Irving comments: TODAY [NZ time 8 a.m. August
10] I was interviewed by Radio New
Zealand. Here is my diary note on some of
the day's events. Brian
H. reports from Konstanz am Bodensee!
I thought you might be interested to know
that Ephraim Kishon, in an
interview with Bild am Sonntag this week,
said of you '... er schreibt Bücher,
wunderbare Bücher. Ein genialer
Mensch.' High praise indeed..." I reply: "He and I both
had the same publisher,
Langen-Müller. Then years ago he
clumsily called me an anti-semite or
something, and I extracted a written
apology." I inform the New
Zealand Herald: "You will see from my
website today that while the Jewish
community in Wellington is 'considering'
whether to offer a reward for the arrest
of the perpetrators of the cemetery
outrage, I have today offered
a one thousand US dollar reward for
information leading to the arrest and
conviction of the scoundrels behind it. I
will be happy to let your newspaper act as
arbitrator. AT 3:24 pm Radio NZ's "Nine to Noon"
producer Lisa Palmer phones, they
will do the interview at 5:05 p.m. EST.
She says that the NZ newspapers today
[see left] report my view
as being that the Jewish Community were
the perpetrators. I said, I don't think I
put it like that. She then phones and
brings it forward an hour. It would be
8:05 a.m. in NZ, with a Linda
]. When she phones at 4:05
pm, however she lets slip that they are
recording it, for the usual reasons no
doubt. She mentioned Gray J's
early on. I take it calmly, say that I had
had the greatest respect for British high
court judges until recently, even after
the Lipstadt
Trial, but that this respect had been
"dented" by the reports issued by the
judges Lord Hutton and Lord
Butler, effectively clearing Tony
Blair in the Iraq affair. I had hoped to make a
quiet visit to NZ for research purposes
and to accept the speaking invitation; the
Jews have themselves kicked up this
monstrous fuss. While the NZ Jewish
community who, let's face it, are richer
than I, are "considering" whether to offer
a reward I have actually offered one, a
thousand bucks with no strings. I let fly against the
people smearing me in my absence and at
extreme range; my reward offer has rather
thrown the enemy obviously. I say that if
right wing nuts have perpetrated the
desecration, let them take what's coming
to them; but I think it may be people more
sinister behind them, like the Mossad. Later I say that when
most editors hear a story has a Jewish
connection, their buttocks clench, and
they go into Delta-alarm mode. I don't. I
treat the Jews as just the same as any
other kind of group. Any other, asks
Linda? Yes, I am known to be
obnoxious, and one group I have recently
waded into are waitresses. I say that most New
Zealanders will agree that it is time for
the Jewish community to stop trading on
their victimhood and to start living
normal lives. She closes on the note
of the ban against my boarding the plane
to NZ in California next month. I say that
I shall be at the airport, and if I am
denied boarding it will be the beginning
of the mother of legal battles. The ordinary New
Zealander moreover will take it as proof
that the government is being wagged by
this minuscle tail of 7,000
[Jews]. Nonplussed, she ends the
interview rather abruptly at this point;
or perhaps I imagine it was
Aug 3, 2004 Jerusalem Post: Israel
Government applauds Irving ban
