Scoop New Zealand, Monday, August 16,
2004 Marc My Words:
The Love Of Justice And Freedom by Marc Alexander
MP THE love of justice and freedom
elevates our humanity
hatred does
not. Much of my job in Parliament revolves around the
passing of laws that curb extreme human nature. In
the case of those who desecrated the Jewish
gravestones in Wellington, their humanity is
debateable. These 'criminals' set about to vandalise 80
gravestones at Wellington's Makara Cemetery and
then set fire to the chapel. As if to underscore
their stupidity they left behind two swastikas --
symbols of supreme hatred and nationalism born of
intellectual incest. The attack was not isolated
but followed one on sixteen historic Jewish
headstones at Central Wellington's Bolton Street
Cemetery three weeks earlier. It's clear that these attacks were designed to
target and instil fear among the Jewish community.
Why? Because, if there was any logic to it, it is
undoubtedly a moronic response to the government's
diplomatic sanctions imposed on Israel following
the jailing of two alleged Israeli spies for
passport fraud, as well as the blocking of a
planned visit by the 'revisionist historian',
David Irving. But let's look at these
Were these two alleged agents
working on behalf of the Israeli Government? Who
knows? But what we do know is that our local Jewish
community had nothing to do with them. To consider
them responsible and therefore deserving of
'punishment' is utter madness. It is no different from blaming French
restaurants in Wellington for blowing up the
Rainbow Warrior. As regards so-called 'historian' David Irving,
we have conveniently induced amnesia to our valued
freedom of speech. It is all the more strange that
our Prime Minister originally supported his right
to enter New Zealand to express his views (23
July). Whatever our views on Irving's ideas, if we
cherish our own freedom to speak, we must respect
and deliver that freedom to others, no matter the
content. For at least two reasons we need that
freedom all the more when the message is repugnant.
We should never give a cloak of credibility to
Irving's words by committing a crime against his
freedom of speech; and secondly, it is only by the
full glare of public scrutiny that we can discern
the nonsense of his views. But more than that, we
mock our own freedom to speak if we impose a
contrary restriction that protects only popular
ideas. The last thing we should welcome therefore, is
the Government's decision to hold an inquiry into
hate speech which may, in due course, result in
legislation that asks judges and juries to discern
the 'hate' content of our freedom of expression. I
have no problem with the inquiry -- we should
debate the issue -- but I am wary that some future
parliamentary cabal will be able to control and
curb our language and our ability to openly
consider all ideas. Back to the gravestone vandals -- whoever they
are, one thing is clear, they spoke with their
actions. They do not contribute to a civil society,
they diminish it. They are desecrators of life and
freedom and whose only claim to public attention is
the violence they have done as a result of their
cream-puff intelligence. These vandals scurry under the cover of twilight
like cockroaches to carry out their cowardly
offences, never having the courage to stand up and
declare their beliefs openly. And that is a great
pity -- we would be well rid of them.
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David
Irving's 2004 visit FAQ:
Answers to frequently asked questions about Mr
Irving's visit
Sedley writes a letter on Mr Irving and free
speech |
name rings a bell
gang leaders defer to Israelis jailed by NZ,
says paper. Mossad autopsy on bungled NZ
operation: graves desecration was