From: Martin
Lally Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:27
PM Subject: Hayward/Fudge WE attach a comment
from Dr Thomas Fudge, in response to the
Council's decision to reject his
complaint over two matters: the
"book-burning" incident and the subsequent
directive from Professor Sharp to Dr Fudge
instructing him not to raise the issue in
his classes. This letter of comment is released with
the permission of Dr Fudge, and we hope
that it will assist people to form their
own view about these events. The Council's decision is also
attached, for your comparison. Should the
Council release any further statement on
this matter, we would also circulate
that. Committee for Action over the
Hayward/Fudge Events at the University of
Canterbury - Glenn Boyle, Professor of
Finance, University of Otago
- Martin Lally, Associate
Professor of Finance, Victoria
- Matthew Ryan, Senior
Lecturer in Economics, University of

Our dossier on the
Joel Hayward case
letter by Martin Lally to The
Listener article
University (NZ) Council passes two
resolutions in Sept 2003 rejecting
complaints by Dr Thomas Fudge of book
burning and loss of academic freedom in
Hayward Case | Dr
Fudge's letter of response to these
resolutions | letter
from Martin Lally's committee
circulating these items-