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Photo: On April 27, 1945, three days before the end, and four days before his death, Martin Bormann writes a furious note attacking Heinrich Himmler for S.S. inactivity and his "treachery": one of the documents found (David Irving collection)

Index to the John Bradin documents on Bormann's last days

The Colonel John Bradin (US Army) collection: 22 pages of documents found on Bormann's desk in the Berlin bunker in July 1945 - pdf file, 2 MB | the first chapter of David Irving's biography, Göring, setting the documents in their context

  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to Gauleiter [Paul] Giesler: Führer has ordered arrest of Göring. Occupy Salzburg airfield to prevent escape.
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to SS Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Frank and Bredow [Obersalzberg]: Speer has meanwhile arrived here [i.e., Berlin].
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to Dönitz: Führer orders that Reich govt is not to fly from Holstein to Bavaria.
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to Bredow and SS Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Frank [Obersalzberg]: arrest Göring's male entourage; honourable arrest of Luftwaffe General [Karl] Koller.
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to Bredow: Führer wants response; have you arrested Lammers and other ministers? Arrest [Philipp] Bouhler too.
  • Göring to Ribbentrop, Apr 23, 1945 17:59: expects to succeed Hitler at midnight if no word from Führer by then.
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to SS Obersturmbannführer Frank, Obersalzberg: surround house of Göring and arrest "former" Reichsmarschall immediately.
  • Hummel [Obersalzberg] to Bormann Apr 25, 1945: finance requests from Obersalzberg and preparations to accommodate Reichsleiter Martin Bormann etc., and destroy materials and evacuate to Tyrol
  • SS Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Frank to Führer, Apr 23, 1945 23:44 hrs, reports Göring et al. under arrest
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann letter to Himmler, Apr 25, 1945, dictated to secretary Ilse Krüger: advises Himmler not to risk flying back in to Berlin, as Führer considers him too valuable; and comments on Göring's long-planned "treason".
  • Reichsleiter Martin Bormann to Staatsminister [Karl-Hermann] Frank, Prague, Apr 26, 1945, 20:25 hrs, ordering him to move govt to Salzburg if worse comes to worst.
  • Gauleiter Uiberreither to Reichsleiter Martin Bormann Apr 25, 1945 18:36 hrs asking Führer to order commanders minded to give up the fight to transfer command-authority to the Reichsverteidigungskommissar.
  • Gen d Inf Burgdorf (Chefadjutant der Wehrmacht) telex to Keitel, Dönitz, Himmler et al., Apr 26, 1945: Führer has appointed General Robert Ritter von Greim to C in C Luftwaffe and field marshal.
  • Handwritten draft memorandum by Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, M.M., April 27, 1945: savage recriminations against Himmler for inactivity of SS, and for interceding on behalf of Göring.
  • Copy of naval signal, Göring to Hitler, Apr 23, 1945, 0056: He will take over power if he does not hear from Hitler to the contrary by 10 pm.

"The Nazi decodes"

-- a 100-page selection by David Irving of secret messages passed from 1941 to 1945 between SS and other commanders, including latterly Martin Bormann and the gauleiters, and local police and SS commanders (in German; as decoded by British Intelligence)


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