wonder if Britain will be any safer in the
hands of this man? In the land of the
blind, the one-eyed man is king, they

23, 2007 (Wednesday) Warsaw
(Poland) BACK to London today. . . Canada wants
fingerprints. Now, how on earth can a normal
citizen get his fingerprints taken, short of
busting a shop window? May
24, 2007 (Thursday) London
(England) BACK to Trafalgar Square, then to Savile Row
police station; they inform me fingerprinting can
only be done by Scotland Yard, by appointment, and
give me a (wrong) phone number there. Briefly into
the Burlington arcade to order new brown shoes. B.
tells me a man behind her in a supermarket said,
"You are certainly well preserved," which she took
as a compliment, then analysed its portent.
(Perhaps he knew her from years ago, I shall tell
her.) May
25, 2007 (Friday) London
(England) WE are now in the thick of home hunting all over
again, and we are certainly considering living
outside London as an alternative. Jessica's school
is in London, which is a major obstacle. I do not
want her to change schools again. As for Himmler,
I am slowly grinding on, halted at the moment by
[...] I am going through the hoops -- right
now, I have to get a set of fingerprints for the
Canadian government so they can confirm I have no
criminal record there. What else will these
geniuses think up?
B. "has bad news", she announces (I wish people
would not do that). Scotland Yard cannot run the
fingerprints until June 2, but I leave the UK on
June 1 for a while. This is a serious snag and I do
not see a way round it. They say they are inundated
as foreign employers now all call for
26, 2007 (Saturday) London
(England) JESSICA comes at 1 pm and we look in agency
windows in Mayfair. One bit of good news: Sussex
Police in Brighton confirm they can do my
fingerprints during the coming week. May
27, 2007 (Sunday) London
(England) I
WRITE to Dr Herbert Schaller, right,
my successful lawyer in Vienna, before breakfast,
to get something off my mind:
Ausgang der beiden Prozesse Zündel und
Rudolf war ja zu erwarten, Sie haben aber nach
wie vor tapfer gekämpft und können
nicht alles wie bei mir gewinnen, wenn auch ich
wegen der Inhaftierung etwa 300.000 euro
eingebüßt habe -- verlorene Wohnung
und Eigentümer, Verträge, Flugkarten
USA, usw.Ich
schreibe Ihnen heute allerdings in der alten
Gelegenheit, Burschenschaft Olympia". Von
dem Jura-Studenten Christoph V."
habe ich seit der Trennung vor dem Studentenhaus
kein Wörtchen gehört; merkwürdig
stimmte schon damals, daß als ich ihn eine
Stunde später anrief - er war ja angeblich
in Gewahrsam - er sein Handy noch bei sich hatte
und benutzen dürfte! ... Er hat auf keinen
Brief geantwortet, und ich neige nunmehr zu der
Ansicht, er war überhaupt kein echter
Student, und die ganze Sache wurde ja nur von
den Behörden vorgetäuscht, um mich aus
irgendeinem Anlaß nach Wien
hereinzulocken. Genau
diese Befürchtung habe ich jetzt gebildet
in dem anderen Fall, als ich im Sommer 1993 zu
einem Vortrag vor Studenten in München
eingeladen wurde - von einem gewissen Stephan
W., einem Freund des berüchtigten
Ewald Althans. Bei dem ausgemachten
Treffpunkt, im Möwenpick am Stachus,
erschienen allerdings nicht die Studenten -- was
bei mir erst jetzt einleuchtet! -- sondern die
Staatspolizei mit Ausweisungsbefehl und, so
vermute ich, auch einem Haftbefehl, zu dessen
Ausführung es nicht mehr kam, da ich
rechtzeitig, Unbill witternd, verduftete. Der
einladende Student damals hieß Stefan W.;
seine Hände waren immer naß beim
Händedruck: ekelhaft, wie er vor Angst
immer schwitzte. Althans
entpuppte sich später als bezahlter
Verfassungsschutz-Spitzel, der Stefan war es
wohl auch. Traurig, daß die Demokratien
mit solchen Typen und Methoden arbeiten
müssen. Ich
bin immer noch ohne Wohnung -- die alte ging ja
nach meiner Inhaftierung verloren -- wir hoffen
aber im Laufe des Sommers unter Dach zu
kommen. Wednesday I shall go with Jessica to Brighton;
she is on half-term, and I have to get police
fingerprints to send to Canada... It all costs a
fortune and it is very, very silly. Scotland Yard
in London was too busy to do the fingerprints so I
have to travel down to Brighton. I write all evening until 11 pm on Sobibor
for the Himmler
biography. It will need trimming. May
28, 2007 (Monday) London
(England) I
AM still a little worried about that
Höfle intercept. It does seem to have been
discovered at a most convenient time in the Great
2.6.07: A reader informs me today that Hermann
Höfle worked after the war for the American
CIC, and actually killed himself on August 21, 1962
in the same prison building in which I was held
until last December in Vienna].
More work on typing up the
handwritten memoirs all evening -- the
Sikorski scandal. May
29, 2007 (Tuesday) London
(England) BY train to Brighton with Jessica, the tickets
cost £18 in total, very good. Brilliant
sunshine on the south coast. Jessica chats
garrulously all the way. Taxi to the police
station, ten pounds. Sixty pounds fee for the
fingerprints I need for the Canada police check. We
eat disgusting seafront food, soak up sunshine in
the sunny windy weather, and Jessica prances off
down the pebble beach for a while. We catch the
5:49 train back to Victoria Station, studying house
and real estate magazines for southern England; not
much is for rent. Jessica is real fun to be with,
and hoity-toity sometimes. She constantly reports
back to B. her movements by cellphone, which is
very impressive. A pleasing day out and all
missions accomplished. May
30, 2007 (Wednesday) London
(England) I SEND this letter to my old law firm Frank
& Co, whom I had to fire while in was held
captive in Vienna: You
are holding my files on my claim against DLA /
Baker Tilly. ... You indicated that you do not
believe your firm let me down in my absence in
prison. The less said about your partner Mr S.
and the reasons for his complete inactivity
therefore the better... I consider your final
account was in the circumstances
disproportionate, as you know. (Only later did I learn that their Mr S. had
decided to change into Mrs S. during these months,
and was undergoing the necessary surgery.) And then
people ask me why I don't like to use professional
I WRITE to the Manager of the Royal Parks: "I would
like to commission a memorial bench in memory of my
daughter Josephine, to be placed in Grosvenor
Square; is this possible? She lived a few yards
away in Duke Street from 1968 and she played as a
child and often spent her hours in the Square."
1, 2007 (Friday) London
(England) -- Z. (Belgium) THE Cockney cabby chats with me for the fifteen
minutes to Waterloo station, and I clock up yet
another Englishman who never asked to invade Iraq,
and never asked to be immigrated into either. So
much for "democracy". Today's Daily
Telegraph has an Op-Ed article, which suggests
that that newspaper has also woken up and smelt the
Black coffee, though it puts it
ever-so-delicately. At Waterloo station, I board the 7:42 am express
to Brussels-Midi. Steely white mercury vapour lamps
light the platform. It looks like the setting for
the final shoot-out in a Jerry Bruckheimer
film. The lighting in the Vienna Josefstadt prison
was positively warm and girly in comparison. The
fare is only £29.50, which is impressive; less
impressive the airport-style baggage checks, and
total body search by a very intrusive security
guard before we are even allowed onto the
platform. The usual eight words from me: "We have Israel
to thank for all this." That sh*tty little country, to quote again the
former French ambassador, is becoming the most
hated in the world. Over a hundred thousand British
university lecturers are again organizing a boycott
of that country's "academics". Their Israeli
opponents are squealing about free speech. I understand; uh, no, I don't. Given the way
that our democracy works, it is about all that
ordinary people can do, short of hiring planes and
unemployed bomber pilots (for leafleting missions
only, of course: like Neville Chamberlain's
RAF in 1939).
THE train gradually picks up speed as we leave
London, and is finally gliding through the
countryside at 300 km an hour. Through the Channel
Tunnel for the first time. There is no sensation of
speed at all, and we lose all sense of where we
are, England, France, or Belgium.
For the time being it is Little England, because
unfortunately there are ten or fifteen office
workers in the rows directly in front of me, mostly
English females in their thirties, of the
binge-drinker sort, on a business outing to
Belgium; their "team leader" is standing in the
aisle for most of the trip putting her team loudly
through tests and games of some unintelligible
sort. The train slips into the tunnel almost
unannounced, and emerges into France twenty-five or
thirty miles later. Quite a memorial to Margaret
Thatcher's years in power -- although it has
its downside, the rats and other immigrants of
dubious quality trickling from one country into the
other. It compares well with the "achievements" of
Mr Tony Blair and his loathsome gang of
stunted dwarfs. John H. is waiting for me and drives me over to
his recording studio first, a glittering and
impressive complex, behind a very unprepossessing,
rusting, slaughterhouse-type façade. His son
John, and grandson, also John, are introduced to
me. A vegetarian health snack there, then we drive
on to Z., arriving around midday. We
talk about Gordon Brown (right) and
John mentions the odd chin-swallowing tic that our
blessed future prime minister has. So he has
spotted it too.
"He seems to be getting it under control," says
John, but I comment that the entire British press
has so far been too decent to comment on it, even
as they very decently overlooked his little blunder
a few years back, secretly selling off four hundred
tons of Britain's Gold reserves when the market had
just hit bottom and was about to rebound. I
remarked on his facial tic some years back, and
wondered what a clinical psychiatrist would have to
say about it. Certain brain defects, excesses of dopamine for
example, generate uncontrollable tics like this. At
Question Time, while everybody else was usually
looking at the prime minister, I used to watch
Brown, sitting next to him: he displayed the most
remarkable grimaces and body movements, with
flailing arms and shifting positions, that again
suggested something odd was happening. I wonder if Britain will be any safer in the
hands of this man? In the land of the blind, the
one-eyed man is king, they say. Leg hurting; the prison muscle-damage has still
not repaired. John H. walks a lot, an amazing
display of vigor for a man of 79. I buy a Telenet
Internet card to use a neighboring hotel's WiFi for
one hour, as there are no Internet cafes in this
town; it costs ten euros ($15); it doesn't work. So
I pay twenty euros for 24 hours' subscription to
Telenet Belgium. This is getting ridiculous. Then I
find that Telenet does not recognize my existing
T-Mobile UK subscription here, although under the
agreement terms it should. Online finally around 8:20 pm. Ars
Polona claim to have paid money back to my account
on May 30. Yes, right. After the Warsaw press
started calling them! 9:15 p.m I phone B. from a phone box, next to a
life-sized statue of a naked man piddling into the
fountain below; what an odd sense of humor the
Belgians have. She says that the Bolger legacy has
been transferred to us, the confirmation came in
the same post as a school fees bill for Jessica
which, as expected, exactly wipes it out. [Previous
Radical's Diary]  Donate
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reader writes about Gordon Brown's tic
Scheitern des »kleinen
Eichmann-Prozesses« in Österreich: 21.
August 1962: Selbstmord des Salzburger
SS-Sturmbannführers Hermann Höfle im
Wiener Straflandesgericht
writes on Sunday, June 3, 2007: "You ask what a
clinical psychologist would say about brown's tic -
what about brown's finger nails, bitten down to the
quick? Surely the soon to be crowned pm must know
that nails chewed with such ferocity say an awful
lot about the chewer. Doesn't brown have the self
discipline to stop his neurotic