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Posted Sunday, February 22, 2004

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Saturday, February 21, 2004


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David Irving comments:

I SUSPECT that these bellicose "anti-racists" may have a lot in common with Deborah Lipstadt and her chief counsel at her 2000 libel trial in London, Richard Rampton QC. Connoisseurs of the trial will recall the moment when Rampton challenged me with racism (a vice of which even Lipstadt had not accused me, which is why it was not "pleaded" in her original defence).
   I pointed out that, from my vantage point in the witness box under Rampton's cross-examination, I had been surveying his forty-strong team of lawyers, counsel, barristers, juniors, historians, experts and assistants, ever since the trial began -- and it was by then about three weeks old -- and I had not once seen anything but pure White (though not all Aryan), faces amongst them; whilst I myself have never hesitated to engage Pakistanis, Punjabis, Barbadians, Jamaicans, and Indonesians as my personal assistants, i.e. one on one, if they are the best candidates to apply for the job at any one time. [See their faces]
   How His Lordship snarled at me to drop that line of argument! When I repeated the statement, as His Lordship's former friend and colleague, Rampton, was obviously playing for the afternoon's press headlines, I sensed that the Court would willingly have had me jailed for contempt.
   How my friends and I chuckled when, on the day that the final submissions were delivered to the packed Court room, Rampton was careful to ensure that this time there was one Black face at his side, just in case I ventured to make the same wounding comparison.
   Yes, hypocrisy is rampant, and never far from the Left.


Press Release from Anti-Racist Network



Joy among anti-racists over David Irving's defeat

[...] Anti-racists from the left wing and the trade union movement of Copenhagen have been ready all day to turn out in short notice to protest against David Irving's meeting about the "Holocaust Lie". [...]

[...] The anti-racists had hired buses to transport them a long way, if it was confirmed that the meeting should be arranged outside town, and the Anti-Racist Network (Anti-Racistisk Nætverk) have printed leaflets with the headline "No more "Auschwitz".

[...] Of course we keep an eye on, if David Irving nevertheless should held a meeting tomorrow, but we look upon today's cancellation as a big defeat for David Irving, and a victory for the anti-racist movement, even if the intention never has been to stop the meeting, Erik Jensen declares.

Lørdag den 21. februar 2004


Glæde blandt anti-racister over David Irvings nederlag

Anti-racister fra den københavnske venstrefløj og fagbevægelse har hele dagen i dag holdt sig parat for med kort varsel at kunne rykke ud for at protestere mod David Irvings møde om "Holocaust-løgnen". Anti-racisterne har opholdt sig forskellige steder i København, hvor de har hørt på foredrag om EU's asylpolitik og hygget sig med Trivial Pursuit og videofilm, mens de har ventet på oplysninger om, hvor David Irving skulle holde sit foredrag. Anti-racisterne var forsamlet på opfordring af det københavnske netværk Anti-Racistisk Netværk.

-- Det har været hemmeligt, hvor David Irvings møde skulle holdes, men vi regnede med før eller siden at få nys om det. Planen var, at så snart vi fandt ud af, hvor mødet blev afholdt, ville vi tage ud til mødet for på fredelig vis at markere vores utilfredshed med mødet, udtaler Erik Jensen fra foreningen Demos, der en del af Anti-Racistisk Netværk.

Anti-racisterne havde arrangeret busser til at transportere dem langt, hvis det skulle vise sig, at mødet blev afholdt uden for byen og Anti-Racistisk Netværk havde trykt løbesedler med overskriften "Aldrig mere Auschwitz". Meddelelsen om at David Irving havde aflyst mødet, blev mødt med jubel blandt de forsamlede anti-racister.

-- Det er for fedt, at de ikke holder mødet. Som løbesedlen siger: "Holocaust var en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden. At benægte Holocaust i dag er også en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden." Det er godt at vide, at den slags løgne ikke vil blive udspredt i Danmark i dag, udtalte en ung kvindelig anti-racist, inden hun løb ud for at købe smøger til at fejre meddelelsen om at mødet var blevet aflyst.

-- Vi holder naturligvis øje med om David Irving alligevel skulle afholde møde i morgen, men vi opfatter dagens aflysning som et stort nederlag for David Irving, og en sejr for den anti-racistiske bevægelse, selvom det aldrig har været hensigten at stoppe mødet, udtaler Erik Jensen.

Erik Jensen kan kontaktes på 21 67 96 37

På vegne af Anti-Racistisk Netværk Nicolai Bentsen



David Irving dossier: "Global Vendetta"
Our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism
Politiken: Holocaust denier coming to Denmark | Holocaustbenægter til Danmark
Action Report: Mr Irving's October 2003 visit to Denmark
Previous Modkraft stories: Holocaust-benægtere holder træf | Danish far left announces: Rightwing Extremists cancel meeting | Højreekstreme aflyser [wrong, it's on]

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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