Jacksonville, Florida, Saturday, May 22, 2004 [Something-Stinks-Here-Dept.] Security
scare shuts Kings Bay By Liz Hampton Times-Union
correspondent ST. MARYS, Ga. -- Kings Bay
Naval Submarine Base was locked down for security
reasons Friday after two Israelis were detained for
questioning.  David
Irving comments: I HAVE myself driven
past this submarine base on occasion, but
not been stopped. It is next to the
delightful old English-style coastal town
of St Mary, well worth a slight detour
from I-95 on your way north or south. The fact that these two
miscreants, citizens of America's greatest
friend and ally, were tossed into FBI
custody with such alacrity suggests to my
suspicious mind that US military
installations have now been warned to be
on guard against Israelis, since the
odd episode involving "Israeli moving
men" whose resumés made them seem,
ahem, suspiciously over- qualified for
such menial tasks. And what should we make
of the Navy's immediate search of the
vehicle for "a bomb", despite its crew
being Israelis? Did ugly memories of the
Liberty dance in the Navy's
heads? One does not normally
find Israelis getting their hands dirty at
work (unless it is "dirty work" of
course). I don't recall seeing a single
Israeli next to me in the concrete trench
when I worked with John Laing's concrete
gang building the new Physics Block at
Imperial College, working my way through
college; nor was there one on the furnace
stage of the Siemens-Martin furnace III at
the Thyssen Works in the Ruhr when I
worked there as III. Schmelzer in
1959. I often think the Israelis must be getting
a bum rap. They can't all be bad eggs,
surely? The only Israelis known to be
involved in the moving business until
recently were those nice folks in Florida.
Oh, but it turned
out in court later that they had a
nasty business habit (aka: "scam") of
estimating one low price, then demanding
two or three times as much cash before
they would release the furniture at the
other end. Strange world we live in. PS: What's the
betting that this submarine base story
didn't make it to your local paper?
 A correspondent points out (Sunday,
May 23, 2004): "Your commentary
inadvertently overlooked the Israelis in
New Jersey who were detained
for celebrating 9/11. Were they not
also in the furniture-moving business? Is
this now a universal cover for our Mossad
friends?" | Base spokesman Ed Buczek said two Israeli
men attempted to enter the base about 10:30 a.m.
They were hired by a moving-and-storage company to
pick up some household goods in base housing, he
said.One occupant of the vehicle was unable to
provide base security personnel with proper
credentials after arriving at the Franklin Gate
entrance, Buczek said. Base personnel then inspected the van. Military
dogs trained to detect bombs were called in. "The military dogs were
alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck,"
Buczek said. "Guards closed access to the base
and notified the Georgia Bureau of
Investigation, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service." St. Marys police closed access to an area
one-half mile out surrounding the base, and a bomb
squad was called in, Buczek said. A briefcase was
removed from the vehicle with a remote control
robot, but nothing was found in it. "The dogs were called in again for a second pass
of the vehicle, and they didn't pick up anything,"
he said. The two men, whose names were not released, were
detained and later taken into custody by federal
immigration officers in Savannah for possible
deportation, Buczek said. Times-Union
correspondent Liz Hampton can be reached at (904)
359-4171. Website note: we request readers to
keep their eyes open for follow-up stories on this
dossier on The Mossad, Israel's Intelligence
history of Mossad's overseas bungling- items
on that other case of Israeli "moving men:"
arrested ...
Two Israeli men
who attempted to enter Kings Bay Base held for
Two Israeli
Nationals appear in Unicoi County General
Sessions Court
Israelis with
fake docs arrested in Tennessee, 'how to fly'
leaflet found! Were seen to toss something else
out of Ryder truck, FBI called in
2 Israelis
involved in chase now in federal
Five Israeli "tourists" detained on September 11
in New Jersey as suspected conspirators
Israelis found with video footage of Sears
Tower, tallest building, in Chicago
Apr 2004: Two
Mossad agents in Auckland court on NZ passport
forgery charges
Oct 2001: Six
Israelis stopped in Midwest by police traveling
in groups of three in two white sedans found to
have maps of Forida nuclear plants, released
when they showed Israeli
passports -