shall also toss free copies of that book
over to New Zealand's foreign minister,
the prime minister, and other
parliamentarians, to leaf through in the
corner into which they have deftly painted

16, 2004 (Monday) Key
West, Florida A SMALL German publisher is
offering us more cash for two or three books. Based
in Dresden. Next year is the sixtieth anniversary.
At 8:50 AM I send this to the New Zealand media.
"I yesterday
increased the size of the reward I am offering
in the cemeteries desecration case to five
thousand US dollars, as nobody has yet been
charged. It will be money well spent." At 5:40 PM Lindsay
Perigo of Global News Radio in New Zealand
phones, and does a five minute radio interview on
my increased reward offer. I say that I am encouraged by the fact
that every New Zealand newspaper has now stated
in editorials that while they do not necessarily
agree with my views, they feel that free speech
is too important a principal to destroy. He says
that he has spoken yesterday with the associate
minister of immigration, who has declared that
nonetheless they do not intend to let me in.
Peter Isaac of the National Press Club,
whom he met this morning, says they are equally
determined to invite me.I remark that from emails I am receiving, the
New Zealand public are baffled to find that a
tiny community, amounting to less than one
tenth of one percent of the population, is
able to blackmail the government into acting
against its own interests and instincts, not to
mention its own Bill of Rights. Turning to the
increased reward, he asks who I suspect are the
culprits behind the two Wellington graveyard
outrages. I reply that I am not going to prejudice
inquiries by expressing my opinions, but that
people may well suspect by now who I feel was
behind them. I have increased the reward, as it
is plain that the desecration was not the
handiwork of some spotty-faced twenty-year old
skinhead; he would have had acquaintances who
would by now have collected the reward. The
culprits are evidently far more sophisticated
than that, hence the heftier reward. Will I be coming to the country in mid
September, he finally asks. I say that I shall
honour the invitation issued to me. I also have
long-standing plans to work in the archives. The
Government has five weeks now to decide whether
they intend to bar my way, and face the
consequent legal battle with its effect on the
electorate. I end by quoting Macaulay's Lays of
Ancient Rome, on How Horatio Held the
Bridge: Those behind
shout "forward" While those in front shout "back!"
That is rather how it is with New Zealand
Immigration. I intend to cross that bridge in
mid-September, I conclude -- and thank him for
giving me a hearing. Another Kiwi MP, Marc Alexander, has now
that I should not be banned. Tomorrow I shall send
him a copy of my recent Churchill
biography, so he can see what bigots David
Zwartz, Dov Bing and all the others of
that greasy ilk really are. I shall also toss free
copies of that book over to New Zealand's foreign
minister, the prime minister, and other
parliamentarians, to leaf through in the corner
into which they have deftly painted themselves. August
17, 2004 (Tuesday) Key
West, Florida I wrote to Michael Hoffmann two days ago:
"Michael, we can provide a slot for you to speak at
Cincinnati if you would like to, this Labor Day."
He is a good speaker, if he limits his themes. His
reply is unnecessarily brief: "Thank you, David,
but this is not sufficient notice. Sincerely,
Michael A. Hoffman II." Sniff. I reply, "Doesn't
take me three weeks to prepare a
speech." I have received a lot of messages the last two
or three days, with information on the intriguing
question: Do cell phones work in airplanes (as
per the official version of 9/11). It is
complicated than I thought: "cascading" come
into it, and the speed at which the plane is
traveling -- which makes it difficult if not
impossible for stable contact to be established
with the ground cells -- and the altitude too. The informed consensus appears to be that while
freak connections are not impossible, they would
not last longer than one or two seconds at most
before the call was dropped. A meaningful
conversation would be impossible. How odd. I wonder
why The 9/11 Commission Report does not
mention this. I have also received several messages supporting
dim view of the decline of the American motel
system as their management falls into the hands of
Asian families. Larry M. sends me a super BBC-Asia
which has found that sixty percent of the motels in
the US are now owned by one Indian "family." That
is a staggering figure. What a blight on the US
tourist picture.
DURING the morning, Gary
Redish [[email protected]], a
New Jersey lawyer who has written really offensive
emails in the past, indicates that he is
following what
is going on in far-off New Zealand with a
closer than usual interest. (Why?) He is evidently
irritated by my having increased
the reward to five thousand US dollars, and his
email is headed, "Where are you getting the Five
Grand from?" He comments grudgingly: "Pretty safe
bet anyway -- why not offer 50k? Makes you look
better, and you will never have to pay anyway."
I tease him: "That's the way the Jewish mind
works, I guess. Let's see what shakes out of this;
my guess, nothing: Mossad leaves few
footprints." Redish is outraged: "Jewish mind???," he echoes,
adding more question-marks than I normally allow.
"Here is your error in life. The fact that I am
Jewish does not dominate my life -- most Jews I
know feel the way I do -- I think of myself as a
third generation American who happens to be Jewish
-- "I thought of it purely from a business
standpoint. Seriously, do you think New Zealand
will let you in. I am a Liberal and frankly
don't care if you speak to a few misguided souls
in New Zealand. What's your thought? If they are
not letting you in, am I right you won't be able
to fly to New Zealand or will they stop you at
the border [sic] and kick you out on
next plane?" Das liegt in der Zukunft dunklem Schoss,
I would say gently to him in German; but I am not
certain the Yiddish is similar enough.
FROM friends in Scandinavia comes a private email
with a good suggestion: "I read that you have put
up a reward for $5,000 US for the criminals
responsible in New Zealand." Identifying himself,
he reminds me that we lunched together in
Copenhagen a year ago, and asks me to publish this
item on my website (which I do herewith).
friends and I have seen your reward offer for
the criminals responsible in New Zealand. We
would like to help there too, as the Jewish
community in New Zealand seems to be too short
of cash to offer a reward themselves.From
now on you can add $1,000 US to your
reward. We
here all condemn such behaviour, regardless of
religion or race, it was a disgraceful act. Let
the dead rest in peace. -- Your supporters in
Sweden I respond: "That is very generous of you; I will
add a notice to the website tonight." So, a six
thousand dollar reward. Shortly, the Scandinavian
adds a word of caution: "If too many people follow
our initiative you must set a limit, of say
$10,000. If the reward is too high, a lot of nuts
will go to the police and confess that they did
it." True. That is why I limited the reward
I offered in 1977, for wartime documentary evidence
that Adolf Hitler was aware of the
Holocaust, to one thousand dollars. It has remained at that figure ever since -- and
never been claimed. Historian A J P Taylor
once called it "undignified", but it has really
smoked out the scholars -- all those lazy experts
who stated as fact that Hitler had been personally
involved, and then found to their embarrassment
that there is not a single contemporary archive
document to support that view. Had I offered ten thousand, then it would have
become a viable commercial proposition to fake a
document. I have not forgotten how an Irish-Israeli
gun-dealer named "Michael O'Hara" (his real name
was Ze'ev Gideon Korwan) managed to fake a
Heinrich Himmler document "identifying" a pistol
that he owned as the gun Hitler shot himself with;
the Irishman actually managed to plant the document
in Himmler's files in the German federal archives,
to "authenticate" the serial number of the gun he
owned and was hoping to sell.
A CORRESPONDENT who monitors the New Zealand
newspapers (I have no time to study them) informs
me: "No word has been published of your increase of
the reward to $5,000. You need to remedy that."
Alas, I no longer sit at the levers of my Universal
Global Press Control Panel, so there's not much
that I can constructively do. He has however
confirmed that the tiny new Zealand Jewish
community is still only "considering" whether to
offer a reward. "Where is the reward from New
Zealand Jewry?," he mocks. "Do they not want the
culprit caught?" Evidently, ahem, not. -
Radical's Diary]  ...
related items on this website: Jewish
gun dealer (posing as Irishman) faked archive
documents, Hitler death gun in multi
million-dollar scam
1998 story: US dealer offering Hitler's guns for
sale "from Russian source" | Gary
Goodenow warns: They are fake!