of Deborah Lipstadt harass Mr Irving as he enters the
appeal court for the hearing in June
(Photo: The
Guardian) David Irving vs Penguin Books &
draft document bookis now available
as a Free
(fully illustrated .pdf)In
June 2001 David Irving went to the Court of Appeal
against Gray J's perverse Judgment in the libel
action. First he had to ask the court's permission to
appeal, as Gray J had refused permission. For the first months of 2001 Mr
Irving prepared a document book which would assist
counsel and the new solicitors, Amhurst, Brown,
Colombotti, in the event that the appeal was allowed
(it was not). The document book was never finished,
but it goes some way toward answering the allegation
raised by Penguin's defence team and their highly paid
experts that Mr Irving had distorted or manipulated
historical evidence.
Instructions: download the
compressed file, expand it (using StuffIt Expander),
and read or print it with Acrobat Reader -- get it
from the same menu. Note: some servers will not
permit large downloads. [The
Lipstadt Action][How
to order Mr Irving's
pay for these downloads]
us of any problems with this
download] |