Israel, Tuesday, November 8, 2005
(Cheshvan 6, 5766)[Are
we powerful or what?] AOL
Germany search engine to steer web users
to Jewish museum
provider AOL Germany said Tuesday it will
its search engine
so that the Web site of the Jewish Museum
in Berlin
at the top of the
results whenever
German internet users seek information
involving Jews and the Nazis. The move, in cooperation with the
Museum, is to demonstrate AOL Germany's
commitment against neo-Nazi websites. If a user types in the words "synagogue
and Reichskristallnacht", showing they
want to know more about the Nazi pogrom
against German Jews on the evening of
November 9, 1938, the search engine will
return a list of websites with the Jewish
Museum's at the top. Wolfgang Schultz, who chairs an
independent advisory council to
Hamburg-based AOL Germany, said he hoped
other search engines would follow AOL's
"innovative" lead. More than 100 search terms that often
lead to neo-Nazi websites will be weighted
in this way. AOL Germany said it was up to
online users to decide whether to click
and see the Jewish Museum website or any
other in the search results.  -
dossier on the origins of
Google too: How
deep can a search engine grovel? |
Praises Google for "Responding to
Concerns" about Rankings of Hate
Sites | US
forces don't let officers access
Jewwatch.com | Jerusalem Post:
claim victory over Google in fight to
topple Jewwatch website | Google
Says It Doesn't Plan to Change Search
Results | Organised
attempts by outraged Jews to bomb
"enemy" website off Google's top
ranking | More on
this story
INQUIRIES about "Hitler" (1889-1945)
are in the top 40 searches on the Lycos
search engine [see].
The Nazi statesman and warlord comes in
39th, beaten narrowly by "Holocaust" at
35th. -- Thursday, May 9, 2002
2004: Rise
of Adolf Hitler most popular item
downloaded on Pathé News free
newsreels website 