added by this website, courtesy DEA and
http://www.ukar.org] David Irving
reported once or twice before on
the Israeli involvement in two
major criminal activities, the
global trafficking in women from
former Soviet bloc countries, and
the mass production of Ecstasy
narcotics. In
Canada, a country which uses its
immigration laws to notable
effect to suppress free speech
and thought, as Ernst
Zündel -- who has
languished for ten months in an
immigration jail can testify --
the same authorities seem to be
remarkably lax towards such real
criminals. A correspondent
in Ontario reports this morning
to me:
HOST Michael
Vaughan of Report on
Business Television's (ROBtv)
"Michael Vaughan Live" aired an
interview with journalist
Victor Malarek on Nov 8,
2003. The interview had been
shown live earlier that week.
Malarek had come on to promote
his book The Natashas,
subtitled "The New Global Sex
Trade" -- the subject of his new
book. During the
interview, Malarek bemoaned the
very lax Canadian immigration
practices that allow a notorious
pimp to live in Canada with
impunity. To underscore
his disgust, Malarek cited
aspects of Ludwig
Fainberg's criminal history.
What troubled Malarek was the
seeming unwillingness of Canadian
authorities to act to deport
Fainberg from Canada. In the book
(see extract, left),
Malarek had ended his sketch of
Fainberg thus: "Canadian
Immigration swooped in and
arrested Fainberg in his
comfortable Ottawa lair. He was
labeled a threat to national
security and public safety, and
ordered deported to Israel." But according
to Malarek, Fainberg is still
among us, free to enjoy his
ill-gotten wealth,
notwithstanding an Immigration
Canada deportation
 Perhaps Elinor Caplan
(above), the latest
immigration minister of our once
great Dominion, can explain her
indulgence of this gangster. They
evidently share the same
religion, true, but in every
other respect she certainly has
all the looks of the feminist
battler for women's rights. What
has blunted the
battleaxe? Our
thanks to the several readers who
found and supplied to us the
portrait photos of her
Schützling, Mr
Fainberg | Portrait
of a modern slave trader, Ludwig
the sketch of of Ludwig Fainberg's
criminal career as drawn in Malarek's
study of the international sex trade,
The Natashas (Viking Canada:
Toronto, 2003, pp. 51 - 57):
WANTED TO FIND OUT just how difficult it
is to purchase young Slavic women for the
sex trade. It is, as I discovered, really
quite easy. All that's needed is a
connection and cold hard cash.
The meeting took place in an apartment
in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, on a
brisk, snowy night in early January 2003.
I was a bit nervous. The man I was to meet
was no ordinary low-level thug. Ludwig
Fainberg is a notorious Israeli
mobster with a hair-trigger temper and a
penchant for extreme violence. According
to FBI documents, he was the middleman for
an international drugs and weapons
smuggling conspiracy linking Colombian
drug lords with the Russian Mafia in
Miami. Fainberg's claim to fame was that
in the mid-1990s, he ventured onto a
high-security naval base in the far
northern reaches of Russia.  His mission was to negotiate the
purchase of a Russian Cold War-era diesel
submarine -- complete with a retired naval
captain and a twenty-five-man crew -- for
the Columbian cocaine cartel. The price
tag: a cool $5.5 million. The vessel was
to be used to smuggle tons of white powder
along the California coast. The deal fell
through. From 1990 until he was arrested and
charged in Miami in February 1997 for
smuggling and racketeering, Fainberg ran
an infamous strip club called Porky's. The
pink neon club on the fringe of Miami
International Airport was a magnet for
Russian hoods and sleazy East European
émigrés with misbegotten
fortunes and visions of untapped criminal
proceeds. Fainberg's rise through ROC
[Russian organized crime] ranks is
the stuff of Hollywood B-movies. He was
born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1958. When he
was thirteen he and his parents immigrated
to Israel. Later, he tried out for the
Israeli Marines, wanting to become a Navy
Seal. He flunked basic training. Then he
wanted to become an officer in the Israeli
Army but failed the exam. His
over-inflated ego bruised, he decided to
try his luck elsewhere. In 1980 he packed
a suitcase and headed for Berlin, where he
earned his stripes as a street-level goon
in extortion and credit card fraud. Four
years later he set out for the United
States -- a land he fondly refers to as
"the Wild West because it is so easy to
steal there!" He settled in the Brighton Beach area
of Brooklyn, which had become the seat of
the Organizatsiya, as the Russian mob is
often called. There he linked up with the
mob and specialized in arson -- torching
businesses competing with those that were
Russian owned. 1990 he moved to Miami to
run Porky's. Nine years later he was
convicted on racketeering charges and
sentenced to thirty-seven months in
prison. Since he had already spent thirty
months in jail awaiting trial, Fainberg
was deported to Israel. The next year he
turned up in Canada with dreams of making
it rich in the flesh trade. Not long after
his arrival he married a Canadian and
moved into a comfortable apartment along
the Ottawa River with his new bride and
his ten-year-old daughter from a previous
marriage. I entered the well-appointed
two-bedroom flat and Fainberg stared hard
into my face as we shook hands. He's a
burly man with a thin goatee and
short-cropped hair, and he was clearly
sizing me up. I must have passed. He
gripped my hand firmly and escorted me to
the living room, which was outfitted with
the latest gizmos in video and audio
entertainment. I sank down into a soft,
black kid-leather couch while he retreated
to the kitchen to get a couple of imported
beers. "You
can call me Tarzan," he began as he burst
back into the room. With a proud boyish
grin, he tossed me one of his business
cards. The cover of the custom-made
two-fold card sported the caricature of a
mop-topped muscular man under the name of
Porky's. The inside featured a cartoon of
an ample nude woman bending over in
knee-high stiletto-heeled boots.
Underneath was his name -- "Tarzan Da
Boss" -- and on the opposite side "Welcome
to Planet Sex, Land of Fantasy." According
to Fainberg, he was nicknamed Tarzan
because he once sported a wild mane of
hair and acted as though he was straight
out of a jungle. These days, for travel
and immigration purposes, he's known as
Alon Bar. The former strip-club
owner legally
changed his name during his last
pit stop in Israel.
The man is a consummate braggart. For
the better part of the evening he crowed
about his illicit escapades and nefarious
underworld connections and boasted that
his life would make a spectacular
Hollywood movie. He even talked about
penning his memoirs. "It would be number
one on the New York Times
bestseller list." But there's one aspect
of his life he probably wouldn't want
revealed in any book. Fainberg relishes
putting women in their place. In one
violent incident in Miami, undercover
agents with the FBI and U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency watched from a safe
distance as he chased a stripper out of
Porky's and slammed her head repeatedly
against the door of his Mercedes until the
car was covered in blood. In another
episode, he beat a dancer in the parking
lot outside the club and then made her eat
gravel. Clearly, he was no gentleman, and
every woman in his club knew it.
Incredibly, he attributes this mean streak
to his upbringing: "In Russia, it's quite
normal for men to slap women. It is
cultural. It is part of life." Fainberg prefers to see himself as an
astute businessman, and if there's a
business he firmly grasps, it's the flesh
trade. "It can make you a millionaire in
no time," he said, winking. His Canadian
dream was to open a strip club in
Gatineau, Quebec. The club, across the
bridge from the nation's capital, would
feature imported talent -- Russian and
Ukrainian strippers and lap dancers. When
I met with him he was shopping for a
Canadian partner and trolling for an
infusion of cash. I asked Tarzan what he
would bring to the deal. He recited his
know-how and his unique expertise in
importing entertainment. After an hour I shifted the
conversation to the issue at hand: buying
women. With an earnest, businesslike
expression, Fainberg said flat-out that it
was an easy feat -- he could bring women
in from Russia, Ukraine, Romania or the
Czech Republic. "No problem. The price is
$10,000 with the girl landed. It is
simple. It is easy to get access to the
girls. It's a phone call. I know the
brokers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and
Kyiv. I can call Moscow tomorrow and show
you how easy it is. I can get ten to
fifteen to twenty girls shipped to me in a
week." Clearly, he had done this many
times before. "They know exactly what they're being
hired to do?" I asked. "They're not being
forced." "They know why they are coming and what
they are going to do. They will not be any
trouble," he assured me. Guardedly I mentioned that while
surfing the internet, I had tripped on FBI
and U.S. State Department documents that
said he "likely trafficked in women." That
got his attention. As he shifted to the
edge of his seat, Fainberg's eyes flashed
in indignation. "That is bullshit. I never
trafficked in women. I don't need
trafficked women. Agents in Russia are
overwhelmed with women who want to do this
voluntarily. If you look at their living
conditions in Russia, there is no way of
surviving. They live in poverty. At least
this way, they can make a living. When
people need to eat, what are you going to
do?" "Given what you've just said, they're
not really prostitutes," I
interjected. Fainberg
paused for a moment, mulling over my
words. Then with a laugh, he shot back:
"My opinion is a prostitute is someone who
is selling herself. From that point of
view that is what they are. It is true
they definitely do not want to do this.
They are being pushed by their social
level of their life. They're getting
pushed by necessity. They're being pushed
to survive. Then maybe they're not really
He even held himself out as a Good
Samaritan: "The girls come here and they
send some money home and the family lives.
If they don't come to work here or in
Germany or England, their family suffers.
I give the girls a chance to earn money.
For me, it is a business transaction,
plain and simple, but I am also helping
these women out." "I've heard that a lot of these women
have no idea they're going into
prostitution when they accept these
so-called job offers to work abroad," I
countered. "In fact, I've read that a lot
of them think they're going to be
waitresses or hotel cleaning staff." Fainberg held his fire. I find that difficult to
believe. I was present on many
occasions when girls were being hired.
Plus, at somepoint I had over twenty
girls from Russia, Ukraine and Romania
who came to work in the States. Maybe
some of them don't know. But how stupid
do you have to be that you are going to
a different country to work as a
waitress or dancer in a club? It is
really stupidity. It's dumb. Women know
what they are going for. Sometimes when
they realize their mistakes or they're
getting hurt, its easy to blame
somebody else for being so dumb. I
think they should only blame themselves
for getting into that. He grudgingly conceded that some of
these women are duped. "I think 10 percent
don't know what they're getting into.
Ninety percent know exactly what they're
going to do. What they may not know
exactly is the conditions or how much
money they will get." "You don't have a problem with pushing
women who are absolutely destitute into
prostitution?" "Look, that's what they can offer. Life
is a business. It's a trade. You want to
give something for nothing? You can help
once or twice. But then ten, twenty or
forty times? For that you want to get
something in return." "What
kind of money are we talking here?" I
asked. "How much will it cost to bring a
woman over, and what kind of profit can be
"If it is run the proper way, the clean
way, you can have a good clientele and
make a lot of money. You can buy a woman
for $10,000 and you can make your money
back in a week if she is pretty and she is
young. Then everything else is
profit." I asked about getting the women into
Canada or the United States. "It is so simple, so very simple," he
bragged. "You know after 9/11 how
difficult it was supposed to be to get
into the United States? I will show you
right now how easily we can get into the
United States and then come back, and
nobody will ever know we were in there."
He went on to hint that certain Russian
mobsters have connections with Native
gangs whose reserves straddle the
Canada-U.S. border. A couple of days later, Canadian
Immigration swooped in and arrested
Fainberg in his comfortable Ottawa lair.
He was labeled a threat to national
security and public safety, and ordered
deported to Israel. But
in November 2003 Ludwig Fainberg, the
Jewish slave trader from the Ukraine, is
still at large in Canada. .
More on Fainberg: Excerpts
from Robert Friedman, "Another
Ukrainian Jew Makes Good," The New
Yorker, Apr 10, 2000
Outrage in Berlin Conservative
German politician claims Jews are "a
Race of Perpetrators"
slams Israel on sex slavery
History and the brains behind the
international drugs trade
Israeli nationals were arrested and
accused of trying to smuggle $42
million worth of hallucinogenic Ecstasy
pills to the United States from
Belgium, the largest such drug seizure
ever in Europe, U.S.
raid Michel Friedmanns house for
cocaine. Drogenrazzia beim
Vizepräsidenten des Zentralrates
der Juden in Deutschland, Michel
Friedman | Berlin
police seize drugs haul at home of
Germanys Jewish leader and TV star
Michael Friedmann | Jews
ponder Michel Friedmans future after
Berlin police seize drugs haul at his
home | Friedman-Verteidiger
schickte Fax an
Andrew E Mathis tries to frighten off
prof Tony Martin from lecturing
Cincinnati conference on Jewish origins
of the slave trade | Jewish
journalist attacks Prof Martin for his