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Posted Sunday, October 28, 2007

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It quotes Irving describing those who call him a denier as mindless idiots.

The Jewish Chronicle
London, Friday, October 26, 2007

Irving isn't a denier, says Oxford paper


By Rachel Fletcher

AN Oxford student newspaper has defended an article which claims David Irving no longer denies the Shoah.

Articles in the October 12 and 19 editions of Cherwell, an independent publication for Oxford students, describe Mr Irving as a "controversial historian". The October 12 story states: "Irving was imprisoned in Austria in 2006 for Holocaust denial [No it wasn't], although at his trial he recanted his views and is now absolutely without doubt that the Holocaust took place."
click for origin
David Irving comments:

ALL those nice folks are now getting into a real tangle, which is what I wanted.
   Anybody who says that nothing happened to the Jews in WW2 is a mindless idiot, and quite a few of them have been screeching at me recently.
   Anybody willing to buy the whole $6million cargo of soap-tablets without opening at least one is equally naive. The truth, as always, lies somewhere between.
   I once said that getting the truth is an exponential curve: getting the first ninety percent of the facts is easy; the next five percent costs that much again; the next one per cent, that much again, and so on.
   Without ever actually reaching it, you gradually approach the straight line of What Really Happened and Why, despite all the efforts of those with vested interests either way -- the Jews, the circuit judges, the moneygrabbers, the journalists, the anti-Semites, and the rest -- to skew it.
   It is the hunt for Real History, and that is what I have been engaged in for forty years now.

INCIDENTALLY I have sent a warning letter to the Birmingham Post. If any other newspaper has the $13 million to chuck away that Deborah Lipstadt's Hollywood friends had, let's see them risk it.

A later article reported the Student Union's motion condemning the Oxford Union's invitation to Irving and British National Party leader Nick Griffin to take part in a debate on free speech.

It said: "For over a decade, Irving has publicly stated that he believes the Holocaust did occur." It quotes Irving describing those who call him a denier as "mindless idiots".

Editors Pete Wright and Sophie Manning refused to print a correction and they rejected accusations made by students that they were helping to revive Holocaust denial, stating: "Cherwell contained no such views, editorial or otherwise".

They said they were not intimidated by Irving: "We are free to decide our editorial stance without interference from outside individuals or organisations, but as a student newspaper with limited resources, we cannot fight lengthy legal cases."

Noting that Cherwell subscribes to the codes of the Press Complaints Commission, they said they would not print anything "likely to lead to defamation proceedings".


Our dossier on the Lipstadt Trial
David Irving issues a warning letter: "I shall without further notice issue a Claim in Defamation"
Jewish Chronicle editorial, "Irving and the JC"
Why Irving regretted his days in court
A Radical's Diary: The Jewish Chronicle is becoming Irving-obsessed
Previously: Jewish Chronicle expresses Outrage of Traditional Enemies of Free Speech at David Irving's UK tour: pulling out all the stops to get the meetings banned and cancelled | Its leader-writer gets tangled in a twist: "Freedom of speech is one of the principles our society holds most dear. ... That is why we urge any public-hall booking clerk, university administrator or private landlord to refuse to give Irving a platform"
David Irving's Books
The Deborah Lipstadt Libel action
Divided loyalties - Board of Deputies of "British Jews" demanded of the Austrian ambassador in 1992 that his country imprison British historian David Irving
David Irving: A Radical's Diary: On The Forward interview on the Holocaust, and the interesting "Mel Gibson" theory that Jews have been behind many of last century's wars | Jewish Telegraph Agency blurts out: George W Bush's Pro-'surge' group in Iraq is almost all Jewish - Coincidence, says one, "half of the donors contributing to its $15 million ad campaign are not Jewish" - and most of the GIs, too
David Irving: A Radical's Diary: Hysterical efforts by the don't-debate-them, anti-free speech gang meet some success

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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