Affidavit made
by Paul Leffler on April 24, 1946 [Website
note: Leffler joined the SD on Jun 15, 1932, and
from Mar 15, 1933 until his resignation on Mar
31, 1936 he was dienstältester
Abteilungsleiter. After in April 1934 the SD
moved to Berlin for good, he was the
dienstältester Amtschef of the
SD-Hauptamt. See
too his second affidavit] I. Person. [That paragraph deals
minutely with the place and positions which Leffler
held. If you are interested in it, I shall
translate it later on M K Sh.!] II. Subject [zur
Sache]. In the first half of the
year 1932 -- as far a I remember in April --
Heydrich who had worked in the Navy in the
news section [
Nachrichtendienst] was ordered by
Himmler to establish and organize a
Nachrichtendienst of the Party, the SD
(Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service). Until
September 1932 Heydrich's main activity consisted
of winning and engaging personal co-operators (?)
throughout the whole Reich. The general SS was held
to guide and help him. But Heydrich alone decided
as to the engagement. It was out of question to
order any member of the general SS against their
will. On Sept 11 1932, the first meeting of these
Außenstellenleiter (the heads of these
offices throughout the Reich) of the whole Reich
and of those who were to work in the central office
which was to be in München, took place in
München, and Himmler and Heydrich took part in
it. In their inauguration speeches they outlined
and assured us, that the SD was to become the
intelligence center, which was to gather and judge
and give the opinion on the aims, methods and plans
of the inner political opponents, based on true,
slander proof material, and to report to the
Führer and Party headquarters and later on the
NS Government, everything worthwhile, knowing, that
it was to become an institution like the
[British] Intelligence Service or the
[French] Deuxième Bureau. Again and
again the[y] put the stress on their
intention to employ only men with faultless
character. There was not as much as a hint in their
speeches which implied the idea that the SD aimed
at criminal or illegal aims or purposes, or that it
was to be misused to actions that could be called
criminal or that were directed against humanity. To
the contrary, they appealed (?) again and again to
the best and noblest instincts in man. Everybody
could not but have the impression hat they were
absolute in earnest about what they said. The first
fellow-workers who mostly advanced quickly to
higher posts were engaged by Heydrich personally,
after a thorough examination [vetting
process] and investigation which included also
the wife and the whole family. Later on, at least
until 1936, each personal file of the newly engaged
had to be presented (?submitted, handed in?) to
him, and he approved of it only after a thorough
investigation(of the photos too). Until 1933 the branch "Political Opponents" of
the SD dealt primarily with the Marxist parties,
especially the KPD. It also dealt with other
question, for instance, the development of and the
currents in the Arbeitsdienst, which at that
time was a rather loosely organised institution. A
larger report suggesting to put the
Arbeitsdienst under the direction of the SA
was handed in to Röhm, then head of the
common SS and consequently the head of the SD. This
plan however was never carried out. The police and the Justice(?) of the State of
that time would have done everything but cover any
-- even in the slightest degree -- criminal or
illegal action of the SD, the Party being at that
time the strong opponent of the Government. The
police kept a close watch on the SD, you may be
sure, but no illegal action could be stated, a fact
which is a proof in itself. This also applies to
the time after 1933, the SD being excluded from any
executive function, any surpassing of the limits or
any illegal action would have called for immediate
interference of the police. Before 1933 the SD had to be carried on on
hardly believably small means, which were available
only now and again.
[The SD was always
hard up] and their allowances did
not [line
the source of this stopped working
professionally for the SD from 1.3.33 -- 15.3.33
only because the financial situation of the SD
became worse and worse until the National
Socialists took over the government
[Machtübernahme] which took
place in Prussia on January 30, and in Bavaria on
March 5, [1933]. The fees [wages]
that were paid to the workers of the SD were
extraordinarily low. The writer of this who had to
keep a family of wife and two children and who had
to live in another town than his family was paid
150-RM a month in 1932. In the years 1933/34 he was
paid 350-RM monthly and had a separation allowance
of 150 RM the month. When on March 31, 1936 he left
the SD for good in the rank of Amtschef his income
had been raised to 700-RM the month. So the payment
would certainly not have tempted anyone to work
professionally for the SD. Soon after the
Machtübernahme the economic and
business life prospered in such a way in the Reich
that it offered much better possibilities for
highly qualified workers, especially for instance
for engineers like myself, I being Dipl. Ing.. This
fact might prove too that the members of the SD
were won over by ideal reasons and not be appeal to
criminal instincts. While until the Machtübernahme the
SD was little known, though it was no secret
organisation, it became more generally known after
it. The professional members were ordered to wear
their SS uniforms with the well known SD sign on
the left forearm, while in office. In accordance
with Himmler's and Heydrich's declarations made in
the beginning, the SD received no executive
functions after the Machtübernahme The
executive function stayed with the political police
of the different countries (Länder). While
Himmler bow. Heydrich took over the Bavarian Police
in 1933 (Himmler had become President of the
Bavarian Police, which comprised several sections
[rest of line missing] and Heydrich had
become head of the Bavarian political police)
Himmler was made chief of the Geheime Staatspolizei
by Hitler only in October or November 1934, the Ge
Sta Po being the organisation into which the
political police of all the Länder had been
gathered (?). Heydrich became chief of the Gestapo
office in Berlin, and after Himmler had been made
chief of the German police Heydrich became
[overall] chief of the Gestapo. The SD and
the Gestapo worked entirely independently from each
other, they were only united in so far as Heydrich
was the chief of both institutions. When Himmler
gave SS uniforms to a part of the Gestapo officials
they had to wear a small silver cord round the sign
of the SD. This difference was abolished later on
thought the difference of work and function of
these two institutions was strictly kept. But this
led many people, who were not acquainted with real
facts, to mix up SD and Gestapo. After the Machtübernahme the central
SD office moved from München to Berlin, but
already in April it moved back to München now
under the name of SD Amt, and had its offices there
in a floor of the house Leopoldstrasse 10. From
March 15, 1933 until March 31, 1936 the undersigned
was the dienstältester
Abteilungsleiter. And when in April 1934 the SD
moved to Berlin for good, he was the
dienstältester Amtschef of the
SD-Hauptamt. This SD-Hauptamt must not be mixed up
with the Reichssicherheitshauptamt which during the
war united in one organization those parts of the
SD-Hauptamt which kept up their work with the
central offices of the Gestapo and the criminal
police. But again their independence from each
other was strictly kept up. -- There was no change
as to the way of working in the section "political
opponents" after the Machtübernahme.
Reports were made to the central offices about
illegal unions or confederacies and the development
of the mental connections in this respect. The SD
did nothing but report. Any personal "case" was
left to the resp. political police who had to
investigate it. For the time that the undersigned belonged to
the SD it would be wrong to accuse the SD of
fighting the Church. Almost every member of the SD
belonged to a Church -- for instance in 1935 the
undersigned had his youngest child christened by
the evangelic church and his superiors would not
have expected otherwise -- and they would not have
understood any prosecution in resp to faith or
religion, the more so as they took trhe
declarations as to freedom of religion that were
given by their superiors absolutely earnest. When
in 1935 in Nürnberg in a speech Hitler
met the accusations of certain circles as to the
positive importance of the Christian development of
Germany, which was begun under the reign of any by
Karl der Grosse, and showed the essential
importance of Christianity for the union of the
Reich, they felt themselves strengthened in their
opinion. Only when gradually the church developed a
hostile opposition to the state by politically
opposed intentions, and open accusations of leading
persons the SD had to report about the mental
development in church life in the same way as it
reported about the intentions and the movements of
unions that were strictly opposed to the church as
for instance the Tannenberg Bund which constantly
accused leading persons of the State and the Party
of being dependants of Rome. Never have executive
measures been combined with this work. The work of the SD as shown above must be taken
for characteristic examples and must show how
impossible it was for its members to get the idea
that the SD could have [half line missing]
or might be used for purposes or action that might
be criminal or might violate or disregard the human
rights. To the contrary not only the members of the SD
but large parts of members of the Party and the
population looked upon the SD as the institution
which might bring about purification of the Party
from persons whose characters wanted integrity
especially as far as they held high posts. After
1933 trials in this respect have been made more
than once, and they were the tasks of the
undersigned. The results was that there developed
gradually a very strong tension between the
Stellvertreter of the Führer, the Gauleiters,
Kreisleiter, and so on on the one hand, and
Himmler, Heydrich and the SD on the other, and many
members of the SD had to put up with unmerited
disadvantages and handicaps. For instance, ein
Außenstellenleiter in Bielefeld was
sentenced to four or six months imprisonment (the
sentence being evidently a misjudgement) on, as was
said, calumnious reports about irregularities in
the local political headquarters
[örtliche politische Leitung.]
A fellow-worker in Hamburg was arrested in the
office of the local SS branch by members of the
politic headquarters, was brought into the Town
hall, badly maltreated and released only after a
few days after energetic interventions; he was
treated in this way because he helped me in my
endeavors to clear up the reproaches that were held
against the gauleiter Kaufmann in Hamburg; I had to
make these inquiries at Himmler's request. Another
member of the SD Klagges Braunschweig
who had been a Vertrauensmann and later
on my successor as head of the branch office, was
maltreated and imprisoned for a hundred days,
because a report was found among his papers, which
was written by me. My report pointed out
irregularities and untenable conditions that had
occurred after the Machtübernahme besides
other items I had reported about the unworthy
treatment to which the former
Oberbürgermeister, who was Marxist, but an
honourable man, had been submitted
and had proposed to recall the NS Minister Klagges
of Braunschweig. At Klagges' request I was called
before the Oberste Parteigericht and accused
of having made the reports for personal reasons and
in order to gain personal advantages. The sessions
took months and months and I was able to prove
every paragraph of the accusation to be wrong. If I
had not been able to do so, I would have been put
into a concentration camp, as Himmler personally
told me. I received a reprimand on account of
utterances about Klagges which gave cause to
discontent in respect to form, and as Klagges
stayed in office being advanced now to
Ministerpräsident, I was not advanced
[promoted][ for a long time. During
this affair Heydrich always sustained (?) me
[backed me up] though this was not at al to
his advantage, for he ought to have been careful
not to have objections to persons that had as much
influence as Klagges had. (4) Otherwise this affair would surely have had
the worst consequences for me. From this way of
Heydrich's acting I could not but get the
conviction that Heydrich was willing to be as loyal
in his actions as he expected us to be. [Röhm
Putsch, 1934] As to the accusations that the SD took guilty
and responsible in part in the events of the 30th
of June 1934, I want to state: Directly after the Machtübernahme
conditions and states in the highest SA command,
many members of which were §175
[homosexual], had become unbearable. Daily
law and right was violated or broken, but as the
high SA leaders held the highest offices in the
administration as Oberpräsidenten and so on,
state means could not be applied. Delicts of
drunkenness and rude treatment happened again and
again. In the middle of June the undersigned was
ordered to make a report of the accusations against
the 7 or 8 most heavily accused SA leaders.,
Röhm who at that time was very careful was not
among them. At that time there was a certain
restlessness and discontent among the SA because
certain promises which had been made to the members
of SA could not be kept. (For example then SA as a
whole to become part of the Army.) but I did not
know anything about the intention of revolt
(Putschabsichten). Therefore there was not
as much as a s a hint in this respect in my report.
What so ever I came to know later on, there have
been no serious intentions of preparations to act
against the Führer forcibly. To be continued
Translation continued (5) To my later more exact knowledge of the facts
there have not been serious plans or preparations
to push aside (to put to death
the Führer. I don't know whether my report has
come into hands of persons superior to Himmler.
During the action against these supposed rebels
(Putschisten) who in the whole had gathered in
[Bad] Wiessee the SD-Amt in München
did nothing but forward reports or orders. The fact
that the Adolf Hitler Standarte was put into action
surprised us absolutely and was entirely
unexpected. The SD has noting whatever to do with
the death sentences that Hitler spoke and had
executed. No leading persons of the SD looked upon
the action of the 30th of June 1934 as a cleaning
process (Reinigungsprozeß) that had
become absolutely necessary and resulted in ridding
the state of people who did damage to the state.
there is the accusation of the international right
[law] being broken or violated by these
actions, the SD itself has nothing to do with it. I
do not know whether or in how far Heydrich had been
responsible for it. There took place several elections to the
Reichstag and some Volksabstimmungen during my time
of Abteilungsleiter and Amtschef in the
SD-Hauptamt. It is not known to me that ballots
were marked in order to find out people who voted
"no" or that orders to this purpose were issued. If
the SD as an organisation would have taken part in
such machinations, the results of these wuld have
gone through my hands. There can be no question of
my memory failing med in this respect, as I was
extremely interested in the question whether the
results of these votes, that were partly
unexpectedly favourable, had been received without
pressure on people or without correction. In case
that the affidavit made by Dr [Wilhelm]
Höttl in number I(g) in the accusation
indictment?] against the SD should
refer to a case before the 1.3.1936 it can refer
only to actions of single members of the SD, that
were committed out of their own initiative and
therefore undisciplined, or according to orders or
in co-operation with people or officers that did
not belong to the SD. As there became also soon known, irregularities,
faults and mismanagements among the politic leaders
of the Party (Politischen Führerkorps der
Partei) there came to us many reports referring
to these conditions, without our much asking for
them. This of course gradually intensified the
tension between the Politisches Führerkorps
and the SS, especially the SD. The Stellvertreter
des Führers [Hess] therefore
issued an order, perhaps giving way to the pressure
of some gauleiter, for us not to write any more on
reports concerning the Partei, and in case such
reports were handed in to the SD to forward them to
himself without any comments. Only at his request
were further inquiries into, or examinations of,
these cases to be made. But as far as I remember no
such requests have been made by him during my time
in the SD, though material of heavy import,
sometimes concerning prominent members of the
Party, was forwarded to him by me. And hardly ever
were there signs that these mismanagements were
mended by other means. And so my endeavor and only aim to help, that
unworthy and faulty persons were e[xc]luded
from the leadership of the Party, was rather
without success. Therefore in March 1936 I wrote to
Heydrich asking him to release me from my post as
Amtschef and to employ me outside the SD. In my
written explanation I said among reasons that to my
understanding (judgment?) (as far as I could judge
the situation) the open mismanagements in the
Parteiführung would increase the
already existing opposition to the Army and that
consequently there would have to come further
complications in a not very far future. My
dismissal was accepted. Himmler made me leader of a
Standarte of the Allgemeine SS and so employed in a
position which was not at all equal in rank to my
former position. Summarizing I can assure once more, based on my
activity in the SD from 1932-1936 and the thorough
knowledge of it, that for the mentioned time - The SD was no union of persons whose general
and common aim and purpose was to take part in
actions that might be called criminal.
- The membership in the SD was always based on
the free will of the persons and nobody was ever
forced to join it.
- Even the best-informed members of the SD
have never thought it possible that the purpose
of the SD could be or was to be an activity or a
taking part in actions that might be looked upon
as criminal.
I know that the purpose of this affidavit is to
be presented to the International Military Tribunal
as proof. It has been made known to me that I will
be punished if I make wrong statements. Kornwestheim, 24th of April 1946. |