Auckland, New Zealand, Wednesday, August 4,
2004 [Write to the NZ Herald's Editor:
] Hundreds want me
David Irving claims he has received hundreds
of emails from New Zealanders who do not believe he
should be banned from entering the
country.  David
Irving comments: NOW LET'S see extracts
from my own diary note on this interview
with Ms. Gregory.
11:30-44 pm a long phone call from
Angela Gregory of the New
Zealand Herald (oddly logged as coming
from the Turks & Caicos islands);
wants the whole background, am I coming,
have I been notified I am not going to be
allowed in, etc. She said a
Question is being asked in the NZ
Parliament in a few hours about it, and
can she phone again then? I say, sure. She said
that a lot of people are supporting my
right to come in. I say I have had lots of
emails from Kiwis and Australians too who
are planning to fly over to hear me. I say
that if some petty immigration official
puts an X against my name, that is when
the real legal battle will begin. I suggest that the
little Immigration person she spoke to
should perhaps study the law again as it
impinges on UK permanent residents, and
also have a look at the NZ Bill
of Rights, with what it says about
freedom of thought and speech, and then
she should ask him how
many other visitors have been denied
entry recently on the grounds of having
been deported elsewhere twelve years ago!
Good idea, she said. Twice I emphasize
Judge Gray's comments
on my being the world's leading authority
on WW2. A Question in Parliament
sounds like a put-up job, to enable the
Government to huff and puff and smear me
in a privileged environment. I say that I am not
speaking about the Holocaust, so I can't
really see why the Jews have got their
knickers in a twist, always assuming that
they wear knickers. Why the Government
should be listening to a section of the
community who are now distinctly unpopular
in New Zealand mystifies me, a point she
also got.
| Irving said from his Florida home yesterday that he
was getting a lot of support from people wanting
him to visit next month.Immigration Service officials have barred him
because he has been deported from another
country.  He questioned what the "jumped-up" officials
thought they were doing just because he was "set
up" 12 years ago by Canadian officials who flew him
out of the country in handcuffs. [...] "I plan to talk about the problems in reporting
on that subject in a free society ... I'm not
talking about the Holocaust. I don't know why the
Jews have got their knickers
in a twist." Rest
deleted | WE
regret to say that the online staff of the
New Zealand Herald have required us on
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 to remove the
remainder of this article from the
website. It may be that they themselves
had come under pressure. We consider their
attitude to be at variance with the spirit
of the Internet, but have little choice in
the matter. |
[Write to the NZ Herald's
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David Irving's
2004 visit
Answers to frequently asked questions about Mr
Irving's visit
Sedley writes a letter on Mr Irving and free
speech | The
name rings a bell
at mystery attack on Jewish gravestones
voiced that Mossad vandalized cemetery