Documents on the International Campaign for Real History
Posted Saturday, October 25, 2008
© Focal Point 2008
I suspect that upon meeting me they felt I was not the raving lunatic they needed.
October 22, 2008 (Wednesday)
Windsor (England)A WOMAN has finally written to me who can fluently read the shorthand notes on the Heinrich Himmler documents I have.
"I can read it," she tells me. "Shorthand is like handwriting. People write it differently but Himmler wrote a very nice shorthand."
October 24, 2008 (Friday)
Windsor (England)At 11:45 a.m. Del C. of Celebrity Big Brother phones me to say that the producers have decided not to invite me to participate in their January 2. 2009 series after all. [SEE LINKS - Sept 30, Oct 7]. I had written them diffidently two or three days ago, after our meeting at the Kensington Hilton, requesting an early decision, as I cannot hold the month open for them much longer; I thank him for their courtesy in telling me so swiftly.
Doing live, or nearly live, television is always a huge attraction, and the fee would have been nice, but not the, um, attendant difficulties.
Still, I wonder who put the "NO" stamp on it and why? I suspect that upon meeting me they felt I was not the raving lunatic they needed. Just as well. If they want a major liar and blame-denier, they ought perhaps to choose Professor Richard "Skunky" Evans.
David Irving