[Images added by
this website] Thank
God so many of these people are alive
and well
-- Charles V.
Campisi, the chief of the New York
Police Department's Internal Affairs
Bureau, which is supervising the
| http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/21/nyregion/21NUMB.html
New York, Wednesday, November 21, 2001 THE TOLL Toll From Attack
at Trade Center Is Down Sharply By ERIC LIPTON THE official count of the dead
and missing in the attack on the World Trade Center
has fallen sharply in the last few weeks to below
3,900, a total that is nearly 3,000 fewer than the
number city officials, in the first weeks after the
towers fell, feared had perished. City officials said yesterday that the trade
center tally, which dropped by at least 200 over
the last weekend alone, could continue to fall,
perhaps to 3,000, as
duplications and errors are resolved. Unofficial
compilations by news organizations, using
information from companies, the airlines and other
sources, so far have reached no higher than
2,950. The culling of the official list of those killed
in the twin towers and on the hijacked airplanes
has been proceeding quietly since late September,
when the estimated toll reached its high of about
6,500. But this process has taken place largely out
of public view, with everyone from world leaders to
military officials to newspaper columnists and talk
show hosts continuing to believe and assert that
5,000 to 6,000 people died in the attacks on the
towers and the Pentagon and aboard the airliner
that crashed in Pennsylvania. In
the last several weeks, in speeches and interviews,
Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State Colin L.
Powell have cited the loss of 5,000 or more
people in the attacks.
Don Imus, the radio talk show host, put
the number for the trade center alone at 6,000
during a television interview on Saturday. But for
weeks, if one used the city's own numbers for the
dead and missing in the collapse of the towers, it
has been clear that such numbers were wrong. Using
the figure released yesterday, the death toll for
all three attacks
could not be higher than 4,142, and could fall to
3,245 as the city's revisions continue. Either
figure would be greater than the total number of
Americans killed at Pearl Harbor, 2,400. "Thank God so many of these people are alive and
well," said Charles V. Campisi, the chief of
the New York Police Department's Internal Affairs
Bureau, which is supervising the count. A State Department
official in Washington said he was unaware that
the number of dead or missing in the trade
center attack had decreased so markedly. He said
he would bring up the matter with the secretary
of state's staff and the press secretary.
What is important, he added, is that a
still-horrific number of people died on Sept. 11.
"It is not to obfuscate or create any more
sympathy, because regardless of whether or not it
is 3,900 or 5,000, the magnitude and severity of
the events on Sept. 11th are clear," said the
official, who asked not to be identified because
his comments had not been cleared with the
department. The final numbers of those killed in the
Pentagon attack and the crash in Pennsylvania have
been known for weeks: 189 died at the Pentagon,
including 64 on American Airlines Flight 77; and 44
died on United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed
outside Pittsburgh. But the city's numbers have
been in considerable flux since the first days
after the attacks. Yesterday, city officials said the continued
large declines in the list of presumed dead were
largely a result of identifying people whose names
had been registered as missing in the days after
the attack, but who in fact survived or were not
even in New York that day. In many other cases, individuals who died in the
attack have been listed more than once, like a
woman who until yesterday was in the city's
database under her maiden name and her married
name, Chief Campisi said. Dozens of names have also
dropped off as foreign consulates reduced claims of
the number of people from their countries who they
once believed might have been at the trade center
at the time of the attack. The foreign consulates still list a couple of
hundred of their citizens as missing in the trade
center attack, and city officials said that this
was one area in particular that could lead to
further reductions in the total. As of yesterday, there was some confusion among
city and police officials about what the actual
city count was. Police officials, who have been
working with the city's medical examiner's office
and the state courts to improve the accuracy of the
list, said they believed the current number of dead
and missing to be 3,702. But the mayor's office put the number at 3,899
and said that the process of incorporating the
information from the courts and the medical
examiner's office was not yet finished.
Nonetheless, the mayor's figure still represented a
drop of several hundred from late last week. City officials would
not estimate when they expect to be finished
refining the list of missing and dead. "We are
closing in on it," Chief Campisi said. An
official with the city's Law Department who has
been coordinating death certificate applications
on behalf of victims' families said she expected
the final number of dead at the trade center to
be between 3,000 and 3,700. "The bottom line here is that it seems as if
there are fewer people dead than we originally
thought," said Florence A. Hutner, senior
counsel at the department. Researchers and scholars, news organizations and
charity officials have all spoken of the
fundamental need to establish as accurate a figure
as possible for the number of people killed. While
most people understood that the city's list of the
dead and missing was a work in progress, the
knowledge that the toll was going to wind up
substantially lower than once feared has been slow
to take hold in the public consciousness.
General Myers has repeatedly cited the
5,000-dead number during briefings on the action in
Afghanistan, and Secretary Powell mentioned it on
Monday during a speech on the Middle East in
Louisville, Ky. "It is 69 days since Sept. 11th, when
cold-blooded terrorists turned civilian airlines
into flying bombs and used them to kill 5,000
innocent people," he said. "That's four or five
times the number of people who are assembled here
today." Mr. Imus, in an appearance Saturday on CNN's
Larry King Live, asserted that "these
idiots, these terrorists, flew an airplane into the
World Trade Center and killed 6,000 people." Armstrong Williams, the radio show host,
and Chris Matthews, the CNBC talk show host,
have used similar numbers in the last week. Chief Campisi would not comment on the numbers
being cited elsewhere, but was committed to
reaching a reliable final figure for the city, and
the history books. "I would love to finish today,
sure," he said, "but we'll do this until we're
confident we have the numbers right."
Relevant items on this
magnate Larry Silverstein had just signed $3.2
billion deal on WTC towers
Trade Towers
Leaseholder Sues Insurers-
Irving recalls:-
IT IS an interesting object-lesson in
many respects, quite apart from the fact
that the American Red Cross will find it
has now even fewer people to withhold
those millions of dollars from. How long did the media think they could
get away with the deception? Or didn't
they really care? Two weeks ago I found
myself doing the simple math, as the
running tally on the foot of the
television screen showed the widening
discrepancy between bodies found, numbers
missing, and the Six Thousand figure. The
numbers were still there even as the
Pentagon spokesmen and senators continued
to waffle about the Six Thousand. That Six
figure had however a certain magic, a
redolence, a je ne sais quoi about
it. I
have often been criticized, most recently
by Prof Richard Evans (right) in
his 'expert evidence" to the High Court in
London, for refusing to accept as final
the interim figures assessed for the
February 13, 1945 Dresden deathroll by the
police chief in his report of March 15,
1945. I pointed out that it was impossible
for example to quantify the numbers of
victims that had contributed to a layer of
human ash found in some shelters, and I
added that barely five weeks after the
raids was far too early for the Dresden
police to arrive at anything approaching a
final tally. [See the trial transcripts:
e.g. Day 13, Feb
1, 2000, pages 77, 158; Day 19,
14, page 163]
In the eyes of Judge Charles
Gray, Evans's academic pearls of
wisdom outranked my commonsense remarks.
Now here we have the modern City of New
York, which has a disaster area only a
fraction the size of the Dresden disaster,
with only one fiftieth as many victims,
still unable to agree on a final tally,
give or take an error margin of fifty per
cent, in peacetime, ten weeks after the
giant buildings, which housed meticulously
run offices and organizations, came down.
In Dresden there were a million unknown,
unidentified refugees that night in 1945,
with nobody left to report them
THERE is of course another consideration:
the Six Thousand figure has been used to
justify a war conducted on a horrendous
scale, with the use of high flying,
out-of-reach, B52 bombers, cluster bombs,
and Tomahawk cruise missiles, against the
innocent Afghan people. That is possibly
why the figure has been stubbornly
propagated until now.
Looking at all the lying going on over
the World Trade Center I am reminded of
The Daily Telegraph's reporter
David Bamber who stated two weeks
ago that Osama bin Laden had now
"admitted", in a taped interview with
Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, to
being behind the September 11 attacks and
to having personally threatened the lives
of Tony Blair the Blessed, and
President George W Bush. Ho-hum. Believe that if you will, but
nowhere in the article did bin Laden
actually say these things. The headline
IT, but in the interview he states
only his view that the Twin Towers were
"legitimate targets", that the killers
were " blessed by Allah," etc. At no time
did he admit to anything, except to
say, "Every time they kill us, we kill
them." We now begin to understand President
Bush's desire to see Bin Laden killed out
of hand -- what used to be called
lynch-law -- rather than captured and
brought before an ordinary criminal
court. There has been some hard lying going
on, and I fear it is not over
yet. Relevant items on
this website:
Knight of Australia is also dubious
about that alleged Osama bin Laden