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May 2002

Dossier: Rupert Murdoch's origins: A matter of controversy | his televised statements on Israel | his belief in "the goals of the international Jewish community"Bush is told

  • Time magazineRemember? How George Bush Earned His Summer Vacation: Time, Sunday, Aug. 05, 2001 AS W. heads out to his beloved Texas ranch for one of the longest vacations in presidential history (a month) … The President rushed through some last-minute errands… Bush's 1,600-acre ranch [at Crawford] in central Texas is dusty, dry and a world away from his father's preppy enclave in Kennebunkport, Maine. "The national media will hate it," Bush gleefully told Republican Senators, "but I'm going where it's 98 degrees average temperature, day and night." His Crawford obsession is something even his most loyal aides don't understand.dummies
    The Bush 9/11 scandal for dummies, by Bernard Weiner


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