Irving comments: IT MIGHT seem to be an
impertinence for me to write an editorial
on an Editorial, but this one wishes to
have it both ways -- to appear brave and
liberal, while giving the victim a flying
kick or two in the goolies to satisfy the
lower breeds of his readership. This is a fight
for free speech, gentlemen, not Rugby
football. You can't come down squarely on
the fence from an Olympian height,
and preserve your dignity. It would have been more
courageous if the New Zealand
Herald had published my letter
commenting on the attempted ban; or those
of the many other Kiwis who have written
to me in the last few days, protesting
that the newspaper has suppressed their
letters too. As for the newspaper's
views on my worth: I wonder if Professor
Dov Bing, or the editor for that
matter, has ever read a book I wrote? Or
the glowing reviews that accompanied the
publication of each one, until the word
got out that I had upset certain, ahem,
folks -- lets call them the Oligarchs for
the time being. In citing Mr Justice
Gray's opinions and judgment,
it might have been pertinent for the
editor to recall that I was fighting
single-handed in that London courtroom,
impove- rished and outnumbered forty to
one by the clever lawyers, counsel,
barristers, historians, solicitors,
assistants and PhD students hired for the
Defence by the Oligarchs, who poured some
Six Million Pounds into the historic
battle (which has already been the subject
of six books and two TV dramas). If the truth of their
defence was self evident, it would not
have needed that kind of money, or a
three-month court battle, to establish
it. As for the Defence's
allegation that I am racist, which not
even Deborah
Lipstadt's book had claimed, I
(wholly improperly) drew attention to the
fact that in recent years I have myself
hired a dozen personal assistants
from the Third World and never
regretted it, while the bewigged White
Anglo-Saxon Counsel defending her in that
courtroom month after month, and his
entire staff of forty, were all a perfect
white -- as was the face of His Lordship
as he angrily squelched that
observation. Had Lipstadt taken the
witness stand, I would have felt obliged
to cross-examine her on her own racist
beliefs too. But like many a malfeasor
before her, she "took The Fifth" and
avoided testifying. |