(Source: Allen Dulles
papers, Seeley Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton,
box 37, file 1; no changes except for minor
spelling corrections and the insertion of paragraph
breaks.) Posted
Sunday, January 14, 2007
YORK 22, N.Y. [dated ca 1946?] Mr. Allen W. Dulles - 48 Wall Street
- New York City.
Dear Allen :- The other day we discussed the question what
kind of the species "human being" Carl
Langbehn actually was. I told you that my old friend Professor F.
Pringsheim, eminent man of law at the
University of Göttingen, now at Oxford
England, - by the way he received a call from the
University of Freiburg i.Br. which he is
considering, - knew Langbehn. When I wrote him that
Langbehn's widow wanted to get out of Germany with
her children and go to her father who is a
"Foreign-German" [Auslandsdeutsche]
living in Argentina, 80 years old, - Pringsheim
volunteered a statement on Langbehn which I believe
is rather illuminating. I enclose a copy which may help you to form an
opinion on the personality. I am looking forward to our luncheon, intended
for next week, very much. Sincerely Paul
Kempner [Handwritten:]
The advantage of
reports of this kind obviously is to give you
more of the personal backgrounds and touches
of this "conspirator" world; thereby lifting
the level of your book into the more refined
spheres. Tat is why &endash; without knowing
the book, - I ventured to recommend that you
send Wolfgang over once more to get some more
subtle knowledge together. I can give many
hints as to who knew whom intimately, but I
did not myself know these men well enough so
as to supply what otherwise would be my
greatest pleasure to supply. P A K

Heinrich Himmler
statement on Langbehn
Gaevenitz to
Allen Dulles, Jul 12, 1946