Holocaust Denial and racist statements over the years, including that "no document whatsoever indicating the Holocaust occurred" has been found, and "the holocaust of the Germans of Dresden was real. The holocaust of the Jews in the Auschwitz gas chambers is a fabrication." Although he has retreated from some of these statements, Irving has continued to blame Jews for what the Nazis did to them; he attempts to minimize the scope of the Holocaust; and he publicly praises Adolf Hitler.
Irving's fascist views go back to at least 1959. He has been associated with neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial organizations such as the National Alliance, the Liberty Lobby, and the Institute for Historical Review. In 2006 he was jailed for trivializing the Holocaust in Austria, where it is illegal. Since his release, Irving has marketed himself as a former "political prisoner".
As the name of his publishing project suggests, Irving serves as a "focal point" to bring together Jew-haters and goose-steppers. He is part of a political tendency that actively organizes to tear apart communities, and particularly to persecute Jews. The June murder of a security guard at the US Holocaust Museum by James von Brunn shows where this racist and anti-Semitic tendency often leads. Van Brunn moved in many of the same circles that promote Irving's work.
We call for people to confront Irving at each stop of his tour. In July, one quarter of his west coast dates were met by protests. We encourage the communities which Irving is passing through to send a clear message that fascist organizing is not welcome in their town! Please join us in doing this in New York City.
Planning meeting: Wednesday Nov 11, 7pm: Contact us for details if you would like to attend:
Confront David Irving on Saturday, November 14, 5:30 p.m.: Meet up outside ABC No Rio (156 Rivington Street, between Suffolk and Clinton Streets, Lower East Side)
F/J/M/Z to Delancey
That useful guide gives us a few ideas to work on.
November 12, 2009 (Thursday)
Falls Church (Virginia) - Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)WE have hit on a nice Kriegslist to thwart tomorrow's protestors, who are meeting at five-thirty p.m. tomorrow to march on my meeting place in Manhattan -- if they can find it. (I think we have weeded out the moles.) We will quite simply bring forward our own start time from seven p.m. to three, thereby thwarting them.
I take a long phone call during the drive up from DC from a journalist, Marissa Brostoff of The Tablet, I assume the Catholic newspaper of that name in England. It turns out to be a Jewish smut rag in New York. Hey ho. I would have been no less polite to her.
A pleasant function at [a big hotel in] Philadelphia, Packer Avenue. Fifteen year old Beatrice . . . makes a bright impression, her father is there, a pleasant philosophy professor; she asks history questions way above her age, and intends to become a violinist. Nice.
Afterwards Jae at the wheel trolls me all over Philadelphia looking for somewhere to eat; bed around one a.m. Another loooooong day.
November 13, 2009 (Friday)
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) - Pompton (New Jersey)David S. writes: "Dear Mr. Irving: I had a wonderful evening. Regrettably I was late due to heavy traffic on the terrible expressway. Your brilliance was on full display . Plus your beautiful assistant was also a joy to meet. Sincerely, David Stolz." Other websites also comment on the "hot" girl I employ, one rather superfluously contrasts her with Prof. Lipstadt. A no-brainer, the comparison, not Lipstadt. Uh, perhaps her too.
After some investigation, we send to Jon Hansen our standard refusal: "Dear Jon,
As you know, on our registration page we reserved the right to refuse admission to our events. This does not reflect negatively on you, merely that we attach importance to our guests' comfort at these functions. We have already refunded the registration fee to your credit card. Sorry to have to disappoint you like this.I am pretty sure we have now weeded out all the potential moles.
SOON AFTER six p.m Jae tells me the police have called the hotel here at Pompton Plains, having gotten a tip that the location is here; they have urged the management (Asian) to cancel, but the manager is holding firm and will not.
We ponder: does the enemy know, or is it a friendly tip? Unlikely, I say, as their usual brainless smear-phrase "holocaust denier" has been bandied around. It is very disturbing. Jae takes it very casually, too casually. I urge her to [. . . take certain action]. She says the room itself is very secure.
The Tablet website yesterday reported:
David Irving to Speak in New York, Secretly.But protesters try to infilitrate Holocaust revisionist's plan
BY MARISSA BROSTOFF | 3 p.m. NOV 12, 2009
Notorious British Holocaust revisionist David Irving will be speaking in New York City on Saturday, but don't ask him where. Because he tends to draw protesters, Irving has implemented an elaborate procedure on his current United States tour in which would-be attendees must register on his website, at which point, Irving said in an interview with Tablet Magazine, he uses screening software to weed out likely protesters. Those who pass the screening are then notified by email a few hours before the event about where it will take place. "We have to do that because various Jewish groups will go out of their way to smash me up," Irving said.
Elan Steinberg, vice-president of a national organization called the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, told Tablet Magazine that Irving is scheduling his engagements this way for another reason. It's "a way of disguising who he is to hotel managers and others who rent out public venues," Steinberg said. "Time and time again, hotel managers, bookshops, etc, have allowed him to speak there not realizing who he is." The American Gathering is therefore alerting the press that Irving will be in town, in the hope that venue managers will inquire into the identity of any mysterious guests who might be renting space on Saturday, Steinberg said. That strategy worked in Jackson, Mississippi, he said, when his group notified the city's mayor that Irving planned to speak at City Hall, prompting Irving to move his talk to a different location.
In the case of his upcoming New York engagement, a spy-versus-spy situation has emerged: a group called New Yorkers Against David Irving is attempting to infiltrate the lecture; Irving, in turn, said that two of his followers were present at the protest organization's planning meeting last night. Steinberg said that the American Gathering is not attempting to get on Irving's email list, but that if he gets a tip on Irving's whereabouts ahead of time, he'll send his own email inviting members to go protest.
A talk Irving gave in Palm Beach, Fla., late last month, ended in violence, not between followers and protesters, but between two followers, one of whom police identified as a white supremacist, according to the Jackson Free Press. They got into a knife fight outside the meeting room.
Knife Fight at Holocaust Denier Book-Signing [Jackson Free Press]
More in: American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, David Irving, Holocaust denial, Holocaust revisionism, New Yorkers Against David Irving
Today's update says:
Irving Booked UES Catholic Center; Center Says Talk Is Cancelled: But Irving says it'll go on
BY MARISSA BROSTOFF | 3:20 p.m. NOV 13, 2009 | Print
Yesterday, we reported that Holocaust revisionist David Irving was scheduled to give a talk in New York City on Saturday, in a secret location that would be announced to registered audience members only at last minute. This afternoon, a group called New Yorkers Against David Irving announced that they'd discovered Irving's planned venue: the Catholic Kolping Society on the Upper East Side, an outpost of a Catholic fraternal society based in Cologne, Germany. Irving booked the venue under a fake name, the anti-Irving group said, adding that after its members contacted the Society, the event was canceled. A receptionist at the Society house, who would not give his name, said that someone claiming to be named Michael Singer came to the house "a couple of days ago" to schedule a book reading for Saturday, but had not yet left a deposit when the Society started getting calls warning that the speaker was actually Irving.
Reached for comment, Irving confirmed that the talk was planned for the Kolping Society. "We have a valid contract, and we're going to go ahead with that," he said. "We'll be there at 7 p.m." When a similar situation occurred in Toronto, he said, "I turned up, and my entire audience turned up, and that was the end of that. I'm sure that the Kolping Society will see reason." He said that the Society's claim of canceling the event was a "smokescreen" and that he will still speak there--as, he added, he'd previously done, in 2004. A Society spokeswoman denied both those claims. "He has no contract at all," she said. "There's absolutely no contract. He cannot come in the building."
UPDATE: New Jersey Residents Against David Irving, a counterpart to the New York anti-Irving group, has announced that an American Legion post in the town of Wayne has canceled a lecture Irving had been scheduled to give there tonight.
We are baffled. This is the first we have heard of the Catholic Kolping Society or any American Legion post at Wayne. I spoke near there many years ago. When Michael Santomauro contacted us earlier this week we made plain that this year we are handling all the bookings, because of the mess he made in Manhattan the last time -- using a fake name, which, as I lectured him last year, enables any location to cancel any contract without fear of legal retribution. We always use our own real names.
Santomauro indignantly defends his action, expressing bafflement at the leak:
You are the only one I ever told by e-mail and by phone. I used the pen name Michael Singer, when I was doing the booking for the venue.Yes, precisely.
AS I AM about to go into the meeting room at 6:30 p.m, there is an urgent phone call from London. "Have you seen your website? It has been hacked within the last half hour. The website has gone, and in its place a load of crap against you, publishing the most private things they have stolen from your laptop."
A glance at the page confirms it. I am thunderstruck. I launched the website eleven years ago, in February 1998; it is huge -- nearly one gigabyte, it has 22,000 items. It is like having an eleven year old child violated, then murdered. Have the enemy merely replaced the front page, or deleted the whole thing? Idle even to ask. These are scum: the flotsam of the ugly unemployed, the infidel unwashed.
I tell Jae to contact the service provider. As she does so, she takes a series of irate phone calls from Jon Hansen demanding to know why his address has appeared on our website. The hackers! Poetic justice in his case. She is in the midst of contacting the website server, insisting that they shut down the hacked site immediately, and tells Hansen she has no time to listen to his drivel. She will not divulge the location either. Hansen screams: "F*ck you, you Nazis." So just possibly we were not wrong about him.
With Jae handling the website situation I continue with the talk. About nine p.m. there is a small disturbance outside, as eight juveniles begin shouting at the walls of the hotel from the safety of the parking lot.
The enemy later publishes this semi-literate account of their "victory":
Anti-Racist Action
Baby We Were Born To Run: New Jersey tells David Irving he is NOT WELCOME
"To David Irving and all aspiring white-power, anti-immigrant, queer-bashing, racist pigs - give it up! We will fight you on the streets and on the internet until you are swept into the dustbin of history."
Mere hours after those words first appeared on Holocaust Denier and Fascist "Historian" David Irving's hacked website, New Jersey and New York Antifascists made good on the former half of that promise by confronting David Irving at his backup speaking location in Pompton Plains, NJ.
Members of Hub City ARA, Trenton ARA, New York City ARA, and One People's Project were made aware of Irving's new location at a Best Western hotel located on Route 23 near Wayne, NJ. We also found out that he was staying in said hotel. Unfortunately, his speaking engagement had already begun in one of the meeting rooms. One member of ARA went inside the hotel to confirm the location, which sure enough became confirmed when they were leaving the bathroom and bumped into 3 of the attendees, including Alex Carmichael, head of the pathetic splinter group "League Of American Patriots" (as in do us all a favor and LEAP off a tall building) and self described "next Hitler." Carmichael recognized the Antifa from ARA's successful disruption of LEAP's first meeting in Clifton, NJ months ago.
Now if you're to believe their tough talk, 3 on 1 in a secluded hotel bathroom seems like a dream situation for these fascists. Instead they hid their faces and moments later we were greeted by the familiar site of arriving police protection for the Nazis.
Once the jig was up we entered into the hotel with chants of "This is OUR community! Fascists out! Fascists out!" Before being forced out into the parking lot by police. Once outside we congregated by the windows of the meeting room, chanting and heckling, to remind all the attendees that they were not welcome in New Jersey, the East Coast, or anywhere else! Our chants and yelling made for quite the disruption as Irving nervously shifted in his seat and stared towards the windows. We also had lots of fun calling out attendees by name and reminding them that the hacking of Irving's website had made all their information public and even if they had police protection tonight, they no longer had the safety of anonymity that Nazis rely on so heavily.
Eventually we proved too much and Irving called it quits. The police escorted each of the quaking attendees out of the hotel, forcing us back away from their cars, and we learned that David Irving had checked out, so we called it a night. But the message of the day was made clear to all Nazis, bigots, fascists, and scumbags:
Signed affectionately,
- Hub City Anti-Racist Action
- Trenton Anti-Racist Action
- NYC Anti-Racist Action.
US tour : DAVID IRVING spoke 2009 in fifty cities in the Eastern USA to talk about Real History: HITLER, HIMMLER, AND ENIGMA: Re-writing WW2 history using Nazi messages decoded by the British secret service.
click above to register Get told about these future events!
British writer David Irving hosted a dinner in Atlanta, and spoke on Real History >
Jaenelle Antas: page and photo gallery 2008-2012
David Irving