the back of her mind: "I
make up my mind before I have the facts. I see a blonde, I
decide she is stupid. I see a Black, I decide he's shiftless
[sic] and lazy. I see an Italian, I decide he is
Mafioso. I see a Jew, I decide they [sic] are evil,
greedy, conniving, etc."
-- Deborah
Lipstadt on prejudice
Index A dossier on US Scholar
Deborah Lipstadt
March 2005 attempt to silence

sneaks out of the London High Court in April 2000 after
her sensational win over historian David Irving, who sued
her for calling him a Holocaust denier, as requested by
Yad Vashem. She refused to go into the witness box
herself to avoid awkward questions. The $13 million
dollars her pals poured into the courtroom did the trick.
His memoirs will reveal the whole dirty inside
story. - 2011: Lipstadt's
heroic libel-trial memoirs reviewed on the Amazon
website | Prof.
Deborah Lipstadt still preening herself on her book on
Eichmann and her 2000 London victory | trial
history | "The big mistake was David Irving suing
me," she says. One wonders she has any time to teach. As
for her Eichmann biography, what an achievement for an
American whose only foreign languages are Hebrew and
Yiddish! | our
Lipstadt dossier
- On its tenth anniversary legal expert Michael K Smith
re-examines the Lipstadt "Trial of the Century":
We Loathe David Irving? - and concludes he was not
- Was Deborah Lipstadt killer's real target? -
against Jews blamed in Washington Holocaust Museum
attack - How fortunate then that he was thwarted |
Foxman links Museum shooter to National Alliance, sees
surge in antisemitism | Why
us? asks Michael Gerson in Washington Post (but
avoids answers)
- Jewish Chronicle frontpages outrage of the
traditional enemies of free speech - David
Irving invited on Celebrity Big Brother | The
Observer: Protests
and earns a
warning letter | Deborah Lipstadt's furious
double-take: Has
someone lost their mind? | Anorak
| Digital
spy | Ha'aretz
| Sunday Times (UK): Business
as Usual on Channel 4
- DJC Irving vs. Penguin Books & Liipstadt,
1996-2002. Lipstadt
trial and aftermath]
Curse of Lipstadt #1: Lipstadt's
anti-Irving book sold off for scrap value Schmutz und
Schund sells better | The curse of Lipstadt #2: Barrister-journalist
who smeared David Irving after Lipstadt Trial is
jailed | The Curse of Lipstadt #3: Richard
"Skunky" Evans's 'The Coming of the Third Reich' (Penguin
Ltd) also bombs - ("first of a planned three-volume
opus") now remaindered at fraction of price (Penguin
shareholders: you paid this neutral expert over $1m to
defend Lipstadt) | price
now slashed again to only $1.09! | A
Historian Comments on Evans's masterpiece- Xymph's latest, too good not to share: The
debt we owe to Deborah Lipstadt
- Deborah Lipstadt orates in London to a Zionist rally:
scholar warns of new 'soft-core' denial - interviewed
on Feb.4, 2007 in her luxury London hotel, says:
denial laws will shut down debate" |
Uh? Lipstadt favours debate? She
refused to enter the witness box in London in Jan 2000,
and silenced her own C-Span appearance in March 2005 in
order to prevent them showing a David Irving segment
dossier: Lipstadt's
attempt to silence C-Span]
| Daily Telegraph: EU
plans far-reaching 'genocide denial' law - again
Lipstadt objects: Thou shalt have no other Holocaust but
Ours | And spot the contradiction in her interview with
Jewish on Feb 7: "If Limmud's organisers invited
Lipstadt to participate in a panel discussion with
Irving, she would refuse point blank. 'I don't debate
Holocaust deniers. Putting him on a panel would mean
someone lost their mind. He's a liar -- why give a liar a
platform?' Ah, we see. - Still Living in the Past - Lipstadt
gives pointed speech for Holocaust Awareness
- Lipstadt's
outrage as "neo Nazis" challenge her at Cincinnati |
Journal-Constitution wades into Deborah Lipstadt :
"Lipstadt herself is an architect of silencing debate.
Her famous litigation in England with Holocaust denier
David Irving was transformed ... into her crusade to
extinguish any mention of his views." | More
on who funded Lipstadt's $13million court
- Letter: Ashleigh
W. asks questions on the aftermath of the Lipstadt trial
and the lessons of History
- Seven years on, and Deborah
Lipstadt's still dining out on her Holocaust Trial:
This week, Winnipeg
- Wall
Street Journal passes comment on the Lipstadt trial -
If enough Money's stacked against them, ordinary folks
shouldn't get justice
- Deborah
Lipstadt snuck into London and spoke Monday at the
ICA | David
Irving urged a warm welcome to the scholar
- Still dining out on the Holocaust: Deborah
Lipstadt tells Canadians what she did in the War against
Irving: 'Get that Bastard,' man said to her
- Dutiful
Praise for Deborah Lipstadt's book on Adolf Eichmann
| Deborah E. Lipstadt: Genocide's
Toxic Legacy: Advanced Holocaust Student Lipstadt
writes a major book on Adolf Eichmann. Uh, but she can't
read German? - Never mind, it has taken her all of six
months to write this book
Appoints Deborah Lipstadt to U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Council Odd, seeing as she was denied tenure in California, and
her books bomb (right)- Emory
Law School Student Arrested as Mossad Spy
- Paul
Grubach writes on Lipstadt, Eichmann, and David
Irving: Two out of three come out badly
- Multi-millionaire
Elie Wiesel to receive first U.S. Holocaust Museum Award:
and indeed, where would the legends be without him?
Deborah Lipstadt to deliver keynote address. One could
not make it up (this event, that is) | our
Wiesel dossier
- Obituary
for Sir Frank Lampl: Attended trial of DJC Irving
vs. Lipstadt libel action every day. (There's no
- Lipstadt
feebly protested David Irving's 2005 jailing:"'Irving?
Let the guy go home" | then
was outraged at his release
- New Jewish squabble -
over definition of Holocaust survivor - Says Deborah
Lipstadt: "It has been milked for all it's worth."
(hastily adding, adding "in this case")
- Culture Wars Feature Article: E.
Michael Jones on Holocaust Denial and Thought Control:
Deborah Lipstadt at Notre Dame University
- Holocaust survey: 14
percent of German teens say Jews deserved it |
Toronto's National Post interviews Lipstadt's
expert, not-really-an-architect Professor Van Pelt:
architectural beauty in the Holocaust
- Still living in the past:
the deniers: Jew Telegraph Agency's Q & A session
with US scholar Deborah Lipstadt
| A
rogue writer defaces her interview page
ASSHOLS"*, another
everyday story of Holocaust liars | Lipstadt calls it
A Danger
Greater Than Denial | Lipstadt: If
Holocaust deniers were smart, they would sit back and let
the Rosenblats, Salomons, Berkley Books and the like
peddle their wares... to which we would add, "and the
Lipstadts" | Rosenblats
remain on Oprah's Website | The dominoes fall:
Girl," Children's book based on Rosenblat myth, is now
also pulled | Dad's
Big Lie: Asked why [Rosenblat] had made up
the tale, she said simply, "For money." | San Francisco
Chronicle: Is
it good for the Jews? Whatever you do, don't blame
Oprah | The
New Republic | Writer
fooled Oprah | Associated Press: Anger,
sadness | "There's
no need to embellish" says Deb Lipstadt. "When you're
teaching about horrible stuff you just have to lay out
the facts" | Penguin
Books cancels the disputed Holocaust memoir,"adding
the name Herman Rosenblat (right, with wife) to an
increasingly long line of literary fakers" on the
Holocaust | There's
Gold in them thar camps: In the beginning, there was
a boy, a girl, and an apple, or perhaps not:
right, the happy Rosenblat couple] | Rosenblatt
myth: Lipstadt whines that she is accused of
slander- Still dining out on the Holocaust: Deborah
Lipstadt reveals more names of those who slush-funded her
defence, 'When the world's leading Holocaust denier
[sic], David Irving, sued me for libel in
Britain' | Sir
Charles Gray, Judge in the Lipstadt Trial, goes into
retirement | and Mr Irving's commentary
- Schlock and no end - Holocaust-themed
Rio Carnival float causes
strain | next shock - Lipstadt among the dancers? |
but then: Judge
bans float
- Lipstadt
has second thoughts: "Even if he wasn't a denier, he gave
the deniers leverage", Lipstadt said of David Irving. He
was the most dangerous ... he had an outside reputation
other than being known as a Holocaust denier |
Irving: A Diary, on Lipstadt and Coventry
- Lipstadt
throws a tantrum (because the US Supreme Court takes Fred
Leuchter seriously?) | more
| our own Leuchter
dossier | A
reader asks about Mr Leuchter's role
- Follow her around: After
seven years, Lipstadt's dog-and-pony show hauls into
Ithaca | Her
blog makes a real hash of things | Daily
Mail gets it wrong about Mr Irving too
- Wasn't he a star Lipstadt witness? National
Post (Toronto) shows proper disrespect for "disingenuous"
Bernie Farber & Co at Canadian Jewish
- Author
admits Holocaust wolf memoir "partly" made up
more, NPR | Boston
Globe: "Ever since I can remember, I felt Jewish" |
"Showbiz" | Wolf
girl exposed as ASSHOL*. See Belgium's Le
Soir - she spent the war as a schoolchild in Brussels
| Deborah
Lipstadt, embarrassed: "Turns out she is not even
Jewish. People like this are beneath contempt."
Wilkomirski redux, she recalls unashamed: Wilkomirski? Oh
yes - Lipstadt had earnestly recommended Fraudster
W's Bumper Book of Holocaust Lies to her students: "When
confronted with evidence that [he] is a fraud,
she commented that the new revelations 'might
complicate matters somewhat, but [the work] is
still powerful.'"
- Big bucks #2: Misha Defonseca's ghostwriter
(Living with Wolves) comes clean: Faking
Holocaust Memoirs for Big Bucks | as Deborah Lipstadt
(American scholar) memorably if unintelligibly writes:
Misha sounds like a real piece of work"
- The Observer: Fury
at Channel Four film interview with David Irving
| TV
documentary allows David Irving to speak freely: At
10 pm on Dec 9 British TV (Channel 4 / More 4) will show
the ninety-minute Rex Bloomstein film, An Independent
Mind. [Sky 138, Freeview 14, Virgin Media 142]:
Patience! Mr Irving's four segments are near the end.
| Outrage from Deborah Lipstadt: Irving
to Appear on UK's Channel 4: Have They Completely Lost
Their Minds?|Irving
Gets a Starring Role, splutters Lipstadt | The
Right To Free Speech: Should we ban David Irving from
speaking, ask Jews? - Jewish Chronicle frontpages outrage of the
traditional enemies of free speech - David
Irving invited on Celebrity Big Brother | The
Observer: Protests
and earns a
warning letter | Deborah Lipstadt's furious
double-take: Has
someone lost their mind? | Anorak
| Digital
spy | Ha'aretz
| Sunday Times (UK): Business
as Usual on Channel 4
- Peter
Longerich's book on Dr Goebbels is published. Mystery
solved of who stole David Irving's research files?
(Longerich was Lipstadt's "neutral expert")
- After six years, her Dog and Pony Show reaches
Charleston: Deborah
Lipstadt to Waffle to yet another Well-Heeled
Audience - still hasn't recovered, got a life
Lipstadt Dog-and-Pony Show arrives at Wilkes-Barre.
B'nai B'rith lodge is revealed as running Prof
Lipstadt | At
expense of real Holocaust victims, Claims Conference
awards her website major funding (provided by German
Govt.) - Uh? Funding for what? Her hate-filled
website has not been updated in ages- Deborah Lipstadt's Dog & Pony Show hauls into New
Jersey: World-renowned
denier-denier Prof sees mixed picture on hatred, Shoa
denial | Jewish
Chronicle reports sale of movie rights in Lipstadt's book
- but who will land the plum roles? | Jewish
Chronicle reader's outrage that BBC invited Mr Irving to
discussion programme
- Blame-denier Deborah Lipstadt says Blaming
"the bankers" is a shorthand for "the Jews" - and
your point is? | German
economics expert says sorry to Jewish community for 1930s
- Deborah Lipstadt: "Why
Murdoch's BSkyB bid really is worrying" - Now,
that is worrying: perhaps we should back Rupert
after all?
- Went to SpecSavers: "New
strain of Holocaust denial," says Lipstadt's lawyer
Anthony Julius (right): "Call it Holocaust denial
2.0." (Get a Life, Julius, urges David Irving) | JTA:
of litigation averts British academic boycott of
Israel. Attorney Anthony Julius (right) offers his
services "free" (tell that to Princess Diana and Deborah
25, 2008: Still dining out on the Holocaust: Deborah
Lipstadt reveals more names of those who slush-funded her
defence, 'When the world's leading Holocaust denier
[sic], David Irving, sued me for libel in
Britain' | Judge
in the Lipstadt Trial, goes into retirement | and Mr
Irving's commentary- Nov 26, 2007: Lipstadt's
statement to pre-"debate" rally before Irving addressed
Oxford Union
 - Jun 20, 2007: Scott
Smith asks who paid Deborah Lipstadt's Libel trial costs,
and gets a very full answer
- May 10, 1007: Seven years on, and Deborah
Lipstadt's still dining out on her Holocaust Trial:
Now it's Winnipeg
 - Jerusalem Post reports (Feb 2007): Deborah Lipstadt
orates in London to Zionist rally: "Holocaust
scholar warns of new 'soft-core' denial" - Lipstadt
interviewed on Feb.4 in luxury London hotel by
Spiked: 'Genocide
denial laws will shut down debate" | Uh, Lipstadt
favours debate? She refused to enter the witness box in
London in 2002, and silenced her own C-Span appearance in
- The usual slur: Lipstadt
attacks Jimmy Carter, says his Jan 2007 book on Palestine
relies on anti-Semitic stereotypes in defense -
Finkelstein demolishes Lipstadt
- Answering the Lipstadt Liars: Free
Download of David Irving's own Diary of his three-month
2000 Legal Action against Deborah Lipstadt -
originally posted in 2000, but repeated here for new
- A
fair and revealing illustrated interview of Prof Lipstadt
by Robert Birnbaum
- Mar 15, 2005: Deborah Lipstadt cuts off nose, spites
Richard Cohen's fury in Washington Post that C-SPAN
grants equal air time: to silence David Irving, Lipstadt
cancels her consent | The Irving-CSpan
correspondence, with a prediction | The
self-important David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust
Studies cackles its approval | Our
complete dossier on Lipstadt's C-Span fiasco
- Still dining out on the Holocaust Mar 10, 2005:
Deborah Lipstadt visits
Berlin (but can't speak German): defends WW2 massacre at
Dresden; is asked why she never took the stand during the
Lipstadt Libel Trial
- In 2002 Lipstadt
published in Nova Law Review a revealing survey of
the months before the Lipstadt trial. With full
commentary by David Irving, and hyperlinks
- Feb 25, 2005 reviews of Lipstadt's new book:
University ("The British press was nasty, seeing it
as a battle of class -- an English gentleman against an
American Jewish woman upstart") | Jewish
Journal of Los Angeles
 A Deborah
Lipstadt moment: NEVER
FORGET: "Deborah Lipstadt, author of the
anti-revisionist polemic Denying the
Holocaust, has assigned [Binjamin
Wilkormiski's book] Fragments in
her Emory University class on Holocaust
memoirs. "When confronted with evidence
that it is a fraud
[the author spent the
war in comfort in Switzerland, not Auschwitz,
and was not even a Jew], she
commented that the new revelations 'might
complicate matters somewhat, but [the
work] is still powerful.'" -- In other words, who cares
about fact or fiction where the Holocaust is
Deborah Lipstadt received an ecstatic
welcome when she spoke in Feb 2005 at Brandeis
University, and signed six million copies of her
latest book (equally true). | Jan 27, 2008 Still dining out on the Holocaust: Deborah
Lipstadt writes on The future of Holocaust denial in that
obejctive daily, The Jerusalem Post, and worries about
the Arabs who have taken up the cry | and sells
the same article to The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution- Jan 27, 2005: Kirkus
reviews Lipstadt's turgid new book on the trial ("it has
dry patches" - like the Sahara): and, abandoning My
Struggle, she has stolen Don Guttenplan's title,
History on Trial
- Jan 26, 2005: Still dining out on the Holocaust:
Lipstadt reminisces in the
International Herald Tribune about her famous victory in
the London High Court (she took the Fifth) and mentions
her new book - it was going to be called My
Struggle (no kiddin').
- Index to Legal
Situation caused by Lipstadt's illegal postings of
documents on her university website
- Ward Churchill pours scorn on Lipstadt in No.33 of
Socialism and Democracy: An
American Holocaust? The Structure of Denial
- Lipstadt's
praise for Binjamin Wilkomirski, the (ASSHOL) fraudster
and liar:
"Deborah Lipstadt has assigned
Fragments in her Emory University class on
Holocaust memoirs. When confronted with evidence that it
is a fraud, she commented that the new revelations 'might
complicate matters somewhat, but [the work] is
still powerful.' Daniel Ganzfried reports that Jews have
complained to him that even if Fragments is a fraud, his
exposé is dangerously aiding 'those who deny the
Holocaust.'" - Lipstadt hits Oregon
trail again: speaks at Portland
| The
racist record of Deborah Lipstadt
- Tom
Stoneburner asks for material to refute the orchestrated
attacks on Mr Irving
- Lipstadt
latest: had surgery October 2002 | invitation
to meet her
- Lipstadt latest:
receives Eternal Light award from Catholic-Jews in
- Lipstadt
"heralds personal victory over Holocaust
- Twelve
questions on Auschwitz to put to Prof. Lipstadt the next
time you see her...
- Controversy
April 2001 over Emory's choice of Deborah Lipstadt as
graduation speaker; won't get honorary degree
- Update on
Lipstadt's Book About the Trial: Irving v.
- Great debating
opportunity: Lipstadt lectures Sept 10, 2003 at US
Holocaust Museum, Washington
- Atyn
Boersma, writes from the Netherlands with questions about
the basis of the Lipstadt trial
- Reviews of Lipstadt's latest
book on the Amazon website.
Newspaper reviewers are, like the
publishing industry, preponderantly Jewish, and therefore
partisan. What do non-partisan readers think of
Lipstadt's book on her trial for libel?
- Andrew
Mathis leaps gallantly to the defence of that old rogue
and paragon, Deborah Lipstadt: she is not a sneaker, he
- Sept 10, 2007: Little
to laugh about: Lipstadt's book sold off for scrap
- Still dining out on
the Holocaust: Deborah Lipstadt tells Canadians what she
did in the War against Irving: 'Get that Bastard,' man
said to her
previous items- Blake
Eskin's book on the Benjamin Wilkormiski scandal reveals
Deborah Lipstadt's hypocrisy and mendacity
- Lipstadt to
rub shoulders with the great and powerful
- Lipstadt's
new AJC-funded website at Emory | our
- A reader
pleads: don't knock Emory because of one poor scholar
| Mr Irving
responds: views about Emory remain unchanged
- The Courses
which Prof. Lipstadt teaches at Emory University,
- Deborah
Lipstadt's website at Emory University
- Distinguished
Chair Holders
- Chicago professor's new book on Americans
and the Holocaust heaps criticism on Deborah
Lipstadt: Making "shoah-business" argument, he cites
Lipstadt as example of the santification of the Holocaust
[and See Novick
- The foul contagion spreads: Lipstadt's
book is required reading at universities in USA
- How certain people tried
to suppress free speech in Atlanta USA when David
Irving came, Nov 4, 1993 ...
- Deborah Lipstadt's essay for Australia, The
Holocaust and the Denial of Reason (A.I.J.A.
Briefing, February 1994)
- Lipstadt in Australia on a speaking tour: report in
Australian, July 25, 1994
- Deborah
Lipstadt reviews Peter Novick's book in The Boston Globe,
Jun 13, 1999: The Holocaust in the Western mind
- Letter
to The Australian, July 26, 1994, protesting about
libels by Deborah Lipstadt during her Australia tour
- Letter to an Australian
informant commenting on Lipstadt's lies, July 21,
- Action Report summary: "Lipstadt
in Australia"
- For the other side of the story: An interview with
Deborah Lipstadt [link]
- David Irving's diary,
November 11, 1994: he confronts Lipstadt at Question
Time in Atlanta.
- Apr 3, 1996: Prof Lipstadt badmouths
David Irving and his Goebbels book in Washington Post;
publisher abandons book publication
- Deborah
Lipstadt curriculum vitae
- Witness
Statement Of Deborah E. Lipstadt
- Newsletter
of the Institute of Jewish Studies at Emory University:
Prof Lipstadt's Trial
- Richard
Rampton's Flying Circus tours North America, speaking on
trial, Oct 2000
- Dec 15, 1998: High Court in London orders
Deborah Lipstadt to verify her document-discovery on
- Prof. Deborah Lipstadt's application
for an Injunction to suppress publication on this
Website of her witnesses' statements and their documents
| David
Irving's affidavit of Jan 26, 1999 | Order
made by Mr Justice Moses
- Apr 16, 1999: Mr
Irving issues summons against Lipstadt alleging
concealment of Video Evidence | Mr Irving's affidavit
supporting the summons
- Deborah Lipstadt on Wolfgang Benz: vaguely
uneasy that a German Historian should examine the
- Prof
Deborah Lipstadt's witness statement in DJC Irving vs
Penguin Ltd and Lipstadt
- Fulton County Daily
Report: Giant
Effort Helps Emory Prof Overcome Holocaust
- Lipstadt (right) tells Asian
Times: "This
was an exercise in pest control"
- The Advocate: Lipstadt
tells Synagogue I slew Dragon, singlehanded
- Jerusalem Post on a gloatfest
in LA: Lipstadt
recounts battle with "Amalek"
(Uh? She spake not a word in the trial)
- L A Jewish Journal: Vindication
has lit a fire under Deborah Lipstadt
- Premature
Forward (NY) ad honours Lipstadt victory
- Jewish Telegraph Agency:
Lipstadt: "Ordeal with Holocaust denier showed 'I was
wrong to laugh"
- Jerusalem Post: Lipstadt:
Libel trial strengthened me
- Jewish Journal of Los Angeles: Lipstadt
to lecture
- Jewish Telegraph Agency: Friend
of Deborah exits trial believing Irving is one to
- Australian
Jews force Newspaper to Suppress Lipstadt--Trial Poll
Results | Australian
Jewish News on role of Lipstadt in suppressing Goebbels
- Who
is Funding Professor Lipstadt's Defence? - No
- Dr
Andrew E. Mathis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, comes to
the defence of Prof. Lipstadt
- Controversy
over Emory history professor Michael A. Bellesiles,
accused of faking evidence on statistics on early
American firearms
- Arthur
Blank gives $5 million to Emory's Institute for Jewish
- Analysis
of the Lipstadt trial from the Yale Law Journal, Jun
2001, by Wendie Ellen Schneider
- Dec
24, 2003: Lipstadt demands all Mr Irving's possessions
turned over to her
- More on who funded
Lipstadt's $13 court defence costs
violation of a Court Order on Discovery and its
consequences Deborah
Lipstadt: a request for information | 
| - WE
KNOW the reasons why Deborah Lipstadt was
refused tenure at the southern California
university where she used to teach, and
transferred to her present lowly position at
Emory, the "Coca-Cola" university of Atlanta.
For court use in future, we should like to
obtain chapter and verse. The L.A. University
refuses to divulge data on personnel matters.
Who can assist? This is believed to be one of
the reasons why Lipstadt declined to testify on
oath in London. [Confidential
information to
| |
Related links:
press clippings
Irving vs Penguin &
Deborah Lipstadt's website
on the libel action
Lipstadt's own blogspot with reviews, self-praise,
and autobiography. [Please inform us
if this link no longer works]-
news: You can buy Lipstadt's literary
masterpiece for less than one quarter of its
original price at Barnes and Noble:
the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and
"Our Price: $4.98
Retail Price: $22.95 You Save: $17.97 Hardcover,
278pp. ISBN: 0641031548 Pub. Date: March
1992 Prof. Deborah Lipstadt (Professor at
Emory University, Atlanta, and like the majority
of her students there a Jew) published a book,
Denying the Holocaust. The book had been
commissioned by the Vidal Sassoon Center of
Anti-Semitism, at the Yad Vashem Institution, in
Israel. It contained a number of falsehoods,
exaggerations, and distortions, about which many
writers have commented. David Irving
for libel in 1996; the case was tried in London
for three months from Jan 11 to Apr 12 2000 (see
separate index).
The case brought her into great prominence,
although she wisely did not speak a word or go
into the witness box on oath, which would have
exposed to her to the risk of an English prison
if she were found guilty of perjury. Her neutral
expert witnesses were found to have been
of up to $250,000 from a fund set up by among
others Steven
and the American Jewish Committee. Her heavily
subsidised book was a publishing flop until
then, enjoying what publisher Penguin Ltd (her
co-defendant in the case, with her at Court,
left) referred to tartly as "negative sales"
(i.e. more unsold returns from bookstores than
sales). By mid-2000 the minus sign was back on
her royalty statements, and big booksellers like
Barnes & Noble were finding it difficult to
shift copies even after knocking 78% off the
sales price. |