if he thought the revised
accounting for murders in
Belzec would fuel Holocaust
denial, Witte said Holocaust
deniers have always
concentrated on
JTA Wednesday, January 16,
2002 Unearthed
Nazi documents shed light on Holocaust
deaths By Toby Axelrod BERLIN, Jan. 15 (JTA) --
Documents that have
gathered dust in British archives for more
than half a century reveal long-hidden
information about the Holocaust, two
researchers say. The two published their findings in the
latest edition of the journal Holocaust
and Genocide Studies, which is
co-published by the Oxford University
Press and the Washington-based U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum. According to authors Stephen
Tyas of England and Peter Witte
of Germany, the recently declassified and
decoded Nazi radio dispatches
"for the first time" show the Nazis' own
accounting of the numbers of Jews killed
in 1942 in four Nazi camps. In that year, a total of 1,274,166 Jews
were killed in the extermination camps of
Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, as well as
in the Majdanek concentration camp. The decoded document
that 24,733 were killed in Majdanek,
434,508 in Belzec, 101,370 in Sobibor
and 713,555 in Treblinka
in 1942. The information was broadcast in coded
messages from occupied Lublin, Poland, on
Jan. 11, 1943. Tyas
and Witte studied two messages.
- One, which was not completely
recorded by British intelligence
agents, was addressed to a SS Lt.
Col. Eichmann
in Berlin.
- The second message, sent five
minutes later by SS Maj. Hermann
Hoefle, a staff member of the SS
and police leader in Lublin, to SS
Lt. Col. Heim, deputy commander of
the SS and the SD in Krakow, Poland, is
"much more complete," the authors
The documents indicate a lower number
of deaths in Belzec for 1942 than previous
estimates. Asked if he thought the revised
accounting for murders in Belzec would
fuel Holocaust denial, Witte said, "Holocaust deniers have always
concentrated on Auschwitz.
They never dealt with the Reinhardt
camps. They do not exist for them. And
there is no doubt that in those camps
more were killed all together than in
Auschwitz." Historians
agree that about 1 million people,
mostly Jews, were killed in Auschwitz. Adding the new Belzec figure to totals
for the other camps published in the
latest edition of The Holocaust: A
Short History by German historian
Wolfgang Benz, the result is a
total of 1,644,508 Jews killed in the
Reinhardt camps and in Majdanek during
their years of operation. One German historian, Wolfgang
Scheffler, appears to have come
remarkably close to the revised Belzec
figure back in 1973, when he gave an
estimate of 441,442. In any case, the total for the four
camps matches a known number from a 1943
report by Richard
Korherr, statistician to SS head
Heinrich Himmler, Tyas said. "The radio telegram should be
seen as an extremely condensed balance
sheet of Einzatz Reinhardt," the Nazi
code name for this complex of camps,
which "was subsequently incorporated
into the Korherr Report," the authors
wrote, "though the Korherr Report left
out the numbers for each camp." Since Korherr's report "was typed up on
'the Führer's' typewriter, with big
print because Hitler was short-sighted,
this document adds to our understanding"
of the "channels of communication about
the 'Final Solution,' leading to 'the
Fuhrer' himself," Tyas said.
THE documents, held at the Public Record
Office in Kew, England, provide both a
closer look at the Nazi chain of
information and at their original
accounting of mass murders.
Looking at the numbers is "horrible,
and yet it's necessary for the historical
record," said Holocaust historian
Lipstadt, director of the
Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory
University in Atlanta, and
a member of the
journal's editorial advisory
board. Lipstadt noted that historians have
corrected the record over the years and
will likely continue to do so, "in the
spirit of good historical research and not
in the spirit of denial." Holocaust historian Christopher
Browning of the University of
North Carolina, who
sits on the
journal's editorial board, said the
numbers are "important in confirming the
accuracy of Scheffler's earlier estimates
made for court proceedings in
Germany." Tyas and Witte are
experts in Holocaust history, though
neither has a doctoral degree in
history. Tyas, born in 1947, is a businessman
who lives outside of London. Witte, 56, is a former teacher who has
seriously pursued his interest in World
War II history since illness forced him to
stop teaching. After England declassified the decoded
radio messages in 2000, Tyas pored over
700 pages of thin rice paper "looking for
key words. You can't take in all the
messages, so you look for key words or
numbers." When he saw the number 1,274,166, he
"recognized that the final total was the
same as in the Korherr Report." But he had
never seen the breakdown before. "Stephen found the document and
contacted me," said Witte, 56, who lives
in Germany. "I said, 'This is astounding.
It may be a crucial document.' " Witte has worked behind the scenes on
Holocaust-related books and documentary
films, including a recent, six-part BBC
program on the Nazis. He was a consultant
[*] to the
team defending Lipstadt against David
Irving, the British Holocaust denier
who sued
Lipstadt for libel and lost in
2000. ©
JTA. Relevant
items on this website:
of the actual intercept
by Peter Witte in Die Zeit revealing
his discovery: "... zusammen 1274166"
"Der Funkspruch des
SS-Sturmbannführers Hermann
Höfle liefert ein
Schlüsseldokument des
Holocaust" (in German)
Peter Witte kommentiert den Beginn des
Judenmords in Polen
Dienstkalender Heinrich Himmlers
on the Wehrmachtsausstellung: Those
fake photos (again)
Korherr denies (in a 1977 letter to Der
Spiegel) that his report referred to
Jews being killed
note Wednesday,
January 16, 2002 Our special correspondent
Weir notes: "The figure 1,274,166 appears
in the Korherr report as those
Jews deported/evacuated from
occupied Poland (Government
General with Lemberg) not those
Jews who had been killed. Korherr
tabulates deaths over births and
emigration in other columns. I am
willing to wager that the
GC&CS German Police Section
documents cited, but not quoted,
here do not state explicitly that
the Jews sent to the Reinhardt
camps were killed there. Note
that the article uses the word
"indicates" which may well
indicate that Browning, Lipstadt,
et al. are once again using their
own magic decoder rings." David Irving adds:
"Peter Witte has confirmed to us
that he did not in fact
act as a consultant to the
Lipstadt team. The copy of the
Korherr Report in our possession
was not typed on the large-face
Führer typewriter, though
other statistical reports by
Korherr were." [See
also Korherr's later report on
Jewish influence in the Soviet
Union]. |