Johannesburg, South Africa, October 21,
is denied entry
Wellington - THE New Zealand
government yesterday confirmed it would not allow
British historian David Irving,
infamous for
denying that the Holocaust
occurred, to enter the
Irving comments:
A GREAT example of how
the international press, with just a
little help from our friends, can get
things wrong.
It again shows
the New Zealand regime's bad faith, in
law: mala fides: insisting that I
must make an application, but deciding it
already without considering its merits,
even before it is lodged.
The remark about
community relations is also revealing. My
last two visits to NZ caused no harm to
such relations whatever. The harm to
relations is being caused by the
activities of the tiny NZ minority, less
than one-tenth of one percent of the
country's population, which is once again
dictating terms to Helen Clark.
What is the hold they have over her? Silly
me, I forgot.
Note to the lying statement: "Irving
. . . was deported from a fellow
Commonwealth country, Canada, in November
1992, after refusing to leave the country
when directed."
This is a travesty.
(a) I did leave Canada on 0ctober 29/30,
1992, before the date agreed (November 1)
as our witnesses and official records
proved; and I then returned lawfully (b)
when I nevertheless again attempted to
leave Canada two hours before the due
hour, midnight on November 1/2, 1992, the
Canadian immigration officials asked the
US to return me to the Canadian end of the
bridge on a pretext, and thus claimed that
technically I had not left.
That is how these
traditional enemies of historical truth
operate: friends in high places; a lot of
money, as witness the Six Million Dollar
Smear (the Lipstadt Trial); fake
passports; assassinations; camouflage
attacks on their own graveyards to whip up
sympathy and rage; and a worldwide network
of accomplices, ready to act at the drop
of a hat -- and then to drop hats and
everything else, and to flee mit Sack
und Pack to "that sh*tty little
country in the Middle East" when the host
country gets too hot for them (like
David Zwartz's buddy Peter
Resnick, in the appalling passports
Irving, stopped from boarding a
flight to Auckland from Los Angeles last month, was
reported as threatening legal action to overturn
the ban, which prevents him from accepting an
invitation to a speaking engagement in
New Zealand laws deny Irving the six-month visa
granted to most British people because he was
deported from a fellow Commonwealth country,
Canada, in November 1992,
after refusing to leave the
country when directed.
He could be given a special dispensation to
enter New Zealand, but a spokesperson for Prime
Minister Helen Clark (above) said it would
not be granted. Clark said last month there would
be no exception for "someone whose views are
damaging good relationships in the community" and
the spokesperson said the government's position had
not changed.
Irving's plan to visit New Zealand caused an
outcry in July
[2004] when
Jewish graves were desecrated in two Wellington
cemeteries, prompting the parliament to pass a
resolution deploring anti-Semitism and all forms of
The graveyard attacks followed the jailing of
two suspected Israeli secret service spies in
Auckland for trying to obtain false New Zealand
Irving has also been refused entry to Germany
and Australia. - Sapa-DPA

Our file on the NZ ban on
Mr Irving
Our file on the
Canadian "deportation" affair
FAQ on the background to
the ban