from David Irving, "Apocalypse 1945: the
Destruction of Dresden" added by this
Saturday, April 12, 2005
 German ruling
says Dresden was a holocaust By Hannah Cleaver
in Berlin GERMAN prosecutors have provoked
by ruling that the 1945
RAF bombing of Dresden
can legally be termed a "holocaust".  David
Irving comments: DEUTSCHE Politiker,
Feiglinge und Lügner. German
politicians are liars and cowards.
 (For making a similar remark about
German historians in 1989 the Nuremberg
public prosecutor intended to charge me --
because of the word "German" -- under
race- hatred laws! Orwell's Napoleon the
Pig lives on.)  Note incidentally how closely this
Dail;y Telegraph story follows
website translation of the
Süddeutsche Zeitung
story of April 9, including our
standard use of the word
outrage whenever the
infinitely worthy Jewish community gets
hot and bothered about something. Which
ain't seldom. | The decision follows the refusal by the
Hamburg public prosecutor's office to press charges
against a Right-wing politician who compared the
bombing raids to "the extermination of the
German law forbids the denial or playing down of
the Holocaust as an incitement to hatred. So delicate is the subject of the slaughter of
Jews under Hitler that any use of the word
"holocaust", or comparison with it, faces intense
scrutiny and sometimes legal action. But prosecutors have declined to pursue further
the case of Udo Voigt, the chairman of the
far-Right NPD, who likened the RAF's raids to the
Nazis' "final solution". Rüdiger Bagger, a spokesman for the
Hamburg public prosecutor, said the decision took
into account only the criminal, not the moral,
aspects of the case. But he cited as a legal
precedent a ruling by the federal constitutional
court that favoured free speech in political
exchanges, if defamation was not the prime aim
of the argument. Holger Apfel, the NPD's leader in the
Saxon regional parliament, caused a scandal in
January when he shouted down a commemoration of the
Dresden bombing, prompting many others to walk out
in disgust. His outburst was covered by parliamentary
privilege but Mr Voigt applauded and repeated the
statements elsewhere. 
Paul Spiegel, the president of the
Central Council of Jews in Germany, criticised the
decision by prosecutors not to take action. He said
the statements were incitement and allowing them to
stand opened the door to further such comments. "Morally, I have no understanding of this," he
said. "One can ban such remarks if you use the law
consistently. It is questionable whether statements
that are clearly incitement come under freedom of
expression." Although the NPD is despised by other parties,
German politicians reluctantly accepted the
ruling. Dieter Wiefelspütz, the interior
spokesman for the Social Democrat Party, described
the phrase "holocaust" in the context of Dresden as
an "exploitation of the victims". But he supported
the decision not to prosecute. Attitudes towards the Allied bombing campaign,
which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians,
are changing. Estimates of the death toll in
Dresden in February 1945 hover at about 35,000. All
the same, some historians claim that as many as
500,000 people were killed in the raids. Strictly speaking, the word "holocaust," which
comes from the ancient Greek for "burnt", might
seem apt for Dresden, much of it immolated by the
fires started by the RAF's incendiary bombs. But its primary meaning is now so closely linked
to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews that such
etymology appears to be in bad taste. © Copyright of
Telegraph Group Limited 2005.