At the Zündel trial in 1988
Mr Irving testified
that there was no evidence, at least in
the archives in which he had researched in
for many years, that Hitler had
ever ordered the physical extermination of
the Jews. He was so impressed by the
persuasiveness of the forensic appendices
and tables attached to the Leuchter
Report, the court exhibit based on the
investigations of Frederick A
Leuchter, that he published in the
summer of 1989, a printed and illustrated
version of this affidavit evidence in
London and announced his intention of
making sure that a copy went to every
school in the land.
In 1986 Mr Irving had organised a
speaking tour in Australia and New
Zealand, and then across Canada promoting
first his Australian reprint of Uprising,
the history of the 1956 Hungarian
uprising-- based on CIA and Hungarian
communist party records among other
sources. He followed this with a 1987 tour
promoting his first volume of his
biography, and in 1989, 1990, and 1991
there were further tours from west to east
across the great North American nation; at
some of these he spoke about the
Zündel trial, and the other great
controversies of history. Each time he
returned, the audience grew in size -- and
so did the concern of his opponents. The various Jewish organisations in
Canada, where they are particularly
wealthy, had made no attempt at lawful or
traditional criticism of his lectures, but
resorted instead to behind the scenes
blackmail and threats, to deprive him of
his lecture audiences.
Records of the Canadian
Attorney-General now released to us
under the country's Access to Information
Act reveal that -- for all their public
posturing and accusations that the writer
is "inciting hatred against the Jews," a
criminal offence in Canada, and although
this is the method which they have
employed to silence Ernst Zündel --
at no stage have they called for the
Briton's criminal prosecution. Equally,
although the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP), the Ontario provincial police, and
other police authorities attend his many
meetings -- because of the disorder
threatened by these opponents -- none of
them ever sees cause to prosecute. This fact bears emphasising: While
publicly citing the country's "hate laws"
as their base for concern, at no time do
Mr Irving's opponents ever instigate a
prosecution; talking in measured language
they express regret to the newspapers that
this university or that
military forum is providing the writer
with prestige and credibility. In this way
they silently seek to gag those who still
believe in free and fair debate. Here as in other countries the Jewish
representatives refuse Mr Irving's
frequent invitations to come on stage and
debate publicly with him (except for one
instance which will be referred to below,
in one of the biggest halls in Ottawa).
Instead they apply clandestine pressure to
hotels, restaurants, military clubs and
universities to cancel their bookings for
him, usually at the very last moment, and
they pile commercial
blackmail -- the threat of the
withdrawal of advertising revenues -- on
newspapers and magazines which allow him
to reply or which dare to give favourable
coverage to his published writings and
lectures. The campaign opens in 1989, as the
community, as though on a given signal,
begins a mediæval drumbeat of
accusations that the writer, by his
incidental comments on, and analysis of,
the established notions of the Holocaust,
is spreading "hatred". Like "Holocaust"
and its derivative "Holocaust denier",
"genocide", and "sensitivity" the word
"hatred" becomes one of the primitive
building bricks of their propaganda
campaign. The Atlantic Jewish Council
issues this press release: The Atlantic Jewish Council
views David Irving as a hate
monger whose ultimate objective is to
discredit the Holocaust, promote the
Jewish conspiracy theory and to incite
hatred against the Jewish people. While they did not spell out what they
meant by the "conspiracy theory," it was
presumably the notion that their brethren
around the world, who might never even
have met each other, whether in North
America, in Europe, in Australia, New
Zealand or South Africa, secretly
conspired and connived using every means
of modern technology to achieve their
aims: nothing, they implied, could be
further from the truth, and it may well be
that they believed it. After speaking at the Schwaben Club in
Toronto on March 5, 1989 the Globe
& Mail reports the author as
saying that based on research done by
Ernst Zündel's defence team during
the trial, he has become a "hard-core
disbeliever that there were any gas
chambers." He adds that some day
Zündel is "going to be proved
right." Carleton On March 4,
1989 The Ottawa Citizen publishes a
letter from nine professors at Carleton
University, disassociating themselves from
the planned lecture. The same issue quotes
Carter Elwood, the professor who
has invited him, as arguing that Mr
Irving's views can be most vigorously
rebutted in a public forum: "It's a
question of freedom of speech.
Universities have a right to have
different viewpoints expressed and a duty
to stimulate debate and discussion." But this, an open discussion, is what
the opponents want to stifle. In an item
three days later carelessly headlined
"irate picketers fail to stop fascist
speech" the same newspaper quotes yet
another body, the Jewish Community Council
of Ottawa, as stating that the author's
writing "exposes the Jewish community to
hatred. He's attempting to deny our
past." That day, in an emergency meeting, the
university history faculty buckles to the
threats and blackmail and the invitation
to Mr Irving is withdrawn. The
vice-president of academics, Thomas
Ryan, expresses the university's
"embarrassment" to the newspapers, as well
he may.
After the Chateau Laurier riot, The
Ottawa Citizen prints this account of
an interview with Mr Irving: He denied accusations of being
anti-Semitic, but said there are
"questionable aspects" to history's
long-held views about the Holocaust,
the Nazi massacre of some six million
Jews."I am not one of those people who
deny the Holocaust happened," he said.
"But the modern version (of history)
that Adolf Hitler killed six million
Jews no longer stands up." Irving also defended Toronto
publisher Ernst Zündel who was
convicted last year of knowingly
spreading false news about the
Holocaust. (COMMENT Zündel was
acquitted on appeal to the supreme court,
and the law itself brought into
discredit.) Irving said he accepts
forensic testing done by Zündel's
supporters that shows no evidence of
cyanide hydrogen in what history has
accepted as gas chambers in various
concentration camps.He said that after Zündel
showed him his evidence he became a
"hard-core non-believer" that there
were any gas chambers in Germany during
the Second World War. (COMMENT The German government now
reluctantly accepts that there were never
any gas chambers on German soil during the
Hitler reign) Throughout his 1989 Canada tour, Mr
Irving speaks on television and radio
stations across the entire country; it is
a setback for his opponents from which
they only barely recover, and then with
foul means rather than fair. Where he has
had only local organisers, on occasion
disabled, deaf, and half-blind veterans of
one and sometimes two world wars,
preparing lecture meetings with funds
limited by the exigencies of pensions and
puny savings, he now finds arrayed against
him the entire might of the League of
Human Rights of the B'nai Brith Canada,
which has unlimited cash reserves and a
multi-million dollar war chest set aside
to deal with emergencies just like
this. October 30,
1990 Margaret
Mitchell, Member of Parliament for
Vancouver East, writes to the organisation
hosting Mr Irving's Canada tour, demanding
that it cancel every appointment: "His kind of racism should not
be imported to Canada," writes
Mitchell: "History cannot be changed.
The fact that the Holocaust happened is
well document and supported by eye
witnesses' accounts. David Irving had
to abandon his assertion that Anne
Frank's Diary was a fake after
losing a legal battle to Otto Frank.
Anne's father. This is proof that his
theories have no basis. He also
testified on behalf of Ernst
Zündel who was found guilty of the
promotion of hatred. Canada will not
condone false statements and
unsubstantiated assertions which incite
hatred against an identifiable group." (The letter contains many falsehoods:
the late Otto Frank never sued Mr
Irving; Zündel was not prosecuted for
promoted hatred, but for "spreading false
news"; Canada has continuously turned a
blind eye on the incitement of hatred
against the Germans). Under pressure like this, on November
5, 1990, a few hours before Mr Irving is
to lecture in Ottawa, the Canadian House
of Commons adopts a motion indirectly
condemning him: That this House rejects any
attempt to use our country as a
platform from which to disseminate
knowingly misleading, inaccurate and
false statements about the Holocaust
and Nazi prosecution [sic???]
of the Jews and other people before and
during the Second World War and that
this House deplores utterly and
categorically all those who wish to
spread a message of racial
discrimination and hatred on the basis
of colour, religion, ethnicity or
culture." Oise November 1,
1990 The Toronto
campus newspaper The Varsity quotes
Walter Pitman, the director of
Oise, of calling Mr Irving's views
absolutely unacceptable. "Oise has an
enormous commitment to legitimate
education," he states. "In this case we
are no longer dealing with education, but
with misinformation, propaganda and
outright racism." Beginning a new phase in Mr Irving's
fight, in which he seeks to demonstrate
that unlike the bigots he has the law on
his side, Mr Irving authorises a lawsuit
against Oise, to force it to honour the
rental contract by obtaining a mandatory
interlocutory injunction. Mr Irving deposes in a sworn affidavit
for this action : I have been very irritated to
read newspapers stories repeating
allegations that I am a
denier, whatever that phrase
means. At no time in my lectures have I
stated anything that could be so
paraphrased. I make plain that there is
convincing documentary evidence in
German and British archives that the
Nazis killed thousands of Jews at a
time, in mass executions behind the
lines in Russia and the Baltic
countries. I state that, in my opinion,
there is however a total lack of
comparable contemporary evidence
relating to the existence of gas
chambers or "factories of death" in
Auschwitz, etc. On the contrary,
released by the Soviet authorities
in September 1989, and by the British
agencies, in my opinion makes it
quite plain that the death toll in
Auschwitz was about 76,000, and that
most of these fatalities occurred
through disease. I produce this
evidence during my lectures. Oise responds in its defence that the
organisers have concealed from it the
identity of the lecturer and the true
subject of the lecture. Mr Justice A H
Hollingworth dismisses the motion, and
refuses to grant the injunction, agreeing
that the organisers have not disclosed all
the facts to the Oise and that this
"misrepresentation" allowed Oise to cancel
the contract. He also finds: "There is no doubt that Mr
Irving is a magnet to attract
controversy which controversy could
very quickly degenerate into violence.
(In fact, the latter almost happened
this week in Ottawa where Mr Irving
spoke. Fortunately violence did not
erupt.)" The judge's ill-considered remarks may
seem to be an encouragement to Mr Irving's
opponents to threaten violence in future,
which mere threat may justify halls to
violate their contracts with him. In an
item headlined "Rae weeps openly over the
holocaust" The Toronto Star reports
on November 2 that the socialist premier
of Ontario, Bob Rae, has
congratulated Oise for violating the
contract. November 7,
1990 Judge
Hollingworth hands down his finding. That
night Mr Irving visits the Lakeshore Inn
in suburban Toronto and personally books a
500-capacity meeting room for the
following evening. He pays in advance,
signs the contract in person, and states
on it that the lecture will be by him. He
also gives the manager Jim Moats a
signed copy of Churchill's
War, so there can be no room for
misapprehension, and warns him that he can
expect his switchboard to be jammed with
protests from certain sectors of the
community the next day. Manager Moats
seems robust, says he knows which sections
of the community Mr Irving is referring
to, and has no fear of them. November 8,
1990 The traditional
enemies of the truth spring into action,
on hearing radio broadcasts announcing the
new meeting. Over the signature of its
Ontario Regional Director, Lorne
Shipman, the League of Human Rights of
the B'nai
Brith Canada ("a national agency
dedicated to combatting racism and
bigotry") faxes to the hotel manager a
letter citing Canada's hate law and
charging that the speaker will be
committing an offence against the Criminal
Code. The letter recklessly levels charges
against the speaker that are grotesquely
defamatory, and would be actionable under
U.K. law. "Other purveyors of this
ideology have been found guilty for
promoting false information and hatred.
Mr Irving's theories are repugnant and
emanate from an individual with no
historical credentials. Holocaust
denial is a vehicle to remove the guilt
associated with genocide and is a
decide to foster the return of Nazism." In a veiled threat which shows how
rapidly the League of Human Rights has
appreciated the hint given by Judge
Hollingworth, Mr Shipman adds: "You should
be aware that many groups find Mr Irving's
statements to be so vile that protests are
likely and confrontation may ensue."
The next episode occurs on
August 19,
1991. Mrs Ingrid
Beisner, a German-born Canadian
citizen, rents a meeting hall at the Tudor
Inn in Ottawa for Mr Irving to lecture in.
On this occasion she ensures that the
hotel owner, Italian-born Franco
Giammaria, is aware of the speaker's
identity, and he requires adequate
security to be included in the contract.
Arranging this additional police security
costs Mrs Beisner a $335 fee payable to
the police. Undeterred, B'nai Brith Canada and the
Ottawa Jewish Community Council prevail on
Giammaria to cancel the booking, Ian J
Kagedan writing him on September 17,
1991 that "our own legal experts are
available should you require advice on how
to cancel." Under pressure from B'nai
Brith, the Ottawa city councillor the
local ward also agrees to speak with
Giammaria, and Yvonne O'Neill, M.P.
for Ottawa Rideau, and John Manley,
M.P. for Ottawa South, both personally
sign letters to the hotel owner urging him
to cancel. To their credit, the Italian
restaurateur and his family refuse at
first to buckle under this pressure. Lisa
Giammaria states in an interview, "We see
the controversy, but are we not being
racist in turning him [Mr Irving]
away?" She adds, "If so many people
dislike this man, why do so many come and
hear what he has to say" Anybody who can
afford to book the hall should be able to.
We don't book the hall to people who only
have wonderful things to say." Speaking to
the university newspaper she adds, "I
would be incredibly concerned if aldermen
and politicians were the ones who chose
whom we can and cannot rent to. My father
will not buckle under and cancel." The pressure is however stepped up,
including death threats to Giammaria and
his daughter. In a letter from Giammaria's
lawyer dated September 27, Mrs Beisner is
informed that the rental contract is
cancelled. Left with no alternative, she
sues to enforce the contract. Giammaria
now pleads in an affidavit sworn on
October 3 that although he has been aware
all along that the lecturer is to be Mr
Irving, he has not been aware that the
purpose is to be "the denial of the
Holocaust and the fostering of hatred
against members of the community." Mrs Beisner has to abandon the action,
lacking funds to see it through the
courts. A new hall is hired, the Skyline
hotel; after the management comes under
the same pressures, they too cancel at the
last moment, and police have to escort the
speaker from the hall. He finally speaks
that day at The House of Cheung, a Chinese
restaurant-- the Chinese have throughout
the controversy displayed a remarkable
resilience to threats against freedom of
speech. The Ottawa
Citizen reports that the groups
protesting against Mr Irving's presence
in Ottawa on this occasion have
opposing racism,
members of Queer Nation (a militant
homosexual-rights group), International
Socialists, and the Women's Centre
Collective. The real masterminds of
this battle against free speech have
this time kept a lower, rearguard
profile, figuring in the newspaper
account only under the banner of the
Jewish Students Union at Carleton
University. The Hollingworth ruling of 1990, with
its covert incitement to violence, proves
useful to the B'nai Brith several times
over later months in their fight to smear
Mr Irving off the debating platforms. The
Marriott Hotel cancels a lecture booked
for October 5, 1991 after the Canadian
Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith Canada
apply pressure: Marvin Kurz, a
lawyer acting for B'nai Brith, puts the
Hollingworth decision to the Marriott's
lawyers. "Had we been aware of who was
involved," the Marriott's marketing
manager assures the Canadian Jewish
News, "we would not have made the
booking." Mr Irving himself then books and
pays in advance for a meeting room at the
Novotel in a Toronto suburb; a few days
later this hotel also cancels the contract
under pressure from the Canadian Jewish
Congress -- the frightened hotel
management secretly agree to negotiate
with the lecturer to compensate him for
his losses and for this violation of his
contract. November 1990
David Irving speaks at
the Ottawa Congress Centre. There has been
tremendous pressure brought against the
management by Jewish lobby groups behind
the scenes, and they are furious, for
once, to have failed. Ian Kagedan of B'nai
Brith protests in the Ottawa
Citizen (which publishes his letter on
October 17), "The Holocaust is not
debatable. It is not a matter of
opinion. Hateful words are not
protected speech. Promotion of hatred
leads to acts of hatred and violence."
The chairman of the board of
governors,. Gordon Henderson, has
however robust views about the freedom
of speech. "The right to freedom of
expression is a value that the board of
directors of the centre must and does
recognise, even though the board
disagrees with the message that Mr
Irving has announced as his theme." He adds that the speaker has broken no
laws and is free to present his views so
long as he does not do so. The congress centre is a
provincially-funded building, but the
Ontario provincial government takes the
same noble line, despite the familiar
pressure from the traditional enemies of
the truth. The Tourism Minister explains
to the newspapers: "The Ottawa Congress
Centre handles the day-to-day operations
and that'll be it in this case too.
Mr Irving has spoken
elsewhere and hasn't broken the
January 1992
Planning begins
early for what is to be a major tour of
North America in the autumn of 1992. His
organisers in Ontario contact the Congress
Centre in Ottawa again, scene of the
successful event of November 1990 -- and
defeat of all his opponents. But in the
meantime these creatures have not been
idle. The only way they can win the debate
is by having no debate. On February 14,
they send a secret letter (signed by Ian J
Kagedan, National Director of Government
Relations of B'nai Brith Canada) to the
regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton,
proposing a joint policy to prevent Mr
Irving from speaking in facilities which
the municipality controls: You'll recall that this matter
was of considerable concern when
Holocaust denier David Irving was
afforded a respectable and
credibility-enhancing platform by the
Ottawa Congress Centre in the Fall
[autumn] of 1990. Since that
time the Ontario Government's
Anti-racism Secretariat has pledged to
develop a policy which would preclude
such abuse of public space within its
charge. We are most pleased that the
Regional Municipality is prepared to
establish a policy in this same regard,
and commend your efforts in this
direction. Kagedan however feels the the draft
policy which Ontario has anxiously shown
him is ambiguious, and leaves just the
kind of loopholes that "those few in this
community whom the policy is intended to
put off" will seize upon, for instance to
argue that they do not "espouse hatred".
He suggests basing the wording on the
Canadian Human Rights Act (sections 2 and
13). banning the provision of public
facilities to any groups who espouse views
and ideas which are likely to promote
discrimination based on racial superiority
or hatred, of which are likely to expose a
person or persons to hatred or contempt by
on the basis of race, national, or ethnic
origin, colour or religion. "We believe it
is of great importance to have such a
policy in place," pleads Kagedan, and he
cunningly suggests that they expand the
list of prohibited grounds of
discrimination to include "age, sex,
marital status, family status, or
disability" and even "sexual preference"
(his ulterior purpose being to distract
attention from the true architects of this
clamp-down on free speech to these other
groups). A new and ugly wind of bigotry is thus
blowing across Ontario. After considering
the application by Mr Irving's organisers
on March 13, 1992 the Board of the Ottawa
Congress Centre explains to them why they
have now decided to ban him-- and it is no
surprise that their wording closely
follows the Diktat issued by B'nai Brith
to the Ottawa Carleton municipality: The Board agrees that freedom
of speech is a right enjoyed by all
Canadians, however, we must all live
with reasonable restrictions. The
Ottawa Congress Centre is a Provincial
building, paid for by the public. On
this basis, the Board feels that the
majority of the public is of the
opinion that David Irving's opinions
are dangerous, inaccurate, and could
cause harm and discomfort to fellow
Canadians. While he has the right to
speak, he must find a venue that is
prepared to give him his platform. A few days later, on March 25, the
Ottawa Regional Council approves the
immediate adoption of a bylaw forbidding
the provision of public facilities within
the municipality of Ottawa Carleton to any
group "espousing or promoting views and
ideas which are likely to promote
discrimination, contempt or hatred to any
person on the basis of race, national or
ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex,
marital status, family status, sexual
preference, or disability." B'nai Brith
has thus successfully camouflaged its own
role in forcing through the
clamp-down. Several months later there is a secret
change to the Ottawa Congress Centre's
bye-laws to enable it to clamp down on
free debate once and for all. The wording
sounds familiar. The new policy (section
9.01, enacted August 14, 1992) lays down
that the centre's facilities should not be
provided to any group that in the Board's
opinion "publicly espouses or promotes
false views and ideas," among which views
and ideas listed are those likely to
promote contempt, hatred or violence to
any person or group on the by now familiar
lines trotted out by the traditional
enemies of free speech (race, ethnic
origin, religion, age, sexual orientation,
marital or family status). The Board also
claims the right to see a summary of any
proposed lecture in advance. Thus, bit by
bit, and usually in secret, the rights of
the ordinary Canadian citizens were
abridged.  |