v - Penguin
Books Ltd and Deborah
1993 American scholar Deborah
Lipstadt published
product of a research contract
funded by an Israeli
agency. British
writer David Irving
that it libels him. [Tip:
A 500-word
of the issues] | optimised

| Important: See also the new Deborah
Lipstadt dossier | The
Trial - Mr Irving's
Opening Statement, Jan 11, 2000
- Mr Rampton
replies for the defence
- Transcripts
(or use drop down menu above)
- Latest
Press Coverage
- Internet
- Mr Justice
Gray suggests to an American student that he
follow the action on David Irving's
- Feb 23, 2000:
Mr Irving sets out as requested his views on the
killing of Jews on the eastern front
- Judge Gray
defines a List of issues in dispute between the
- Mr
Irving's Closing Statement, March 15,
- Mr
Rampton's Closing Summary, March 15,
[*Website safety note: This link goes
to Lipstadt's website. As the webmaster of the
Lipstadt website has installed HTML to prevent
anybody from returning to our website once they
are trapped in hers, we have made this a magic
link: just point at it, to open this document in
a different window.] - Richard
Rampton QC's submission to the Court, March 17,
- Mr Irving's
Final Submission on March 21 to Judge
- Mr
Justice Gray's Judgment April 11, 2000
- Films on the
trial [index under
- Reader's
letter inquires why Mr Irving sued
- Analysis
of the Lipstadt Trial from the Yale Law Journal,
Jun 2001, by Wendie Ellen Schneider
- Arab
press (April 2000) on the Lipstadt
- History Today Impressions
of the Trial by Michael Kustow
Appeal | Index See also the new Deborah
Lipstadt dossier - David
Irving's Initial Letter before
- David Irving's Statement
of Claim issued on Sept. 5, 1996
with a Writ alleging Libel in the
Lipstadt book
- Defence
pleaded by Victoria Sharp, counsel for
Deborah Lipstadt, on Apr. 18, 1997
A virtually identical Defence had been
settled by Ms Sharp in Mr Irving's
action against Guardian Newspapers
Ltd and Gitta Sereny. - David Irving's Reply
to this Defence, served on April 19,
1997; posted here with links to
relevant documents on this site.
- Affidavit
sworn by Mr Irving's personal
assistant on an episode at the
Waterstone's branch in Colchester,
Essex (Waterstone's staff were
originally co-defendants)
- The foul contagion spreads:
book is required reading at
universities in USA
- May 5, 1998: Anthony Julius (of
Lipstadt defence attorneys Mishcon de
Reya) and Board
of Deputies of British Jews pleads for
funds to aid her defence
- Lipstadt's attorney Anthony
Julius applies on May 13, 1998 for
the High Court to Reject David Irving's
Discovery List; Julius swears a
affidavit in support of his
- Affidavit
by Jonathan Mozzochi, chief of US
Pacific-Coast "Coalition for Human
Dignity", an organisation of mob-spitters,
supporting this application by Julius.
. .
- . . . but precisely who
is Mozzochi? and what
is his CHD? | a police report
on him | his Paranoid
World | The
anti-Christian agitator Mozzochi |
stated to be in
Las Vegas as dishwasher
- Second
affidavit by Jonathan Mozzochi,
Aug.27, 1998
- Readers
comment on David Irving's diary
coverage of the libel action
- Legal correspondence:
the next moves, September 1998
- Affidavit
of Mrs M B, organiser of Oct. 1994
Oregon function, sworn Sep. 15,
- David
Irving wrote to Penguin Books on Sept
11, 1998, offering to release them from
the action | Text
of this modest offer to settle |
(2004) discussing the motives behind
making this offer and the Part 36
offer, Oct 1999
- Oct 2, 1998. The High Court ordered
the two defamatory Mozzochi affidavits
taken off the file. The writer's
- Dec 15, 1998: High Court in London
Deborah Lipstadt to verify her
document-discovery on oath
- Rob Ross suggests ways to exploit
the lawsuit against Lipstadt ... and
David Irving replies
- Statements are exchanged of
of fact
APOLOGY: Some of the statements and
documents which were posted here from
Jan. 22-25, 1999 have been removed
under a High Court Order obtained by
Deborah Lipstadt's lawyers on Jan 26,
1999 (see next item). They will be
posted again when they come into the
public domain.] - Prof. Deborah Lipstadt's application
for an Injunction to suppress
publication on this Website of her
witnesses' statements and their
documents | David
Irving's affidavit of Jan 26, 1999
| Order
made by Mr Justice Moses
- Request
to Hitler's adjutant Otto Günsche
to testify against Lipstadt
- Set
down for trial on Jan 12, 2000
Prof Lipstadt's concealment of
Evidence: |
- Apr 16, 1999: Mr
Irving issues summons against
Lipstadt alleging concealment of
Video Evidence | Mr Irving's affidavit
supporting the summons
- Apr 19, 1999: Mishcon
claim privilege in the videos. Mr
Irving disputes
the privilege
- Apr 20, 1999: Response by
Lipstadt's lawyer Mishcon again
claiming privilege | and similar
served by them Apr 21, 1999, 7:50
- Apr 23, 1999: Mr Irving's Skeleton
Legal Argument for the hearing
- Radical's Diary: High
Court hearing of Apr 23, 1999
- Apr 23, 1999: Mishcon
undertake to bring the videos to
the High Court hearing; since they
break this undertaking Mr Irving
reports them to the Office for the
Supervision of Solicitors
- It turns out that Mishcon
have broken undertakings to
- Mishcon ask
to see a May 1959 satirical university
magazine edited by Mr Irving
- David Irving invites
historian John Keegan to testify as
an expert at the trial
- Since Dr Keegan refuses to testify
voluntarily, Mr
Irving puts him on notice that he will
issue a subpoena
- Identities of Lipstadt's
four courtroom history experts
revealed, statements served
- Mr Irving invites
Professor R Evans to answer some
queries about his expert
- Niall
McNamara Lodges a Formal Complaint with
the Charities Commission about the
Wiener Library Ltd withholding
documents from Mr Irving during the
Lipstadt trial
- 2004: Times
mentions the Lipstadt Trial in an
attack on the fees paid to "expert
dossier: The fight over Mr Irving's
seized possessions and
to the interesting Legal Situation
caused by Deborah Lipstadt's illegal
postings of Mr Irving's privileged
documents on her university
by John A. Drobnicki. Carol R.
Goldman, Trina R. Knight, Johanna V.
Thomas, 1994 (reproduced by permission
of the Nizkor Site).
- The Courses
which Prof. Lipstadt teaches at
Emory University, Atlanta
professor's new book on Americans
and the Holocaust heaps criticism on
Deborah Lipstadt: Making
"shoah-business" argument, he cites
Lipstadt as example of the
santification of the Holocaust- Deborah
Lipstadt replies to Peter Novick:
The holocaust in the Western mind: how
Americans think the unthinkable
- Deborah Lipstadt on Wolfgang Benz:
uneasy that a German Historian should
examine the Holocaust
- Worried report
by Jerusalem Post, Sept 24, 1999, about
this libel action
- Steve Pollack: "Emory's
Deborah Lipstadt prepares to do battle
with Holocaust Denier David
Irving", Atlanta Jewish Times, Oct
8, 1999
- The
Campaign for Democratic Renewal
[one of Deborah Lipstadt's defence
witnesses], summarised in Who's Who
in Terrorism
- Judge
rejects as "tainted" [Lipstadt
witness] Bernie Farber in Toronto
hate trial
- Anton Baer comments on Internet
that Prof. Lipstadt's
refusal to debate with Deniers lays her
open to wondering if she is not the
- Newsday,
Long Island, reports on coming "trial
of the century"
- Law
Student John Scholes asks questions,
Thursday, July 28, 2005, about the
Lipstadt Trial and appeal, and gets
answers, but is not satisfied
some need Adobe Acrobat Reader:
free!] |
Now visit Deborah Lipstadt's website on the
libel action against her:
* [*Website safety note: as the
webmaster of the Lipstadt website has installed
HTML to prevent anybody from returning to our
website once they are trapped in hers, we have made
this a magic link: just point at it, to open her
website in a different window.] | Deborah
Lipstadt: "There is no debate. I
refuse to lower myself to debating with
the revisionists." | Elie
Wiesel: "My
experience is that the fanatic hides from
true debate. The concept of dialogue is
foreign to him. He knows how to speak in
monologues only, so debate is superfluous
to him."
--"When Passion is Dangerous," Parade
magazine, April 19, 1992, p.
21 |
David Irving defend his career and reputation. It
is a red-hot problem. Find out
about to
his fighting fund. |