added by this website] Pravda.ru
Tuesday, August 2, 2005 A
criminal will never feel at ease in the
Promised Land IT just so happens that
Israel is turning into a shelter for
people, who enjoy quite shady
reputation It goes without saying that no one will
ever wish to live in a gangster state. The
Israeli community has apparently decided
to raise the issue in their country on
account of unreliable natives of Russia.
European states have been trying to put up
social barriers to protect themselves from
suspicious people possessing criminal
funds. Israeli
officials are concerned about the fact
that a multitude of criminals and
perpetrators from the countries of the
former Soviet Union have found a
comfortable shelter in Israel during the
latest decade. Needless to say that the
social climate of Israel could not be
improved on account of this phenomenon.
The problem became even more serious after
the story with a certain Russian criminal,
who owned an immense fortune of
petrodollars. It just so happens that
Israel is turning into a shelter for
people, who enjoy quite shady
Israelis would probably make up with a
business mob if the latter promised to
stay away from his previous affairs. It
would never be possible, however, if the
mob's fortune were made on other people's
blood. Intelligent Russian oligarch
Leonid Nevzlin, above, a former
partner of Yukos's former CEO, Mikhail
Khodorkovsky, was not just an illegal
migrant or a mafia boss. He has an
extensive history of criminal activities
in his biography, impudent business with
so-called colored revolutions; relations
and contacts with international terrorists
are quite possible too. Mr. Nevzlin was put on wanted list in
Russia in January of 2004 on the
allegation of committing severe economic
crimes and organizing a series of
assassinations. This "living horror" has
found a comfortable shelter in Israel,
where he launched his political activities
abundant with dirty intrigues. The Office
of the General Prosecutor of the Russian
Federation sent a second letter to the
Justice Minister of Israel on July 7th of
the current year. Russian prosecutors
demand the extradition of Leonid Nevzlin.
The letter contained additional
information about the conglomeration of
crimes, which the "imaginary victims" of
political persecutions committed. The spiritual leader of Russian
liberals, the money-bag of Russian
communists, the conductor of color
revolution on the post-Soviet space -
these are a few of the expressions that
characterize Leonid Nevzlin. The Russian
Office of the Prosecutor General accuses
Mikhail Khodorkovsky's former partner of
organizing attempts against the lives of
many well-known Russian public figures,
who either knew too much or prevented
Nevzlin from plundering the national
wealth. The list includes the chairman of
the company Rosprom, V.L. Kolesov,
the PR manager of the Moscow municipal
administration O.N. Kostina, the
managing director of East Petroleum
Handelsges GmbH, E.L. Rybin. US
senators' criminal pet is also accused of
organizing the assassination of the Mayor
of Nefteyugansk, V.A. Petukhov; the
black list continues. Israeli officials and prominent public
figures did not stay aloof from the
dangerous problem. A well-known human
rights activist and fighter against
corruption Yuji Noodleman and
lawyer Yakov Maniovic discussed the
subject with reporters during a recent
meeting in Tel Aviv. It was agreed as a
result of the discussion that Israel
should not become a shelter for
criminals. Colette Avital, the chairwoman
of the Knesset Commission, addressed to
the Internal Affairs Ministry of Israel in
2003 with a request to investigate the
fact that Mr.
Nevzlin had received the Israeli
citizenship and passport within a very
short period of time. Ms. Avital
said that Mr. Nevzlin was trying to use
the Law of Return for his selfish purposes
to obtain real estate in Israel. Ms. Avital's concerns are easy to
understand. It never occurred to Leonid
Nevzlin to legalize his national and
historical roots until the Office of the
Prosecutor General stood in his way. Mr.
Nevzlin recollected the distant fatherland
of his predecessors all of a sudden, when
Russian law-enforcement agencies evinced a
certain interest in his persona in the
summer of 2003. Nevzlin managed to obtain the Israeli
citizenship almost instantly, with the
help of his financial possibilities. He
did not try to save money on his own
salvation: Nezvlin invested in the
Diaspora Museum, the Tel Aviv University,
the Israel Museum and several other
organizations. He also won the support and
protection of then Minister Natan
Sharansky and Tel Aviv Mayor Shlomo
Lahat, who were personally interested
in the above-mentioned organizations. In addition, Mr. Nevzlin's petrodollars
let him receive such honors as the
President of the Tutorial Council of the
Diaspora Museum and the chairman of the
Nadav Fund. This is what happened to the
ambitious criminal businessman, who claims
to be the arbiter of Russia's fate. It goes without saying that the Israeli
society was shocked with this information.
Israelis were especially surprised about
the fact that it takes the authorities too
much time to settle the question about the
extradition of the Russian oligarch.
Russia and Israel have always fulfilled
adequate international obligations before.
Giving shelter to a criminal obviously
harms international relations.
Furthermore, harboring a cunning criminal
may lead to unpredictable consequences in
Israel, where problems of terrorism are
especially important. Israelis always watch the development
of world news. They could notice a rather
strange informational chain in Russia. A
well-known Russian journalist put forward
an idea to make a reality show called
"Catch the One-legged" driving at both a
certain persona and the incompetence of
Russian law-enforcement authorities.
Another notorious journalist from the same
liberal camp virtually won the game
afterwards, when he found the elusive
"one-legged" human being and interviewed
him in person. Petrodollars and shadows of those
people, who own them, can be clearly seen
in the chain. As long as this performance
is possible in Russia, one shall assume
that its directors may stage it again,
albeit on the territory of Israel. There
is enough of "oil money" for it, and it
will not be hard to find potential
terrorists in the Promised Land. Is the Israeli government ready to play
these games? There is no answer to this
question yet. The Israeli community has
explicitly expressed its opinion on the
matter: a special public organization will
be set up to take care of Israel's good
name and the future of its citizens. The
group will carefully watch the development
of the story in connection with Russia's
requirement to extradite the criminal
oligarch. Viktor
Grzhevsky original
in Russian (translated by: Dmitry
Sudakov) ©1999-2002 "PRAVDA.Ru".  - ... on
the, ahem, oligarchs
Our dossier on the life and troubled
times of the Russian
dossier on the origins of
coincidence Hitler
predicted in Mein Kampf, written in
1924, that if Zionists ever managed to
establish their state in Palestine then
Jewish criminals would use it as a save
haven from which they could not be
April 2005: Putin
visits Israel, but will not be
discussing the criminal Russian
oligarchs whom Israel is sheltering
although they stole billions from the
Russian people before fleeing