THERE is an on-going
Internet debate and controversy about the
number of Jewish casualties in the World
Trade Center tragedy. How many Israelis
did survive the bombing? We have kept out
of this, but the discussion below deserves
posting as it summarises different and
often untenable positions. |
Sunday, November 25, 2001 Evidence of
Mossad Treachery in the WTC Ed Toner: Let's look at the hard evidence indicating the
Mossad had foreknowledge of the September 11
attack. The day after the attack on the World Trade
Center, the Jerusalem Post, the most respected and
famous Israeli newspaper in the world, reported
that 4,000 Israelis were missing in the attack on
the WTC. The
Jerusalem Post (08:15 - Wed) Thousands of
Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon Wednesday
September 12, 2001 The Foreign Ministry in
Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000
Israelis believed to have been in the areas of
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the
time of the attack.The
list is made up of people who have not yet made
contact with friends or family, Army Radio
reported. Telephone
connections between Israel and the New York City
and Washington, D.C. areas has been sporadic and
unreliable since the multiple attacks
yesterday. Ten
thousand people are estimated to have been
killed in the New York attacks and another 800
in Washington. Several
hundred also went down with the hijacked
planes.  | September
13, 2001: Four Israelis were almost certainly in
the twin towers of the World Trade Center
when they collapsed, the Israeli consul in
New York said this evening. He added that in all likelihood, four
more Israelis in nearby buildings are also
among the casualties, Army Radio
reported. | Thursday September 13, 2001 Search
in NYC locates 1,000 missing Israelis
By Melissa Radler NEW YORK (Sept. 13) -- The number of
Israelis considered missing in New York
dropped to
three last night when Ya'acov
Habbi and his daughter Gali
were located. Ya'acov, who lives near the World Trade
Center, and Gali were trapped in a car
next to the site for about 20 hours. | The Foreign Ministry compiled the number
from Israeli relatives who in the first few hours
after the attack, contacted the Israeli Foreign
Ministry and gave the names of Israeli friends and
relatives who worked in the WTC or who had business
scheduled in it or its adjacent structures.
Even without seeing the article in the
Jerusalem Post, logic alone would tell you
that there would be many hundreds, if not thousands
of Israelis in the World Trade Center at the time
of the attacks. The international Jewish involvement in banking
and finance is legendary. Two of the richest firms
in New York are Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon
Brothers; and both firms have offices in the Twin
Towers. Many executives in these firms regularly commute
back and forth to Israel. New York is the center of world wide Jewish
financial power and the World Trade Center is at
its epicenter. One would expect the Israeli death toll to be
catastrophic. The Jerusalem Post certainly thought
so on September 12, 2001. Here is the beginning of its article: Thousands
of Israelis missing near WTC,
Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far
received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to
have been in the areas of the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon at the time of the
attack. [...] When George Bush made his speech before
Congress, it turns out that he made a significant
error other than saying that the WTC attackers did
it because they "hated freedom," Bush made a point
of saying that in addition to thousands of
Americans, 130 Israelis died in the WTC. The implication was to say that Israel shared in
our suffering, and that we and Israel are in this
thing together. Upon hearing the number of 130 Israeli dead, it
seemed suspiciously low to me. If 4,000 Israelis were at the WTC and the WTC
death toll was
about 4,500 (about 10 percent of the 45,000 people
normally in the buildings at that time), the
Israeli toll should have probably been between 300
and 500. 130 deaths would have been unusually low. As a
place for doing business and for employment, the
world Trade Center was not a huge MacDonalds; it
housed tens of thousands of highly paid, high tech
and high level jobs and executive positions. They were primarily international finance,
trade, banking and brokerage firms. These are the kinds of businesses where Israelis
are traditionally over-represented. I asked myself how there could be only 130
Israelis dead, while there were an estimated 199
dead from Columbia and 428 from the Philippines? In
previous articles I wrote on the September 11
terror, I did not allude to these suspicions
because I have always taken pride in not writing
anything I could not firmly substantiate. But, while researching this article on Israeli
terrorism against Palestine and America, I
discovered the most surprising fact I have ever run
across in all my years of research and writing. I discovered a simple fact that has enormous
ramifications in regard to the September terror
attack.  | October 15, 2001 JERUSALEM DISPATCH. Holy
Terror by Yossi Klein Halevi Post date 10.05.01 | The destruction of the World Trade
Center has partially rehabilitated, if
only by default, the Zionist promise of
safe refuge for the Jewish people. In the last year, it had become a
much-noted irony that Israel was the
country where a Jew was most likely to be
killed for being a Jew. For many, the United States had
beckoned as the real Jewish refuge; in a
poll taken just before the bin Laden
attacks, 37 percent of Israelis said their
friends or relatives were discussing
emigration. That probably changed on September
11. I was among the thousands of Israelis
who crowded Kennedy Airport on the weekend
after the attack, desperate to find a
flight to Tel Aviv. "At least we're going back where it's
safe," people joked. Everyone seemed to have a story about
an Israeli living in New York who just
barely escaped the devastation. If this could happen in Manhattan, the
reasoning went, you might as well take
your chances at home." | The
New York Times | September 22, 2001 THE TALLY Officials
Say Number of Those Still Missing May Be
Overstated [...] But interviews with many
consulate officials yesterday suggested
that the lists of people they were
collecting varied widely in their
usefulness. For example, the city had somehow
received reports of many Israelis feared
missing at the site, and President
Bush in his address to the country on
Thursday night mentioned that about 130
Israelis had died in the attacks. But today, Alon Pinkas, Israel's
consul general here, said that lists of
the missing included reports from people
who had called in because, for instance,
relatives in New York had not returned
their phone calls from Israel. There were, in fact, only three
Israelis who had been confirmed as dead:
two on the planes and another who had been
visiting the towers on business and who
was identified and buried. | After searching through dozens of articles
trying to track down the true Israeli death toll, I
finally found a New York Times piece that
clarified the precise number of Israelis who died
in the World Trade Center attack.
Of the 130 Israelis
President Bush claimed had died in the World
Trade Center, it turned out that 129 of them
were still alive. Only one Israeli had actually
died in the catastrophe of the World Trade
Center. I was incredulous. "Good God," I said outloud to myself, "only one
Israeli!" Here is the pertinent excerpt from the NY
Times: But
interviews with many consulate officials Friday
suggested that the lists of people they were
collecting varied widely in their
example, the city had somehow received reports
of many Israelis feared missing at the site, and
President Bush in his address to the country on
Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis
had died in the attacks.But Friday, Alon Pinkas,
Israel's consul general here, said that lists of
the missing included reports from people who had
called in because, for instance, relatives in
New York had not returned their phone calls from
Israel. There
were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been
confirmed as dead: two on the planes and another
who had been visiting the towers on business and
who was identified and
(New York Times,
Sept. 22) The very low death toll of 130 suggested that a
number of Israelis at the Trade Center had been
warned before the attack. When I found out the truth that only one Israeli
had died, there could be no doubt that there had
been a prior warning for many Israelis. Having only one Israeli casualty among the 4,500
dead at the WTC is simply a statistical
impossibility. Even if the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the
Jerusalem Post had grossly overestimated the
number of Israelis in the World Trade Center by
3,000 (400 percent), there still should have still
been one thousand Israelis there at the time of the
attacks. Again, even if only a few hundred Israelis were
present at the time of the attack, only one Israeli
death occurring there is statistically absurd. Either September 11 had to be a big Israeli
holiday, or a number of Israeli citizens had some
advance warning of the impending attack. The fact is that no Israeli or Jewish holiday
falls on September 11. Prior
Warning to Israelis.The next thing I researched was to see if there
were any confirmed warnings to Israelis prior to
the attack. I quickly found an article in Newsbytes,
a news service of the Washington Post,
titled "Instant
Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack." The
Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, also confirmed the
prior warnings to Israel and confirmed that the FBI
is investigating the warnings. The articles detailed that an Israeli messaging
firm, Odigo, with offices in both the World Trade
Center and in Israel, received a number of warnings
just two hours before the attack. [...] Now, who would have warned Israelis of the
impending attack, if not Israel's Mossad?
November 23, 2001 From: Robert Reis Odd but true
TODAY a person -- who was very angry with me for
observing that the Newsday site listing all victims
at World Trade Center did not include the
anticipated percentage of names of people of the
Jewish heritage -- approached me and said I was an
evil person full of .... because he had gone to the
CNN list and found 35 -- 40 % Jewish names. He asked sarcastically "Aren't Horowitz
and Rubenstein Jewish enough for you?" I went to CNN and could not find such a list. I
went to ABCnews.com and searched their list. No
Horowitz and no Rubenstein. I went to Newsday list
and found no Horowitz and no Rubenstein. I went to
elbnet.com and did a victim search. No Horowitz and
no Rubenstein. Robert Reis P.S.There were two "REIS" victims in WTC
From: Ed Toner
The Asbury Park Press printed the names
of ALL the victims from
Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Quite heavily Jewish
populations. Many commuters to the WTC, daily.
There was ONE "identifiable"
Jewish name. Following the obituaries, I saw
ONE more, a name which was
not particularly Jewish sounding. That's
TWO in the whole
Relevant items on this
magnate Larry Silverstein had just signed $3.2
billion deal on WTC towers
Trade Towers
Leaseholder Sues Insurers
Toll From Attack
at Trade Center Is Down Sharply