another odd story involving Israelis
detained by the U.S. authorities with
video footage of U.S. skyscrapers. They
have vanished into Federal custody. Hands
up all those who have seen this story, or
follow-ups, reported in your
newspapers. . .
Pottstown, Philadelphia, October 17,
2001 Two
found with video of Sears Tower MICHELLE MOWAD, Special to The Mercury PLYMOUTH -- Two men whom police
described as Middle Eastern were detained in the
township by federal immigration authorities after
being found with detailed video footage of the
Sears Tower in Chicago. Plymouth Police encountered the men after an
officer responded to Pizzeria Uno on the 1000 block
of West Ridge Pike at 2:40 p.m. Thursday for a
report of illegal dumping, according to
reports. A manager there advised the police officer that
a tractor-trailer was observed backed up to the
Dumpster at the rear of the restaurant. The manager
noticed a freshly dumped pile of furniture adjacent
to the Dumpster, according to police. The manager confronted the vehicle's operator, a
Middle Eastern man, police said. The man, who later identified himself as
Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he did
anything and fled the scene, heading west on West
Ridge Pike, according to police. The manager was able to provide township police
with the Florida
registration number of the tractor-trailer and said
that a sign posted on the side of the vehicle read
"Moving Systems Incorporated" and included a phone
number, police said. The area was searched by township police, and
the vehicle was spotted parked on the curb in front
of John Kennedy Ford on Ridge Pike, just west of
Industrial Way. An officer proceeded to make contact with the
occupants of the truck by knocking on the cab,
according to reports. A Middle Eastern man, later identified as Ron
Katar, 23, exited the sleeper area of the cab
and said that the operator was across the street as
he pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer,
reports said. Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet
Reisler, 23, were approaching the vehicle from
the dealership, but the female then began walking
in a different direction, acting as if she were not
with Elmakias, according to reports. Reisler was detained and checked for
identification. She had a
German passport in her
name and medication in a different name, police
said. Plymouth Police Sgt. Thomas Longo was
notified and responded to the incident. Elmakias allegedly admitted to being behind
Pizzeria Uno, although he said that he did not dump
furniture, he was only turning around. Elmakias said that his destination was New York
and that he was also coming from New York. He said
he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make
a pickup from a male in the morning and pointed
toward the Storage USA facility on Belvoir Road and
West Ridge Pike, police said. Elmakias could not, however, provide a name or
telephone number of the customer. Township police dispatched a request for a Motor
Carrier Safety Assistance Program Inspector.
Officer Gerald Schwartz of the Whitpain
Police Department responded. Schwartz discovered through his investigation
that the operator's log had been falsified and put
the truck out of service due to violations, police
said. In addition, the vehicle reportedly had
numerous equipment violations that rendered the
truck unsafe. Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents
revealed a load three-quarters full containing
household items, including furniture and boxes. Among the items in the truck was a Sony video
camera. Plymouth Police Officer David McCann
reviewed the tape found inside the camera. The tape
had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots
of the Sears Tower, according to police. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified
of the incident and all three subjects were
transported to the Plymouth Police station. The subjects were then processed through the
National Crime Information Center and placed into
detention, according to the report. FBI Agents James Sweeney and Richard
Tofani arrived at the station and proceeded to
investigate both the subjects and their belongings
with the assistance of Immigration and
Naturalization Services. Elmakias and Katar were eventually detained by
INS and transported to a federal facility, said
police. Reisler was released. All evidence collected by Plymouth and Whitpain
officers was transferred to federal facilities with
the exception of a VCR. Special Agent Linda Vizi, a spokeswoman
for the Philadelphia FBI, could not be contacted
for comment on further investigations. ©The Mercury
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