| - Christoph
Meili, hounded out of
Switzerland for turning bank records
over to Israel, now lives well in
US refuge
- Ignatz
Bubis dealt in Swiss Gold and
with firm which melted dental
fillings of Holocaust victims |
vandal calls him "thief, cheat"|
- IG Farben agrees to compensate
former slave labourers at Auschwitz
"where 120,000 died"
- $10bn
laundered through Bank of NY in
operation run by Russian mafia (and
- Washington
watchdog panel slates Holocaust Museum
chairman Miles Lerman for meddling,
- Adolf Eichmann memoirs: Israeli
historians' ethics questioned |
rages | His sons
demand hand-over | Israeli
publishes excerpts | Die Welt
publishes 100pp memoirs [our
- "Holocaust
Educational Trust" demands looted works
of art from British officers'
messes [with our comment]
- Yugoslavia
accuses Nato countries of
committing war crimes
- German Government and Simon
Wiesenthal Center try to ban Hitler's
book Mein Kampf | historians
- Robin
Cook, asked to acknowledge 'crimes'
Britain committed in 1945, tells Count
Nikolai Tolstoy: 'Buzz off'
- In 1983 David
Irving wrote to the Jewish
Chronicle that Dr Gerald Fleming
had falsely attributes Himmler's words
in a speech to army generals on Jan.
26, 1944
- Two published 1997 Jewish Chronicle
letters: David
Irving praises David Cesarani's review
of Robert Jan Van Pelt's book |
Cesarani's furiously
rejects the praise
- David Meier reviews
memoirs of Raul Hilberg, author of
The Destruction of European Jewry
- Holocaust
Denial Furor at 2 French
Universities | Critics
call for punishment of two
- Copeland
at Old Bailey: latest [still
mystifying silence from London's Jewish
Chronicle about his identity]
- President
Clinton signs Order for Working
Group to Censor Internet
- 1,000 police guard
Washington against the US neo-Nazi
group (four show up)
- Andrew
Roberts reveals that British
industrialists proposed in 1939 to
Göring a four-power conference on
Poland; but Irving reported this
- Helena Wolinska
facing extradition from Oxford to
Poland for crimes under the
Communist regime.
- Stefan Esrati claims on H-Net that
literature drips with inexactitude,
propaganda, lies, and
- More on those
Dachau photographs
- More on Reemtsma-financed
anti-Wehrmacht exhibition: visit
on the website of the rightwing
Deutsche Nationalzeitung and download a
German-language leaflet (Acrobat .pdf
format, with photos) plus petition:
"Informationsflugblatt (PDF) zu
Reemtsmas Ausstellung. Fakten, die die
Fälschungen widerlegen" - Europe to protest role of USA's
most secretive intelligence gatherer,
the National Security Agency
- Toben,
still held without trial in Germany:
letter reaches us, delayed by
1948 newsreel report: Polish war crimes
court found that "altogether nearly
300,000 died at Auschwitz"
[updated] [letter]
Nizkor comments
on IHR critiques of the statements of
Auschwitz-Kommandant Rudolf
- Identities
of Lipstadt's four courtroom history
experts revealed. Debate-dodgers
must now face questions | One of them,
Prof Van Pelt, revealed in his own book
that when
Auschwitz was transformed into a museum
in 1948, the Poles decided to fake a
crematorium-cum-gaschamber for the
- Net
Censorship Board orders access to
Australian Federal Court system's
website blocked
- Michael
Coren, beyond the reach of the
British courts, calls David Irving on
Canadian TV "a notorious and infamous
Nazi and Holocaust-denier"
- F.B.I.
file on
| British
theory: If only
had worn Pampers
- Lord
Justice Sedley champions freedom
of speech for 'the irritating, the
contentious, the eccentric, the
heretical, the unwelcome and
- To generate antisemitism in England
cowardly attack on the Royal Family
is not a bad idea... | Antisemitism
defined by dictionary
- Echoing David Irving's 1983
findings, American
doctor says that Parkinson's disease
may have contributed to Adolf Hitler's
- H-Net debates: Robert
Michael argues that the
majority of Nazis condoned mass murder
of the Jews | Astonishment at
of 'survivor accounts' in late 1950s
for Holocaust | The Finkelstein
family fully supports
Prof. Norman Finkelstein in his attack
on Daniel Goldhagen
- Review of Richard
J. Evans book: Rituals of
Retribution: Capital Punishment in
Germany 1600-1987.
- Flashback to 1960: Aug. 1960:
in Die Zeit demands dismissal of
General Unrein for stating that
"gas chamber" at Dachau is a postwar
fake . . .
- . . . but prestigious Munich
professor Martin Broszat, director of
the Institut für Zeitgeschichte,
publishes letter in Die Zeit confirming
that Unrein is right
- Battling B.C. Journalist Doug
Collins writes to craven publisher
Conrad Black
- Jewish
lawyer agrees to represent accused
"Brixton-bomber" Copeland
- Facsimile of Heinrich
Himmler report to Hitler on
anti-Partisan warfare, Dec 29,
1942: we solicit comments from
historians: results
coming in
- Flashback: Anne
Frank's Diary and that ballpoint
- Two important new reviews of
Professor Peter Novick's Book, The
Holocaust in American Life:
- High Court hearing
in David Irving's action against The
Prof. Arthur Butz is grateful
that we put David Irving's Nuremberg
book on the web for free
Reinhard Tixel watches the new
Channel documentary on the fake Hitler
Diaries and notices that David
Irving is never mentioned
Are there reports
of further post war constructions at
other camp sites than Dachau?
William Beaver denies that the
famous flag raising on Mount Suribachi
(Iwo Jima) was carefully posed
Michel Mills comments
on the 1948 German newsreel of a Polish
war-crimes court judgement that
"altogether nearly 300,000 died at
Bill Wood writes to David Irving,
let the silence of all of the murdered
speak for me
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