
 Posted Sunday, August 15, 1999

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 The Times 

August 10, 1999

Poles ask for Wolinskawife's extradition

Aug 10, 1999 -- THE wife of a retired Oxford [England] don was facing extradition to Poland last night accused of making up charges to hang a high-ranking Second World War commander of the Polish resistance.

Hanna Suchocka, the Polish Justice Minister, signed an order requesting Britain to extradite Helena Wolinska, a prosecutor under the Communist regime, to stand trial in Warsaw.

Ms Wolinska, 79, married to Wlodzimertz Brus, Emeritus Professor of Russian and East European studies at Oxford University, is accused of fabricating charges against Emil Fieldorf, a war hero who was hanged in 1953. Last night Professor Brus said his wife had nothing to say.

If convicted she faces a prison sentence of up to ten years.

Previous items on Wolinska: [1] [2]
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